“When the time comes we will fight and win.” To this, my question is, what are you waiting for?

Jeff Berwick

TDV correspondent, Jim Karger’s article, “When They Come For Your Guns . . . You Will Turn Them Over” went viral this week.  Within minutes of its release it had tens of thousands of views, was picked up by dozens of other websites, had fueled an epic discussion in the comments section, resulted in numerous unsubscribes and Karger received two death threats.

Perhaps he touched a nerve?

We’ve now had time to read through many of the hundreds of emails… mostly telling us that we are cowards… and we will now take an opportunity to respond to some of the criticisms and commentary.


The greatest amount of responses were from what we would call neo-connish types.  They told us we were cowards and they accused of us “running” away from a fight – which they are correct… we did.  Both Jim Karger and myself left years ago – both to Mexico.  We saw this fight coming and wanted no part of it.  But, if you call us cowards then you have to also call your ancestors cowards.  Human history has been one of fleeing oppression.  It is highly likely that your great, great grandfather at one point looked around in a place like Europe and said, “well, that’s enough of that!  I’m outta here.”


Click here for a rebuttal to this article.

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