Former SEAL Matt Bracken Talks SHTF and a Dirty Civil War

mac1You might think that the most courageous thing Matt Bracken’s ever done is taking a SEAL team to Beirut, Lebanon in 1983, the same year of the Marine Barracks bombings… but you’d be wrong.  Bracken is standing up as a bulwark for Liberty in the face of growing danger to those who speak out against the regime.

FO: What are some of the threats that pro-Liberty Americans will see in the next few years, and what can we expect? More lawfare? Actual conflict? A fight for the Republic?

MB: All Americans face the risk of chaos, anarchy and starvation resulting from the collapse of our electrical grid. Electricity has become our oxygen, necessary to sustain our civilization, and I see at least a dozen ways it could be disrupted with catastrophic results. To the extent that pro-liberty Americans are also “preppers,” they will be better prepared to face the dire consequences.

Absolutely I see “lawfare” by our rogue federal agencies against patriots continually ramping up. With no consequences resulting from scandals such as Fast and Furious and the targeting of patriots by the IRS, Team Tyranny feels emboldened and will only make life harder for those who defy them.


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8 years ago

Very good article with loads of very important information. so we are in some very deep , deep trouble. I have to always look back on what my parents related to us growing up. when they were in Italy growing up during W.W. 2 and under martial law by the fascists i always remembered my father instructing us in the event the same thing happens in the U.S. he told us, Firstly not to be afraid , secondly, be aware of your surroundings and know when will be the best time strike your enemy by stealth, even if you do it face to face without the other side knowing or being aware they were just about to be removed for ever from this earth. After removing the vermin you are to strip them of there weapons , food, etc. and kick the vermin into a pit or ditch and leave them for the rats or the buzzards, they are not deserving of even a simple burial. this is how many Italians fought in those days and they took out thousands of Germans and Fascist Italians, they did not ever know it was coming on them, we have to do the same in our day. when it comes. the key to performing this, you have to have the guts and fortitude to pull the trigger on the enemy and remove the threats and without any regrets whats so ever., remember you have the law on your side these rats have nothing but lawlessness. If you cannot do this then you need to hide in some root cellar somewhere and just wait it out to starve to death or just plain die of fear.


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