Another Opinion

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Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
1 year ago

What backs crypto? What basis is worth determined?

1 year ago


1 year ago

The spirit of Ponzi.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

There is no way to avoid a CW, obiden just avoided prosecution for stealing classified documents. This illegal regime has shredded the constitution and repeatedly stated half the country are terrorists and with his treasonous regard to our borders, should be jailed immediately and tried for treason. There is no law and justice, the DOJ and DHS are headed by treasonous criminals. It is a criminal government, congress and the senate are paving the road for them. TINVOWOOT.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago the 2nd amendment meant something.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Lets hope every Patriotic American has even 1/3 of what that Highwayman has…we know the Cartel via Jade Helm, Fast & Furious, now Ukraine and what O’biden left in Afghanistan already does! The war thats coming will be magnitudes worse than anything imagined making Lebanon, Somalia, Mogadishu, Kosovo and others look like Putt-putt! I’m trying to prepare psychologically for “Fun Time” in our backyard, are you?
Nice Days are coming:

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  OPM

You bet OPM, get or reload as much ammo as you can afford, keep your weapons cleaned and oiled. Once that switch is flipped all bets are off.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

words well spoken….but the one problem is the sports games are coming and we will have to wait for a break in the entertainment cycle……”then maybe’………

1 year ago
Reply to  mrapp

There is so much Web Chatter for this weekend…imagine what we’re seeing in NYC…Police aren’t detaining the enemy and remember the dry-run in Vegas just 4 years ago?

1 year ago
Reply to  OPM

I think about that dry run as the Super Bowl has arrived. I wouldn’t get within 10 miles of that place.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  mrapp

Bread and circuses, it is not going to wait on them.

1 year ago

As for me, I claimed in 2008 it was basically 1775, but we no longer have the stomach. Nothing of magnitude happens quickly- wars begin many years before kinetics appear. But what do I know?

1 year ago

Lets hope it starts a civil war. Because the ugly nasty reality is that is the only way we have left to remove the criminal leftists who have seized power and are working feverishly to destroy our economy, country and freedom.

1 year ago

No matter the Outcome…Violence Explodes.
Be it leftwing Rage for the Loss…or Tacit Approval via The DC Machine to completely wipeout the Right, once and for all.
At this point, Goods and Services fall apart on a level unstainable to Social Cohesion.
Both sides have people Inside Everything from the Trashman to the Silos and Everything in between.

And the Party… is off and running.

That is if these Eugenics Worshipping Psychotic Powerbroker$ don’t burn us all up in a Ukrainian Nuclear War Orgy or a Biowarfare/Pharma Herd Thinning.
….thats my thoughts anyway.

1 year ago

I stumbled across this interview on Bitchute and I learned a lot from the analysis of Trump’s first term. Well worth a listen. Listen to the end at the interviewee’s predictions for the 2020 election. Very thoughtful analysis.

The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
1 year ago

Antifa and BLM are merely irregular troops for the liberal elites (whether they realize that or not), just as ISIS is for the US government and the Brownshirts were for Hitler. Notice how they haven’t done anything during Biden’s term? If Trump gets (s)elected in November, you can be sure they will make a strong comeback, likely even before the (s)election happens.