Brace For War


The forces aligned against us will never back down if they are appeased. We see their animosity for the Republic, our culture and our religion. We wait for an election on Tuesday hoping for some resolution as if the election of one man will provide our Republic’s salvation. The government in the above statement is the Deep State. They may or may not know the horrors of war but they do not care: their goal is power and the elimination of the deplorables.

I do not want to see war. And yet, we are now at its precipice. Democrat shithole cities are bracing for organized civil unrest as their businesses shutter their doors and windows with plywood. The national guard is called up to keep the peace that law enforcement is unable to do as their masters tighten their leashes. The White House is listed as an enemy position on their war maps. And we cling to a false illusion of freedom.

War means death and destruction. It also means famine and pestilence. Too few have had the fortitude and honor to hold and maintain the Republic. Looking back at our apathy and weakness which led us here accomplishes nothing. Now is the time that we must look to the future and see how dearly we hold a celestial article as freedom.

We were here in 2016:

Over the past four years, we have seen no one held accountable for the treason by the Clintons and Bidens. Although Obama is still shielded, we have learned that he was briefed on Hillary’s plan to distract the public from her email server scandal by bringing false charges against Donald Trump. We now know that this was the beginning of a coup to overthrow the Republic. And yet, we still hope for peace by appeasement.

We know what is coming:

What we do not know is the final resolution. This is not a movie: our country and our children’s Liberty are at stake. If you want peace…

Si vis pacem, para bellum - Wikipedia

Give me Liberty or give me death.

We have all heard the words but do we truly understand their meaning? We have already lost too many of our freedoms without a fight. War is coming. How we fight this war will temper our eternal souls. While most people think this is an ideological struggle, they are wrong. This is the beginning of the war for the soul of our Christian nation and religious wars are the most bloody.

David DeGerolamo

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4 years ago

If we want our country back, the words have to turn into action. If we don’t then the die is cast and we will be slaves.

Richard Mooney
Richard Mooney
4 years ago
Reply to  oldtimer505


4 years ago

In the End -- When they come for YOU & YOUR FAMILY -- You Will FIGHT or be a SLAVE or be TORTURED & then KILLED. Pray to GOD for STRENGTH to VANQUISH EVIL!

4 years ago
Reply to  TheTruthBurns


Richard Mooney
Richard Mooney
4 years ago

No matter who wins the election, ultimately it will make no difference in the consequences of judgment that we desire! Why? Because this nation, that was dedicated to God, and blessed more than any other nation in history, has rebelled against God. He may be longsuffering, but his patience has limits. Amos 8:11, there is a famine of the real truth of God’s Word in the land! Our only hope now is for a national repentance, and a pleading to God to send revival led by the Spirit of Truth. There is no alternative! We choose to accept Jesus Christ and obey his commandments, or we choose to follow the Deep State liberal led socialist state led by their god -- Lucifer. I pray you choose wisely for there will be Hell to pay if godly wisdom does not prevail.

4 years ago
Reply to  Richard Mooney

Amen sir.

4 years ago
Reply to  TOM S

The word “amen” is of Hebrew origin. Strong’s #H543, meaning; sure, verity, truth, etc. It is from the parent root, “aman” H539. To build up or support, to foster as a parent or nurse.
Isaiah 49:23 says…”And kings shall be thy nursing fathers (aman-539), and queens thy nursing mothers; they shall bow down to thee with their face to the earth…” This is true. It is why seven states are named for kings and queens and only one for a president.

4 years ago
Reply to  Richard Mooney

Best Repent…the cleansing begins in the Church…a contrite Spirit of Surrender and confessing that Jesus Christ Is Lord of Lords…especially in your Life…you are not your own as you have been purchased and redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. Reverse your personal war with God and humbly submit to your Creator Gods will for your Life. Eternity is a very long time…where will you spend it? Get it?

Rob Lambert
Rob Lambert
4 years ago
Reply to  Richard Mooney

Amen Brother!!!

Alexandra Smith
4 years ago
Reply to  Richard Mooney


Richard Mooney
Richard Mooney
4 years ago

Give me Liberity by revival, oh God. For there is a famine of truth in the land of God’s word. Amos 8:11. Lord please send a revival led by the Spirit of Truth for we repent for willfully rebelled against you righteousness and laws. We deserve judgment, but you are long-suffering and full of mercy and grace. Yet, if the Holy Spirit does not open our blinded eye to see the truth of how far we have fallen from thee Oh Lord, all hope is lost.

4 years ago
Reply to  Richard Mooney

Amen again my brother.

Rob Lambert
Rob Lambert
4 years ago
Reply to  TOM S

Again and again, AMEN BROTHER!!!!

Steven Grant
Steven Grant
4 years ago
Reply to  Richard Mooney

Amen and Amen

William Wallace
William Wallace
4 years ago

Without an act of God and Him working through us to stop it, I believe “they” fully intend to destroy this country and insert their choice for president like any other usurped western banana republic has done over this past century.

You dont fake a WORLDWIDE pandemic if you’re not playing for keeps. In Canada, there’s already camps being built, Chinese troops staged on their own island base by Vancouver, and draconian lockdowns and contact tracing abductions waiting.

A pesky anti-globalist president can’t be allowed under any circumstance.

They gotta crash the market for election day and immediately thereafter so they have cover for illegitimately removing the president after a landslide victory. This allows them to transfer everyone’s wealth to themselves after they buy up everything at the very bottom and to impoverish everyone so there’s no resources to mount a counteract.

This is Satan at work through those who worship him, and only our repentance back to God as a nation and prayer for His help and courage to stand up for life, liberty, and justice for all will turn this around. Without God we will fall to the abject depravity and evil of the devil and that includes bondage beginning in this life.

We will be allowed to reap what we sow. God will send forth a great delusion to allow us to accept evil as good.

The ball is in our court and we gotta decide if we allow the rules to be broken and the game destroyed, or call out the lawless rulebreaker(s) by asking the referee for His intervention and help to restore the game back to His rules.

4 years ago

OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN GUIDED THE FOUNDING FATHERS TO FREEDOM,they told everyone,NO MUZZIES,NO WITCHES OR DEVILS,NO CATHOLIC CHURCHES,NO STANDING ARMIES ALLOWED,and WATER THE TREE OF FREEDOM AND LIBERTY EVERY TWENTY YEARS,with the blood of patriots and TRAITORS,its never happened,OUR FATHER warned everyone YOU WOULD RATHER HAVE A MILLSTONE TIED AROUND YOUR NECK,THEN HARM MY LITTLE ONES..COMPARED TO WHAT I’LL DO TO YOU IF YOU HARM THEM,THE CHURCHES WERE TO BE THE SPEAR HEAD OF FREEDOM IN AMERICA,they failed to do anything,and have been taken over by the women,ONE BIG MISTAKE AFTER ANOTHER,your men think their women now,they don’t know what bathroom to use,worse their cowards and yellow as a banana,OUR FATHER HAS CALLED AND CALLED FOR THE MEN TO STAND UP ,and protect your women and children,your military and police gangs GUN THEM DOWN with NO reprecussions,and BRAG about it,OUT FATHER TOLD YOU THE GOVERNMENT OF AMERICA “IS ROTTEN TO THE CORE,INSIDE AND OUT ,TOP TO BOTTOM,THERE ARE NO GOOD ONES” have been decieved by them,they hate you,SATAN AND HIS MINIONS ARE “NOT YOUR FRIENDS”,you are decieved …THIS WAR will last FIVE YEARS,in that time 80% of the population will have died,THIS coming WAR will be the worst war in will be a nuclear war,there won’t be much left to save,SADLY THE US MILITARY will be the ones who start this war,and they won’t win it…

Robert Brown
Robert Brown
4 years ago

The underlying problem in the country is that we lost our fear of God and replaced it with fear of not being politically correct. Our men are emasculated wimps that appease evil instead of slapping the living sh%t out of it! Read your bible boys and you will learn that EVIL HAS NO BOTTOM. Either the men of this country will grow a pair or our property will be stolen and our wives and daughters will be raped and sold to the highest bidfind pedophile. Those are the only two out comes in our future.

4 years ago

It’s time for christians to rise and stand against tryanny.Remember the Black Robe Regiment who were clergy that fought for freedom for our nation,it’s time for today’s christians to do the same.

4 years ago

As a young man I willingly enlisted in the military to fight against communists and Americas freedom….I’m am older now and wiser.
I will continue to fight until I am dead..Ezekiel 20:34
[34]And I will bring you out from the people, and will gather you out of the countries wherein ye are scattered, with a mighty hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with fury poured out.

4 years ago

I agree with your sentiments but I do not think this will happen and here is why: First and foremost is God’s will. We are not in 1776 but 2020. As I process this Biblically, I have to follow my logic to this conclusion: Our freedoms have always been to protect the spread of the Gospel in lost world and that is still the prime directive. Charles Spurgeon said that America and GB were blessed because we were the facilitators of world wide evangelism. Guys, I HATE WHAT IS HAPPENING. I lose sleep over it but I have done the cultural math. Here is my equation: A 1929 style depression/massive civil unrest+an interuption of transportation+the migraion of millions from our cities to rural and state forests+armed hood rats+starvation+fear+=20-40 million dead. It could go higher.

What is God’s heart is all of this? Is it war? It could be because war is judgement but I am not sure. I know this: Law and order existed under Stalin, Hitler and Mao. There was no such thing as a ‘hood rat mentality.’ Why did I bring up hood rats and law and order? Because that mentality is represented by about 100 million Americans of all races. Resisting a coming crime wave will be the next American Civil war but the savagery of an uninterrupted crime will rival the pre-flood world. Will God in His mercy allow such savagery to run rampant? I am not sure He will. His mercy could allow the super world government predicted in scripture followed by His finally setting things right. No matter what happens, I feel like a depression is near--actually, really close but if that is the case the Godly will suffer too and we will die as well. We will die with hope but DEATH IS NEVER PRETTY. I have a feeling we have passed the threshold where there no return. Last thought: In C.S. Lewis’ the Last Battle our favorite characters finally understood that what they loved was gone and they all shed tears. Narnia was no more. Yes they fought till the end and we might have to as well in a seemingly hopeless action but even then it was not hopeless.

Jay Dee
4 years ago

The cities have already lost the battle. The cities need electricity, food, fuel, water, etc. All of these originate from outstate sources. How long would a city like Portland or Minneapolis hold out if the power is cut off?. A few weeks before cooler heads prevail.