Attack on 3D Printing In NYC

New York City Council Member Lewis Fidler & Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal have introduced separate bills pioneering government’s future takeover of 3d printing, beginning with targeting gun owners and gun businesses. This highlights an important lesson in government; when seeking government intervention and control in industry, begin by attacking the Rights of gun owners.

Lewis Fidler’s legislation would require a gun license and government gun registry for 3d gun printers and the creation of 3d printed gun parts, and would create the “legal framework” for the NYC 3d printed gun & parts industry.

And by “legal framework”- just as in every other industry-legislators mean a regulatory control beast.

Linda Rosenthal’s bill is a gun prohibitionist’s dream. It effectively bans and creates felony punishment for creating, selling, or using guns & related products made by a 3d printer.

STORY:  Living Not Surviving

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