Get Ready for the Next Terror

terrifying event

If I had to bet, I think I’d put my money on some type of “cyberwar” event coming in the not-too-distant future. But whether it’s that or something else, a new terror will be coming. That much is more or less inevitable.

The reason is easy: We have people with control-biased minds in positions to create such events, or at least to make the most of them when they do occur.

The Problem

Put bluntly, our problem is that our current world systems place people with dominator minds into power over everyone else. We can call this the “alpha gorilla” model. These people need power over others. They get comfort and/or a thrill from dominance. And they certainly get rewards from it.

To illustrate, here’s an image I pulled from the newsfeed just this morning:

terrifying event

The faces and the slogans change, but the need to dominate drives such people into positions of power, whether it be in national governments, police enforcement, or bureaucracies that control other people’s movements. As Robert Heinlein wrote:

Political tags, such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth, are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.

Those who desire to control others, however, have a problem: In order to accomplish their “great ends,” they need the peaceful people – those who have no desire to dominate others – to obey them and to pay for their plans.

The problem with humans, however, is that they can think. Such beings don’t follow orders from random people; they must be convinced. And convincing free people to be subservient is hard. In order to dominate them, their ability to think must be overcome.

Once you have them obeying you, they’ll keep it up, no matter how silly, for a shockingly long period of time. But to get them to give up autonomy in the first place, or in some new way, is hard. Something that bypasses reason is required.

That thing, as you may have guessed, is fear.

We all saw this very clearly in 2001: Terrified people let the alpha gorillas take away their rights in the name of saving them from crazies. Some people objected, but not enough to sway events. Fear was in the air, the dominators promised safety, and most people either agreed or were too confused to object.

So, the structures of dominance became bigger and reached farther than ever before. This would not have happened without fear. Fear works.

The Great Enemy

Fear stands above all the other tools of human domination, even above legitimacy. That’s because fear overrides reason. Fear focuses our thoughts only on the object of terror. Then the alpha gorillas step in and promise to protect us, if only we will _____________ (fill-in the blank).

This game has been running for thousands of years, and it will be used again soon enough. There’s always a need for people to suspend thought and acquiesce to domination. And so long as life on Earth features structures of dominance, alpha-gorilla types will use them.

Even in daily life, the imposition of fear upon us is thick. Robert Ringer, commenting on getting ahead financially, correctly hit on this point when he said:

The results you produce in life are inversely proportional to the degree to which you are intimidated.

The Bible tells us that people are “all their lifetimes subject to bondage” because of fear.

Our great enemy is fear, and, unfortunately, systems for harnessing fear currently dominate life on this planet.

What Will Happen?

I don’t know which terrifying event will take place next, and whether this event will be staged or authentic matters very little. All that matters is that people are terrified, which gets their reasoning out of the way and gives the dominator types what they crave.

The antidote for this is for people to understand the con and to overcome their fear. Then to act rationally.

This might be a good thing to discuss with your neighbors, before the next terror hits… because it will.

Paul Rosenberg

[Editor’s Note: Paul Rosenberg is the outside-the-Matrix author of, a site dedicated to economic freedom, personal independence and privacy. He is also the author of The Great Calendar, a report that breaks down our complex world into an easy-to-understand model. Click here to get your free copy.]

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