A Warning to America

Any one of the long train of abuses is cause to stand up and destroy the evil which usurped our Republic.

David DeGerolamo

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7 months ago

Very shortly we will all have no choice but to stand up and eradicate the plague of evil people destroying our nation, and if we refuse to do anything then we will all be buried 6 ft. under along with our loved ones.

Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
7 months ago
Reply to  Phil

Very shortly? We should have started three years ago, hell 20 years ago.

7 months ago

You are right. but you always try for a better result over time and try peaceful means first then if all else fails then war it must be. Forget about 20 years ago it should have been done in the early 1970’s when our parents were living and lived thru the cia corrupted agency hearings and what they were doing. Even after the senate hearings in the 1970’s about this filthy crime ridden agency they were ordered to implement new changes which the senate ordered them to do, so they walked out of those hearings and stuck there middle fingers up at them all and never implemented a single change, instead they became progressively worse with there wicked acts of drug running, murder, blackmailing, terrorism, spying on the American citizens, etc., it’s one big mafia run operation or murder inc. if war is to begin this must be the first agency to be burned to death with there employees in the buildings where they commit there acts of treason.

The other Joe Blow
The other Joe Blow
7 months ago
Reply to  Phil

They won’t bother to bury you 6ft under. Expect to be bull dozed into a ditch or burnt.

7 months ago

When things go really hot I won’t be burying any of them as well, I am just going to eradicate them and burn there stinking putrid bodies and spread the ashes in a ditch.

I won’t be burying them as well,

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
7 months ago

Sums it up!

Joanna Martin
Joanna Martin
7 months ago

thanks, David! it’s amazingly good.

7 months ago

#26 weather warfare, geo engineering to depopulate.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
7 months ago
Reply to  Craig

Craig, thank you posting this. Populations can be under attack and not know it. Severe flooding one area, crippling drought in others. Both lead to crop failures. No food = no people.
Here in TN we became first state to pass a law banning solar radiation management. Keep speaking up. A seed gets planted. We do our best, God does the rest.

7 months ago

Excellent! Thank you, kindly.

7 months ago

It’s safe to say that all 5 pillars of society are broken therefore the USA falling is imminent.