Clueless Americans Don’t Know What 4th of July Is

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2 years ago

The U.S. gets what it failed to cultivate. Why even expect the youth to know American history when they haven’t been taught? These were crimes of omission foisted upon them as the masses went to repetitively vote for more of the same over decades.

2 years ago

“4th of July is the day China liberated America and sold us cheap crap cheap, toxic rice and low grade fireworks. Right? (gigglegigglegiggle)”-Aye’yon’tno We have been freed from the burdens of liberty AND independence!!!!

Fed Up
Fed Up
2 years ago

No need to fear for the longevity of the Republic, it’s over. If this is an indication of our future intellect, we are doomed! Someone forgot to cull the herd.

2 years ago

i cant bear to listen to these idiots one bit, i had to turn it off. all i can say is even the old ones are just as stupid and ignorant as the young ones.pathetic creatures wandering around not knowing anything about there own nations history, but i do wonder how many of these idiot dead beat morons have taken the kill shot in there arms.

Last edited 2 years ago by Phil