Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3:
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
The above clause from the 14th Amendment was the basis of the lawsuit to ban Donald Trump’s name from appearing on the ballot in Colorado. While it appears at this time that the Supreme Court will issue an opinion striking down the suit, what if we look at this from another point of view.
Although concrete evidence is being released showing that the 2020 Presidential election was fraudulent, there were only a handful of states that tipped the election in favor of Joe Biden. It would have been very simple to show the election fraud in those states prior to the inauguration. The people knew that the election was fraudulent as soon as the machines were turned off and then “loaded” with votes. Some people went to Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2020 for redress of their grievances. But the overthrow of the Constitution was a fait accompli by the Deep State.
It appears to me that Congress engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution as outlined in the above Section 3. In this case, every currently serving US Senator and Representative would not be allowed to hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States to uphold the Constitution. Obviously this could be extended to State legislatures also.
Of course that would not preclude them from standing trial for their crimes but it would instantly clean house (and senate) from the federal government. Everyone knows the election was fraudulent. Accepting and supporting a coup with an overthrow of the US Presidency is more egregious than Donald Trump telling the protesters to be peaceful and go home.
The military used to provide security to inaugurate an illegal president:
We stood down while Washington was locked down for the Fedsurrection. We stood down for the plandemic. We stood down for the border invasion. There will be a point when we stand against evil. I suspect this will happen when a number of terrorist attacks throughout the country by illegal fighting age males are unleashed.
David DeGerolamo
They’re everywhere, even my little corner of the world. Delivering packages for an Amazon contractor. Aramark is getting them papered in Florida and transferring them to kitchens all over the US. They train them to take a picture of the recipe in the recipe book and sling it through giggle-translate…
Of course the left cheated. Everyone with the IQ of soap knows they cheated. They didn’t even try to hide the cheating. Because they OWN every mechanism tasked with addressing the cheating. That includes the VAST majority of judges. Which is why ALL the lawsuits filed to challenge the 2020 election were summarily dismissed with NO EVIDENCE allowed to be presented. We see the same criminal judicial misconduct regarding all the frivolous baseless LawFare suits filed against Trump. And they are allowed to proceed because those same corrupt criminals on the bench are part of the problem. NOT the solution. Anyone expecting actual Justice in America is a moron. If justice actually happens it is ALWAYS an accidental byproduct of the legal (sic) process.
All the alphabet agencies that were head-deep in the steal should be remembered as well.
The entire 3 branches of government are filthy dirty. The entire system is rotted to the core. Who will take it down? Who can stop it? Only God can save us.
God helps those who help themselves.
Anyone got a copy of the Trump video on 1/6 so we can listen to his speech again. I remember he said to March to the Capital. I do not remember the exact words. Yes. Then he got in his bullet proof limo and took off.
Trump made a speech at 2:00 to the protesters to be peaceful and go home. The media did not air it.
In B watched the entire speech. I will review the transcript I posted here. Thx
Unable to correct text. No edit
Oh Yes, I do remember now he made a separate speech telling protestors to go home. Will look for this. But he did state also: “So we are going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue…”. Instead he left in his limo.
Yes, the media did air the clip. I remember now that you mentioned this.
or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof
Every Open Borders supporting elected official is guilty.
I am always staggered by the changes in our country. Is it our country??? The haunting question for me is how did we let this happen!!!
Found the 1/6 speech
Youtube has different versions but read the transcript here: I think this might very well be what Trump stated as I recall. I C was surprised he drove away?
“So we are going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue — I love Pennsylvania Avenue — and we are going to the Capitol. And we are going to try and give — the Democrats are hopeless, they are never voting for anything, not even one vote — but we are going to try to give our Republicans — the weak ones because the strong ones don’t need any of our help — going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country. So let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue.“
This is what I thought I heard when I watched the speech on tv 1/6/20. Hmm. Why is YouTube playing different versions?
It will be just another line in the sand, that they will cross with impunity. If I am being honest, I believe they can get away with anything and that has proved to be true, hopium is alive and well. TINVOWOOT. That last line in the sand, will be in the gulag with the gun to the back of our head, think not, think again.
The simple way to get back on track is Pray for our nation, and bust those who have lied and broken there oath of office and have committed a felony
by taking tax payers money under false pretenses. Breach of oath of office is in ( Title 5 U.S.C. Sections 7311 & 1333 ), then look up the punishments. That’s the only legal way to get rid of snakes and traitors.
The Dems planned that Jan.6 event long in advance. It took a lot of planning. Using the word “insurrection” was crucial to their plan. They knew they would have to keep Trump off the ballot. They’re not going to let this go. Trump is a dead man walking. No one is coming to save us.
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
I agree with your last sentence. The defense starts after the illegal embedded army goes to their predistributed weapons/ammunition caches and kicks things off. We’ll be waaay behind the eight ball at that point but REAL Americans will answer the call to arms. God help us be strong when it pops off.