It’s not just what was in the tanker cars. It’s what happens when they burn and combine. This may be the largest dioxin plume in world history. I know of no more serious release, ever.

Most coverage of the train wreck in Palestine, Ohio is missing one word: dioxin. There were reportedly 14 tanker cars full of vinyl chloride, a precursor to polyvinyl chloride — that is, vinyl. Burning vinyl is the most serious source of dioxin in the environment — whether from trash incinerators, house fires or chemical spills.
While vinyl chloride is a precursor chemical to making PVC, any time chlorinated compounds burn there will be dioxins created. And dioxin is a byproduct of any manufacturing process involving chlorine, from “disinfectants” to the bleaching of paper. There was plenty of dioxin in those tanker cars before they caught fire.
This mess of 14 tanker cars (really, many more, but 14 had vinyl chloride) was then set on fire by the government, apparently to make it easier to clear the railroad tracks. This was the worst possible decision. It has turned many, many miles into what should be no-man’s land. But I have not heard of one single test for dioxin being done.
This Affects a Very Large Region of the Country
This is not a local issue. This massive plume will spread far and wide, and is being blown by the prevailing winds across Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York State, toward the population centers of the northeastern U.S.
And via land and water, the toxins can spread in many directions, via water, soil movement and air (since the prevailing winds are only an average). And the contamination is so serious that even soil tracking will spread significant amounts.
What few people remember is how the town of Times Beach, Missouri was evacuated, purchased by the federal government, leveled and had its zip code removed, from far, far less dioxin contamination. It’s now a state park, though I’m not sure who would want to have a picnic there…
Dioxins are a Hormonal Toxin
But then there is another level of the problem. Dioxins are 1) hormonally toxic and 2) they are extremely persistent and they then build up in the food chain, generally in lipids. They are bioactive. All this BS projected onto viruses is absolutely true for dioxins, though the contagion factor is different (running through families for instance, passed through mother’s milk, affecting whole communities through a toxic release, etc.).
Dioxins are connected to every other toxins issue that ever lived, from DDT to PCBs to Roundup…they are orders of magnitude above in their effects, though it’s worth reading this for some background.
Many PCBs are close enough to dioxins to qualify as such; and PCBs degrade into dibenzofurans (also called furans), which are dioxins with one molecule of oxygen instead of two. Dioxins are never made intentionally; similar toxins are, but dioxin per se is a byproduct of other chemical processes, or a degradation byproduct.
There’s a lot more… please read the entire article here…
This is going to lead to an early death for millions of Americans, from those exposed in Ohio eastward, to the contamination of water that people will drink (all the way to the Mississippi River), to contamination of food grown in the areas deemed “safe” by our criminally incompetent and genocidal government. If you live downwind, you need to get the hell out. Move. Whatever it takes. If you live anywhere else that is not affected, grow as much of your own food as you can so you are not consuming dioxin-laden poison disguised as food.
What can be done about this? Who do we pressure? I drove through that town a couple years ago. It is not a wealthy place by any stretch.
You wake people up, to the point they realize that it is the globalists that run and control the puppets that we call “government”.
Until people recognize the real problem nothing with ever change.
I should not have said that. A woman at the town hall meeting said she did not want people to think of them as poor. I guess she was more worried about what people thought about her instead of what they did to them. Sad times we live in. They applauded her. She should have been scream lynch them. Oh well.
So dead animals and children in its path and an entire generation of adults that’ll die from cancer.
Bottom line, WHO OR WHOM IS GOING TO BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS. This doesn’t qualify as and accident. A true accident is an unavoidable occurrence. This was avoidable from jump street. This goes beyond incompetent, it is criminal. When will the general public say ENOUGH!
Not taking a shot at you Rob. It sickens me to think of all the suffering that will follow. I lived near Dow Chemical and Michigan Chemical in Michigan. In both cases no one was held accountable for the damages done by these two companies to the people, animals and environment. As a matter of fact the state was complicate in the coverup of Michigan Chemical PCB issue that was making animals and humans sick. If it wasn’t for a veterinarian sending tissue samples to an out of state lab we might not know today the real reason humans and animals were getting sick. This thing in Ohio has a very, very bad smell to it.
The same people that’ll be held responsible for murdering millions with the covid shot; nobody.
For all the talk, no one is going to hold these people accountable in any government.
Your right nothing will be done…never is.
Imagine the crop and livestock losses. Stock up, folks.
Yes! Makes me think of the Julia Roberts movie… Erin Brockovich!!
Essentially a giant plume of Agent Orange.
Someone is paying attention… exactly
Our government is now assuring death to all. Dioxins will cause cancer. The jab wasn’t efficient enough, now FJB and the absent Secretary of Transportation are out to kill more people in fly over country. Voters are no longer important, judging from the results of the last three elections. But this may be the incident that makes revolution paramount. Wes wondered what it would take.
revolution, what makes you think GOD will be on your side?
We are to stand up against evil where i stands, aren’t we?
Because God is in the business of rectification.
Thinking the train derailment and federal response done on purpose? These people are unfit to govern. The government is not fit for purpose. Why is anyone even listening to them anymore.
And this is more for the wider audiences benefit than yours Joe:
NEVER give up your guns.
In case you haven’t figured out yet, its time to use them.
I remember from science literature that dioxin is a super poison that is so toxic and potent that one drop can contaminate an Olympic size swimming pool.
Thats 14 rail cars in one train polluting 1/3 of the nation. Thats a problem that no revolutionary in the past has had to factor in. Factor in nuclear power plants 1000s of train cars, biological weapons bunkers. The revolutionary can set back and say, At least I done something. While a dieing chorus can say, You sure as funk did! Who is ready for that collateral damage. Our founding fathers never had to face this. And, what could be gained. Long term seed storage, for what.
Very true, and something no one wants to think about. Matt Bracken may have the right idea, learn the art of sailing and get a sailboat in case you have to bugout from the continent entirely. Not out of cowardice, but simply because it could be totally uninhabitable.
Didn’t such a release happen in Bhopal, India back in 1984?
Well, contaminate a wide swath of farmland, then have a toxic cloud move across the land into highly populated areas, where hundreds of thousand immunosuppressed people live. You tainted the Ohio, into the Mississippi so the south gets their share of ruined water and farmlands. Seems like a perfect plan to eliminate a lot of people. If not by super aggressive cancers and lung diseases, then by famine and starvation. Same folks that brought you the poke, different approach, same end product.
Hehe, yep, and there are people out there, hell, bulk of the populous still, that does not grok their government is trying to kill them. They are simply incapable of accepting that paradigm, so they do all sorts of mental gymnastics to contort reality to fit their delusion.
Thats the battle I see ahead of me. How to convince masses of people that something so horrific is actually happening to them. How do you get THAT through to people, when they don’t want to admit it?
JB no amount of talking will modify the kool-aid tained minds of the deluded masses. They only come around when something knocks them right between the eyes. For most, experience is a teacher, for those people that experience may be their last.
Using the prevailing winds as a natural delivery system I wonder if the populated north east wasn’t actually the intended target?
Where are the mask mandates? Where are the mother earthers, the scolding obnoxious democrats? Once the narrative was established Trump was somehow at fault, the noises ended.
Just tried to share the article, some f’d up FB msg, and couldn’t even sign up for alerts. Anyway, this spill is being covered up, watered down, and soft-soaped by the same people that said Agent Orange was okay, Roundup only affected weeds, and the Covid vax was safe and effective—and then told the people of East Palestine that it was okay to go home and drink tap water! The gov’t and rail officials are doing everything possible to avoid the civil and criminal charges that are sure to follow, although any criminal actions are sure to be laughable. The effects of the spill and the “clean up” will be felt for years, but the initial effects on food and water might be immediate! SAD!
it is perfectly fine for you to return to you home and drink the water from the tap, says the man in the full Level four hazmat suit.
What are the chances.
The globohomo regime has just killed a large portion of the NE population and contaminated a large swath of the land and rivers. The burning of the chemicals created a highly toxic cloud of dioxin. Everyone involved in that decision needs to be hung from the closest lamp post.
Damn straight.
Do a search on Times Beach, Missouri and you will see the first dioxin spill was pretty damn important & led to the creation of the EPA. Agents orange, blue & white were grid tested at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida before Vietnam. 2-4D is a form of dioxin used on grass & turf farms all over the US. Yes, it’s a killer but the greedy military-industrial corporate rulers of the US really don’t give a shit about killing us do they?
Hey folks, I work for a chemical company unloading railroad tanker cars of two different chemicals and it just so happened we were having a problem offloading a railcar and the company that owns this tanker sent an inspector to watch us offload so he could find the problem.
During the course of the day the subject of the train derailment came up and he said it was caused by a broken axle on one of the railcars and he had a crew at the crash site now helping with the removal of these railcars.
He told us that as far as contamination goes, everything is OK, he has grandchildren there and he told them its alright to go back home.
Do I believe him? On the broken axle part I do.
Your logic is perfect. And what, or who, broke the axle?
I heard that there is video of that particular railcar that caused the derailment being pulled along the track and the wheels were on fire, my guess is the brakes locked up due to either the air valve was shut or someone forgot to hook up the air lines (Gladhands) it probably got so hot it sliced the wheel right off of the axle.
That has been confirmed.
The question is why they did not stop when the fire burned for quite a long time and they had plenty of time to stop and prevent the derailment.
I agree, people saw the wheels on fire and I’m sure someone called law enforcement or the railroad and reported the incident as to why they didn’t stop I don’t know.
Of course when V.P. Dick Cheney was told about those planes that hit the twin towers back in 2001 and was asked if we should scramble our fighter jets it was reported he said “I already know about them, stand down!”
Could be they didn’t want it to stop until it hit the targeted area.
population control
The burn was not to “clear the tracks” it was to prevent the tank cars from detonating like unconfined rocket boosters and wiping the town off the map. It saved lives. It saved the town.
A long term problem with dioxins is a far smaller more theoretical problem.
You are assuming that the cars would have exploded sitting on the ground. Who told us that?
That is right, they stopped cooling down the cars with water and decided to burn it off, at the expense of people and property.
Which Federal agency do you work for?
If not a Fed you have been drinking way too much of the Statist kool aide.
Look who the stockholders are, Vanguard,Black Rock, and others, all controlled by The Committee of 300. They control the world.
And who controls those institutions? The same “new world order,” globalist bastards that want 7.5 billion human beings dead. That’s who.
Wonderful! someone else that is on the right track in identifying who to go after:
Here is a free ebook that is excellent on the Committee of 300
The Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Committee of 300 (Fourth Edition) — by Dr John Coleman — ebook/pdf
Thanks for information Joe. I will definitely check it out.
In addition to the toxic release of Dioxin in eatern Ohio which will destroy a large part of some of the best farmland in America, I find it interesting that today, 2/16, a large distribution warehouse in Florida went up in flames. According to what I read this warehouse stored plastic planters. I don’t know what the mix of seedling planters, window box planters, raised bed planters, or whatever else might have been in there was; but it seems rather obvious to me that someone (gee, I wonder who that could be) wants all agriculture, even subsistence agriculture eradicated.
We, American castrated males, continue to relax in our defensive posture “Netflix, remote, and that can of liquid courage” while the enemy is taking it to our ass. That black gun is gettin dusty….
You did not mention the first step to take…. and that to reconstitute the State militias:
Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment
why did God allow this?
Are you stupid?
You allowed this.
Your a joy.
Hope you have your life insurance paid up. Good reporting.
Everything east of the Rockies
Thats what the “Live Free or Die” crowd gets for not taking the jabs. They’ll just kill us all a different way, doesn’t matter to them, they have private Islands to live on.
Time to wake up, normies. We are at war!
Another environmental hazard going on in Florida -- plastic again.
Burning plastic is a carcinogen. When plastic is burned, it releases dangerous chemicals such as hydrochloric acid, sulfur dioxide, dioxins, furans and heavy metals, as well as particulates. These emissions are known to cause respiratory ailments and stress human immune systems, and they’re potentially carcinogenic.
How the heck did this fire start at two in the morning.
Haven’t heard any reporting of this. Got it off of the Burning Platform.
What company owned the contents of the tank cars, where were they going and who was responsible for giving the burn order? Anyone?
The hardest factor to persuade people this is a all out attack on humanity, is convincing them that there are people that sadistic & evil who truly love to inflict suffering & death on others.people cant come to grip with such evil, they prefer to believe most people are good & incapable of sadism. Im sure this was intentional sabotage to cause this derailment & use the toxic chemical release to sicken, kill more people, since perhap the culling by clot shot was too slow.
[…] dioxin have also been produced: if vinyl chloride is the silver medalist of carcinogenicity, dioxin is the gold, and it is far more persistent in the environment than even the vinyl […]