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Who runs Obama?
My question is what runs Obama.
same people that run Klaus Schwab, make no mistake WEF is a front for the real culprits. Good place to start is the Rockefeller dynasty. A family pot of gold worth 300 trillion dollars, read Rockefeller’s manifesto, it’s like reading the WEF agenda.
The Rothschild empire is definitely part of this with their Quadrillions dabbling in global finance including China. The Rothschild’s financed Mao and Pol Pot. Destabilizing and bankrupting any nation provides billions in opportunity with millions murdered simply being an expendable casualty of Profits and Bankers love Profits above everything! The Kazarian-Zionist Banking Cabal…everything over Profits!
The Spirit of the Antichrist!
Who is Truly in charge, regardless of who is in the title of president or king?
Once again, I don’t get this idea that 0bama (and that’s a zero, not an o) is some sort of mastermind behind this. That stupid stuttering negro was nothing more than a whore who sold out to the same masters that are pulling the strings of the current puppet. 0bozo is not the leader.
we may not yet be in that 7 years of tribulation,(i do not know) but we are so close. Sure seem to be being attacked at every level. a majority of mankind sure seems to have lost their way!
Do you think we can stop it?
Take NOTE of the DATE the posting first occurred.
Then realize WHY the Powers that Be are Unafraid of us.
But let us keep on blathering about the finger puppets of the Powers that Be. Obiden is but a disposable face person, to be tossed to appease any REAL Rage of the People.