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Hal Turner reported this 5 days ago. Glad someone is picking up his work. this is serious stuff folks
Yes, we sense it. “People are on edge” for certain.
Mainly because we have psychopaths in charge of our government and they are provoking a potential nuclear response from Putin.
Unlike we intelligent Americans, these morons believe that they can engineer--and win--some sort of limited tactical nuclear exchange.
Read Annie Jacobsen’s “Nuclear War” to see--in less than sixty seconds--how a nuclear exchange can, and will, become an irreversible Hell on Earth.
The arrogance of our entire FedGov “leadership” is disastrous to the Nation and to the world.
Where did I put my two million sun block anyway?
I agree, hope to know DC got smoked before I go.
Well the federal gov has places to hide, they really dont care. Besides billy boy gates serum did not kill enough. This is the expected response start a nuclear war. Their goal is human sacrifice to Satan, for he is their God.