The new racism

In order to keep racism alive in America, discrimination must be claimed in subtle tones, employing euphemisms and buzz words. The war against discrimination has largely been won — the continuing uproar by race baiters and fomenters of hatred may well snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Some of the claims which are supposed to equal racism are purely infantile — some illustrations are:

The voter registration prerequisites which requires one to present photo proof that one is who one claims to be is racist.

• That allegation is more racist that the requirement itself. The claim presumes that blacks, because of lack of education or ability, are incapable of meeting the same requirements as other citizens. What can be more racist than suggesting that someone lacks capability merely because of skin color? The absurdity is that the NAACP requires photo identification to attend their events?

If one embraces black conservatives, one is a racist.

• The likes of Larry Elder, Herman Cain, Allen West, etc. are viewed as “Uncle Toms” by the liberal black community. When they opine that: One should be married and have an income before propagating children, that one should support the children that one sires, and that young blacks should stop killing other young blacks — they are viewed as merely being the mouthpieces of whites. It is an NAACP expectation that all blacks should mindlessly walk in lockstep on all issues concerning America —thereby making America a “thought free” zone.

If one doesn’t like Barack Obama, one is a racist.

• It is beyond the comprehension of race baiters that white people might not be smitten by a white person in the White House who had: no experience, no real job history, no verifiable background, questionable associates, a history of untruthfulness, and no proven ability. Nah, must be because Obama is half black!

If one thinks that Barack Obama lies, one is a racist.

• When one has the audacity to view a bald face lie as a lie, and then call it such when it comes from the mouth of the president, one is considered a racist. The hidden meaning is that “you lie boy” — but if you justifiably accuse a white person of being a liar, you are probably correct.

If one dare suggest that Barack Obama has a “privileged” education, one is a racist.

• The mention of Columbia and Harvard Law in the same breath as Barack Obama is to suggest that his education comes via “affirmative action.” Forget that Obama will not release his college records — whites are not allowed to discuss his education and should just presume that he obtained his education through merit.

Even Hollywood gets in on the action. The new motion picture “The Butler” is a work of fantasy. The real butler, Eugene Allen, was married to the same woman for 65 years, had a son who fought in Vietnam, and achieved because of his talents. He also had nothing in common with the fictional Cecil Gaines other than skin color. Therefore, the outstanding human achievements of an individual were altered to foment the odor of racism.

New issues must be invented, contrived, and marketed. Now there is a new type of black leader, who in reality doesn’t lead anything, and has no core values. They are more like roosters in a barnyard, each attempting to be more long-winded and outrageous than the other to attract attention. And the pity is that the real issues which plague the black community are ignored because they don’t generate votes for politicians or money for race hucksters.

The civil right injustices have been remedied, even to the point of discriminating against whites. We now all use the same drinking fountains, attend the same schools, eat at the same restaurants, and can compete for the same jobs —perhaps it is time to use the same human brains.

Have a good week. Bill Shuey is a freelance writer who lives in Murphy, NC.

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