Alex Jones to Piers Morgan: 1776 Will Commence Again If Guns Taken Away

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12 years ago

I’m listening to Alex J., on CNN 1/7/13 screaming at Piers Morgan. Alex, you hurt the cause of Liberty, and you disgrace the Constitution by going out of your way to look like a fricken kook. Dude, if I was the sheriff of your county, I’d try to get a court order to fricken take your guns. And I’m one of those that feel more comfortable when people open carry. Maybe we should call your sheriff and make him aware that you are a completely unhinged individual and should not have access to firearms? You probably work for your so called “NWO”. You have been playing us, haven’t you Alex J.? You are an idiot Alex J.

12 years ago

I have, on more than one occasion, blasted AJ for being a bully, AH, and many other choice words, but I will have to say, Piers Morgan ALSO fits those descriptions and I thoroughly enjoyed watching Jones go after Morgan.

12 years ago

January 19th is Gun Appreciation Day. Saturday. We do this like we supported Chic-Fil-A; maybe even revive the Rolling Tea party and visit ALL local gun stores on the 19th

Are you in? May be our last act of defiance before we have to go back to DC!