6000 Secret Patents

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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
6 months ago

The Whyfiles yt channel did a show on this topic. Any inventor that came up with 200+mpg cars, water powered cars, “free energy” devices, etc, and tried to patent those items…all died, and had their notes/equipment confiscated.
There are real “Gatekeepers”, and they treat us just like mushrooms.

6 months ago

Government does NOT exist to protect our freedoms and liberties as our delusional founding fathers expressed. It exists for the benefit of the elite, and as a “legal” means to inflict violence and force upon the citizens in whatever manner necessary to preserve their monopolies. Once you figure that out, the rest of it all becomes clear.

Al Bino
Al Bino
6 months ago

The State issues Licenses to those who want to engage in activity normally considered illegal.
The purpose of a US patent is to PREVENT the construction of new ideas.
EVERYTHING in the US is illegal. Selective enforcement means you must become a member of the State to receive citizen benefits: Soc Sec, driving, producing, LIVING!!
Why else convince the general public they have ‘civil rights’, as opposed to natural rights.

6 months ago

Google “Google patents”. It has sought to buy up even the most obsolete tech. The list of its patents is astronomical. Now, try to develop a better mouse trap without infringing. This was discovered while looking up the value of a 1958 fire extinguisher. Google bought all the patents on this.