Antisemitism Is a Logical and Rational Reaction to Jewish Behaviour

Do you really think that no one notices the preponderance of Jews at the top levels of the social pyramid? Do you really think that no one has noticed that all governments in the West are either staffed and run by Jews or financed by Jewish donors?

Paul Craig Roberts, “… the Attorney General (the police), the Secretary of the Treasury (money), the Secretary of State (foreign policy and war). There is not a single White Anglo-Saxon Protestant in the Biden cabinet. What explains that in a country of Gentiles a tiny minority of Jews [3% of the population] occupy the power positions in the US government [27 of the 30 cabinet members], the power positions in the media, entertainment, Ivy league administrations and faculties, and finance.”

Read the article …

Following is a list of historical Jewish expulsions. We’ll never have our country back so long as they rule it.

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5 months ago

It’s not a matter of “do we realize it”…….it’s a matter of what are we going to do about it when our very governors and “that one man” everyone wants to trust to be president again want laws against anti-antisemitism to be the guiding factor in every aspect of our lives…!! you can’t fight city hall? the sheeple I look out at are blind to the real state of affairs and I am exhausted trying to show them the info ! Our greatest ally !!! and BS like that………..

5 months ago
Reply to  mrapp

TO DG, not arguing !…but I think you misinterpreted my reply to Lori G and it has been bothering me …if you care to explain or educate me that would be great as I appreciate being able to come here to read and to comment..and have no desire to offend anyone….you have my email…thank you

Last edited 5 months ago by mrapp
5 months ago
Reply to  mrapp

I have been busy on projects today. Your comments were in trash for some reason. I approved the one which had accept instead of the one that had except.

5 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

you can delete me now if you want…I just thought something had gone wrong here thanks !

5 months ago
Reply to  mrapp

Why would I delete you?

5 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

….just to clean up the page…none of this applies to the question at hand….

Lori G
Lori G
5 months ago

There is soon coming a Jew that will rule the world with an iron fist, the Lord Jesus Christ. Will you have issue with Him as well?

Bobby Joe
Bobby Joe
5 months ago
Reply to  Lori G

Jesus was not a Jew. Jesus was Judean. His rule over His Sons and Daughters has nothing to do with an iron fist.

Last edited 5 months ago by Bobby Joe
Lori G
Lori G
5 months ago
Reply to  Bobby Joe

Jesus is descended from the line of King David, of the tribe of Judah. Read His genealogy. As for ruling with a rod of iron, read Rev. 2:27. There is no need to rule Sons and Daughters with iron, but the others.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
5 months ago
Reply to  Bobby Joe

Jesus was not a Jew?! --Huh? Jesus (who’s actual name was ‘Yeshua bar Joseph’) was a non-union Jewish carpenter who invented a new religion borrowing from themes and concepts he learned while in Egypt from Buddhist Monks and missionaries there. To say Jesus was not a Jew--is like saying water is not wet.

5 months ago
Reply to  Lori G

…… because “Jesus” I have to accept Yellon, Mayorkas, Wray, Diamon et’al right here …right now..destroying our country….?

Lori G
Lori G
5 months ago
Reply to  mrapp

Uh, no silly. Jews have the same criteria that not-Jews have for naughty and nice. Just be careful about condemning the whole race that Jesus chose to be part of. Jews are man writ-large; the best and worst of mankind. The ones you name are on the naughty list for now. Jesus will deal with them accordingly if they don’t repent and turn and obey Him. As the bible says in Romans 2: 9-10: “There will be tribulation and distress for every soul of man who does evil, of the Jew first and also of the Greek, but glory and honor and peace to everyone who does good, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”

5 months ago
Reply to  Lori G

Christ Jesus, Christ Yeshua, Christ Yahoshua IS NOT!!!!! A Jew!!!!!!! Christ Jesus, Christ Yeshua, Christ Yahoshua is an Adamic Race Fair -- Skinned, ability to blush, (white people features) golden hair, pristine blood-line from the Tribe of Judah. The Adamic race of people are The Tribes of Israel, the Europe white race people and genetic DNA features. Many, many Jews are mixed race, many, many Jews are Edomites -the blood-line of Esau pro-creating with the fallen-angel blood-line whom are the Canaanites. Many, many ashkenazi Jews have Neanderthal blood-line race (Not only have I read about the DNA testing results, I HAVE SEEN with my very eyes these genetic test results) and other race mixing. Many, Many ashkenazi Jews are the Khazarian people whom were murdering, thieving, deceitful, horrific people to be amongst. It is even written in the Jewish Encyclopedias that Jews are Edomites and not the Adamic Race-Israelites.

Bobby Joe
Bobby Joe
5 months ago

Educating ourselves on the who the Khazars were/are, where they came from, and what is referred to as the Khazarian mafia is a real good idea. We all have a lot to learn.

tom finley
tom finley
5 months ago
Reply to  Bobby Joe

Just who are the synagogue of satan?

5 months ago

My uneducated theory is that the reason communists and Moslems cleave to each other is because both (A) are political cults, (B) maintain control through harshness and deadly force, and (C) allow elite leadership to do anything that in the adherents’ views furthers the cult.
You may remember Illych Carlos Ramirez, commonly known as Carlos The Jackal. His parents were Venezuelan communists and he was later educated in Moscow and then trained by Palestinian terrorists in Lebanon.
He became enamored with the depth of beliefs of the Moslem terrorists that he trained with and those Moslems he came into contact with at Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow. He was also aware of Moslem beliefs that any act in furtherance of the “cause” among the Moslems was the way Communists agitators and agents should model their acts….. full dedication to act immorally and without remorse. It is he, IMHO, who became the catalyst that brought the Moslems and Communists together as co-actors and parallel travelers.
Prior to his ruthless arrival on the scene, Soviets were distanced from Moslems. They had some Soviet republics that were full of Moslems and had a way of co-opting them while yet not trusting the Moslems. This was ideological and based upon Marx’ and Lenin’s widely-stated distrust of any religion outside of communism.
Today’s liberals (communist-lite) recognize The Jackal’s detente between communists and Moslems. He focused communists to perceive their ability to use Moslems for their own purposes. The Jews who have always been the intellectual leadership of liberal/communist movements are now suffering from being the grease that is needed to keep the communist bandwagon rolling. (Here in US we use the colloquialism of “thrown under the bus” to equate to the grease that keeps the wagon rolling.)  
Jews, being so smart, outfoxed themselves by not realizing how the liberals/communists only used them to give the Jews the beliefs that they had political power and control and could count on the communists and Libtards (communist-lite) to help them keep down the growth/political power of Christianity.

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
5 months ago

Hoh boy, now you’ve gone and done it. Pointing out the perfidy, hypocrisy and bad behavioral tendencies of the tribe is strictly off limits. Just ask Kristi Noem, heh. I try pointing out the obvious problems with what they are doing (and have done repeatedly throughout history) and while it sometimes finds reluctant agreement, no one wants to cross the jewish mafia. And that is what their control over other’s thoughts and behavior amounts to, the result being an unwillingness to cross them out of a fear of retribution and ruination.

I’ve used the handy shorthand example of “if I get kicked out of bar by the bouncer, maybe he’s just a jerk. If I get kicked out of 109 bars, I’m probably the jerk.” And it makes perfect sense to a lot of people to such a point where they will admit, begrudgingly, that yes, there is a legitimate beef about “those people”. Hammering on the “every single time” meme is also effective when done in the context of discussing some current problem (Harvey Weinstein conveniently getting his conviction overturned is a recent example). After a while, one can’t help noticing. Which is why noticing is being criminalized, because noticing is the precursor to acting. And they can’t have the goyim rightfully acting in their own best interest. That’d ruin everything the tribe has accomplished to their benefit and our detriment.

All I ask is that they be held to the same standards of decorum and conduct the rest of us are expected to adhere to. But that is immediately characterized as anti-semitism and punished as wrong think. Screw that noise, I should be free to criticize anyone who is worthy of being called out for their bad behavior. And that includes the right to insist that they stop that crap, and to punish them accordingly if they don’t.

5 months ago

No surprise since the Jews are blessed by God and yes, Jesus Christ, who came as God in the flesh, was born a Jew.

5 months ago

No…. Christ Jesus, Christ Yeshua, Christ Yahoshua IS NOT, WAS NOT and NEVER will be a Jew. Since, We The People, and so is Christ Jesus, Christ Yeshua, Christ Yahoshua is The Adamic Race fair-skinned, ability to blush, ruddy in complexion European white people —pristine blood-line—- continue to be deceived by the Edomite / Canaanite / and Hittite’s too, Pharisees, Saducees, Sanhedrin and THEIR diabolical owned scribes, we, tragically, will keep doing the bidding of the Pharisees, Saducees, Sanhedrin and the Luciferian group who occupy all the High Seats of Power. Christ Jesus, Christ Yeshua, Christ Yahoshua even spoke about this group holding the High Seats of Power. They always infiltrate every sector of society throughout history as this psychotic, lunatic, jealous, devious, lying, bear false witnessing, murdering, thieving “Oral Traditions of Men—Babylonian Talmudic” filth parasitic group of people —— every breathing moment of the day: “woe is me; we are always and the only ones persecuted” with such a constant sour look across their face reject Yahweh (YHWH) God and Christ Jesus, Christ Yeshua, Christ Yahoshua.

Christ Jesus, Christ Yeshua, Christ Yahoshua said, “How is it that you fail to perceive that I did not speak about bread? Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sad’ducees.” Then they understood that he did not tell them to beware of the leaven of bread, but of the TEACHING of the Pharisees and Sad’ducees.” The Gospel According to Matthew chapter 16 verses11-12.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
5 months ago

Hopefully, White Americans are waking-up to the menace called Israel. Here in Texas Governor Abbott is completed controlled by the jewish / Israel interest. Most congressmen and senators are in their pockets as well. Who is $ John Galt?

5 months ago

They cursed themselves when the picked Barabbas over Christ under Pontius Pilates rule, and he told them what has this man done that is deserving of death which he found no fault in him, but the Jews screamed to crucify him even louder. then they yelled out let his blood being on our children’s children and all future generations, and here were are now in 2024 with the the continual antics of this cursed people. Now , are all Jewish people bad? no, only if they come to Christ are they truly saved and there sins forgiven. this is the rebirth Christ spoke of to Nicodemus which he could not grasp, but most likely he did at some point.

5 months ago
Reply to  Phil1350

You probably should brush up on Paul’s letter to the Romans.

5 months ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

well done !

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
5 months ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

So i decided i was God and would wipe them ‘ALL’ out, including Christians and anyone else who got in the way. All the while lying as i did it, saying the baker is ok, the family next door or down the street are good people. All this while saying they are the ones committing “genocide.”
“Who let all of this riff raff into the room?”
“Uncle Adolf” You can have him.

5 months ago

Well this was an ugly Jew hating article! Everything must be viewed through the lens of God. God has always blessed and punished the nation Israel. Upon leaving Egypt HE made the Egyptians hand over all their goods to the Jews. It’s primitive Jealousy! “The heart is most deceitful than all else and desperately wicked -- Who can understand it?” -- Jeremiah 17:9 I strongly caution anyone throwing stones at God’s people; let God handle their destiny… and HE will. Take care of your own finances.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
5 months ago

Roth- Harbard
Roth is a boy’s name of German origin, meaning “red” or “redhead,” and is both a given name and a relatively common surname. Whether baby is redhaired, red-faced, red-handed, or just suits the name Roth, red is a colour or hue that has often been associated with love, courage, and even danger.

Harbard- Odin in disguise