I remember as a kid, New Years Eve was a time when our Church Youth Group would have a big get together and we’d stay up all night playin’ games inside and playin’ a huge game of tag/Hide and go seek in the woods outside. A couple of us were plannin’ on going into the military (this was between 13 and 17 and I was fortunate enough to serve with one of them in three different units), so the game in the woods became a huge stalking exercise. We’d finish out the morning by driving to the top of the mountain and watch the sun come up.
I sit here on the couch having just put my nine week old Son to bed and I am contemplating the last year, 2019. The birth of my third child was the highlight of this year, and thinking about a few more awesome events that have taken place, I realize how God has truly blessed me and mine.
Trying to keep a realistic perspective of my surrounding, I realize that their are many enemies to what I hold dear, stalking those of us who believe in things like God, Family, Rights and Country, and just waiting for a time to pounce.
There are so many situations on the edge of “POP!” right now, it’s hard to keep track. Everyone keeps talking about Virginia, and what’s going on there, so let’s discuss it. All I keep hearing is, “Everyone needs to show up there on Jan. 20th, to tell their Admin how we feel.” or, “If they want a fight, let it start with all the militias in Virginia.”. A few things come to mind when I hear all those forum and You Tube “Talkers” tellin’ people they need to go to Virginia. The first thought is, “Most who tell you that you should go, are not going. I know because I’ve asked many of them in comments. If they aren’t willing to go, why are they telling you that you should? Because everybody is saying it, that’s why.
h/t Matt Bracken
I’m a Virginian, I’m going to the long-scheduled annual 2A Lobby Day event at the capitol in Richmond, and I’m tired of hearing Matt Bracken espouse his conspiracy theories to scare away attendees, and I’m tired of Matt Bracken pontificating as an expert on all things Virginia. Yeah, we Virginians lost the governor’s mansion to a anti-2A Dem, and yeah, we Virginians just lost both the House and Senate to anti-2A Dem majorities. And yes, it’s largely our burden, at least we’re the ones most impacted the soonest. But “we” pro-2A Virginians did not promote unbridled immigration of Dem-voting immigrants, and “we” pro-2A Virginians didn’t cause court-ordered gerrymandering to help Dem candidates, and “we” pro-2A Virginians didn’t want the influx of Dem-voting transplants from NY, NJ, etc. But “we” pro-2A Virginians are not going to hide in our homes and neighborhoods and leave the dangerous new majorities to do as they please as if they exclusively own the freaking capitol. The anti-2A dem majorities may consider us yahoos and deplorables and hicks and Neanderthals, but “we” pro-2A Virginians are not afraid of exercising our freedoms to speak, assemble, and petition the government. We MUST try these peaceable constitutional remedies, before things go hot. If there’s a false flag, so be it. If there are shit-stirrers intent on generating bad PR, so be it. But I’m not hiding in the face of assault on my liberty and the liberty of my children. This is a peaceable annual 2A lobby day, not a planned riot. And if people from out-of-state want to join us, super, I welcome you. In 1775 when resistance arose in far-away Lexington and Concord Massachusetts, Virginians did not respond with “Screw ’em, it’s their problem, let’s not get involved, in fact, lets hide.”
I remember also that after the Revolution was won, Virginia paid back its share of the war debt. But Massachusetts did not. That debt was later forgiven in exchange for putting the new federal capital in the “South”. North Carolina did not secede with the other Southern states even thought the federal government embargoed the port of Wilmington. It was only when the federal government dictated that North Carolina raise an army to attack South Carolina that we seceded. An unConstitutional law was not heeded and this state suffered severely.
I have no doubt that Virginia will be well represented in Richmond on the 20th.
One extreme or the other, that is what so much comes down too.
And the extremest who only value their way of thinking.
i do not see where Bracken said or even alluded to screw em?
You and so many others just want to have it your way, and that is the only way. And whats more if it is to be so damn peaceful and is an “annual” event what is the big deal?
No comments?
So many do not want to see the simple Truths.
Thanks for posting this article, David. Realizing that while many things are “inevitable” We still have a choice where,when, and how to stand.
I commented right away, but it appears mine didn’t make the cut. Perhaps I was too hard on Matt Bracken. Ditto your comment.