Crash and Burn

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11 months ago

NY Community Bankcorp is going down.

11 months ago

Any bets what holiday weekend the Banking Holiday will occur?

Recent history (Cyprus and such) has been a Friday Morning into a long weekend as most of us are more interested in Beer and Pizza than the News. Gives them a little head start on the News Cycle to shift the BLAME elsewhere.

What are your plans when your credit card doesn’t work, your ATM fails, the bank doors are locked and maybe the internet is “Glitchy” so they can BLAME it on the Russians or something?

BTW, even though a lot of us use cash, Credit Cards is HOW the Grocery Stores, Lowes and all that GET THEIR STOCK Replaced.

Credit Cards is HOW the TRUCKERS GET THEIR Diesel; nobody carries enough cash to refuel a 100-gallon plus Semi Truck’s fuel tank.

Might get frisky trying to buy even with Silver and Gold if nothings moving.

Yes, the Idiots in “Charge” are that ignorant of how the “Real World” ™ works OR that Malicious about the sufferings of the “little people” as long as they can shift blame to Hoarders and other Troublemakers against the STATE.

11 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Good points.

11 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Yes, you and I have talked about that before if I recall correctly.

Part of being ABLE to Protect your trusted friends and trusted family.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
11 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

This has been the plan all along. Destroy our currency and economic system and then, out of “necessity”, impose a completely digital economic system.

Welcome to the digital gulag.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
11 months ago
Reply to  Pastor Guest

in your opinion is this the mark or just another step towards the mark that we have been forewarned about?

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
11 months ago

An all digital monetary system in itself is not the mark of the beast, but I believe it is the mechanism that will make the implementation of the mark of the beast possible.

Bigus Macus
Bigus Macus
11 months ago

If you want the real new on what’s happening in with the global economy. There are two people I make a point to follow, E.J. Antoni, Ph.D. and Peter St Onge, Ph.D..

11 months ago
Reply to  Bigus Macus

Good stuff Bigus Macus. Was happy to see the up-front main points as too many Ph.D.’s love the sound of their voices.

These guys are short and to the point.

Weimar Germany here we come!

Looks like Tl Davis is also quoting them:

(9) Left With The Ashes -- by T.L. Davis (

Looks like the retirement I scrimped and saved for decades isn’t going to work out. Glad to have trusted friends and trusted family with skills around me and mine. Those investments in friends’ hogs and chickens already pay dividends.

“Never appeal to a man’s better nature. He may not have one. Invoking his self-interest gives you more leverage.”
― Robert A. Heinlein

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
11 months ago

It does seem all digital would put them in the drivers seat of control. So if we do not conform is the question. Where does that leave us? i have absolutely no desire for this digital world! Many of us i am sure are facing some harsh realities the farther these plans go and take effect.