Do Politicians really care about American people? That put migrants in front of US citizens. WHY??

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American SOS
American SOS
1 year ago

What “migrants?!” Those are hordes of ILLGAL ALIEN S’HOLERS.

1 year ago

The Mayor of Denver has also declared a state of emergency. Years ago Denver declared itself a sanctuary city. Now they’re paying for that mistake. Well, CORRECTION, the taxpayers of Colorado are paying for the goods and services provided to these ILLEGALS.

American SOS
American SOS
1 year ago
Reply to  Mark

I think all the urban centers in NY have also been declared the same.

1 year ago

Agree with all you said. There’s also a spiritual component as Satan is the temporary ruler of this world. The New World Order is real, it’s been in the planning stage for a few decades now; technology has caught up. Let’s face it, Democrats are NOT the Godly party (nor Republicans); NWO wants the globe to look the same, that’s why there’s so much migration across the globe. Eliminate national identities to all look the same. Overwhelm the system so it crashes… chaos ensues… crime will spike to unimaginable levels… military occupation will be implemented. We’ll need a leader whom everyone MUST follow: The Antichrist! His followers will be tagged by the Mark, the rest executed. Just read Revelation. Not a pretty scenario. I’m praying HIS elect are raptured beforehand 🙂

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
1 year ago

Preppers get ready. Thursday night through Friday night a blizzard is expected in the upper midwest. Winds gusting up to 55 mph. Snow. Dropping temps in to the single digits on Saturday. Stock up on cookies and milk.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
1 year ago

For the record. No, the politicians don’t care about us. They want us dead. 55% of all children entering kindergarten in the US this year are non White. Get it? It didn’t start under Joe Biden. Started about late 1965. After the immigration law was changed by the commies. We went from almost 90% White to about 50% White now. They claim the US is 60% White, but that’s not accurate. They count Hispanic Whites as White. They are not quite White. They are mixed race. I say who my people are, not the politicians who did this to us. This was the communist plan since at least the early 1900’s. Destroy Western civilization through diversity and multiculturalism. They won.

joe tentpeg
joe tentpeg
1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

They won.”


Battle was won 2K years ago.

Patience. He’s comin’.

1 year ago

first you allow all to vote, citizenship notwithstanding, so now you have in the last two years an additional 5.5 million beholding demoncrat voters. Isn’t that clear as a bell all?

1 year ago

In a word: NO!