Glad to Be Pureblood

I understand that some readers may be offended by the label of pureblood; I am not offended by this label. Using critical thinking skills, my education in molecular biology and a firm belief that our government is evil, it was an easy decision not to get an untested gene therapy mischaracterized as a vaccine.

The sad part of this story is that no one cares. All of the recent evidence exposing the “vaccine” as a fraud which is killing millions of Americans has been met with apathy. As our babies are being miscarried, turbo cancer and myocarditis are rampant along with “excess deaths”, most of the medical community still carries water for big pharma.

Strange times but our opposition is shrinking every day as they die from mRNA gene therapy.

David DeGerolamo

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9 months ago

Pureblood and proud of it! I would NEVER donate money or blood to the Red Cross. They are also complicit in helping the illegal alien invaders to our southern border.

9 months ago
Reply to  JG62

You took the words right out of my finger tips.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
9 months ago
Reply to  JG62

Add the “Who we are” page to your area studies.
They have names and addresses dontchaknow? They are in your AO.

9 months ago

Did you call to find out the details? I decided to call. I was told there are two particular Covid vaccines that affect donating to the Red Cross. If you received either of these particular two vaccines, you cannot donate blood for two weeks after receiving either of these two particular vaccines. In any event, the nation is going to hell. The Red Cross has a huge blood shortage and what if someone doesn’t know what poison they took? And you have no choice if you want pure blood. So much for the medical industrial complex.

9 months ago
Reply to  Jane


9 months ago
Reply to  Splish_Splash

Trust no one.

9 months ago
Reply to  Jane

I am well aware about the bioweapon. I repeated what was told to me. Give them a call yourself.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
9 months ago
Reply to  Jane

You might as well repeat what CNN said.
Why would you believe what they tell you at this point?
Have you not been lied to enough?
You make a post stating “Trust No One”, then go on to state you’re just going to go along with what known liars told you?

This guy with a forked tail and really cool red hat told me the apple was OK to eat, so, c’mon man, take a bite with me!

9 months ago

I called the Red Cross. Best you call them to understand clearly what hell realm we live in.

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
9 months ago

Never offended for being a Pureblood Independent Conservative Patriot All America. Never have donate blood and never to the Red Cross. If a family member or friend, I will in a heartbeat.
Like you stated, thought the Vax was safe.

tom finley
tom finley
9 months ago

Never took the kill shot and never will.

9 months ago


a follower
a follower
9 months ago

The offense came from what some wished to do about the tainted portions of society.

Chuck Reeves
Chuck Reeves
9 months ago

I’m a proud pure blood. I think it’s a badge of honor to have gone through the neverending blitz of media, peer pressure, and workplace strong-arm tactics without succumbing to it all. I have forgiven those family members who would not celebrate Thanksgiving or Christmas with me because I was “unvaxed” but I will never forget.
As for dealings with Red Cross, the further you can stay away from them the better.

9 months ago

The situation is starting to look grim. If you have an occupation that is life threatening, The situation is prudent to start giving your own blood,and put that blood in a locked and secured blood bank for your self.

9 months ago
Reply to  kevsh

Had surgery recently. They would not let me donate my own blood ahead of time nor would they let family members/friends donate blood solely for my use. May just have been that one hospital.

9 months ago
Reply to  Steiner

Here is info from Sloan Kettering on donating your own blood?. ( Why didn’t you inquire further at the hospital you had your surgery?)

9 months ago

We knowTom. We know.

9 months ago

We MUST be protected from them and the bioweapon they are spreading. Lock them up, quarantine them, SEGREGATE the blood supply, whatever it takes. They were stupid enough to fall for the lies and now they are spreading the bioweapon. They MUST be stopped.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
9 months ago

You’re absolutely correct.
This is something the left does so well it’s actually kind of impressive, to be honest. Their use of language, and ability to re-define things to suit their needs is crucial to their tactics, and absolutely a point we should be focusing on. Listen to their catch phrases….
Vaccine (they literally re-defined what is/is not a vaccine)
Mostly Peaceful Riots (burning buildings is never peaceful)
Saving Our Democracy (by installing fascism)

.. They twist and INVERT the meaning of words and than beat you over the head with it so hard you’re not even able to present a counter-argument, as the very words have different meanings!
The Covid Vaccine IS NOT a vaccine, it never was, and it never will be. They can change the definition of the word on some government website to suit their needs, but that doesn’t change what the word actually means. It’s all just propaganda. Orwell’s 1984 writ large.
Do NOT let them alter our language. STOP CALLING THE CLOT SHOT A VACCINE. You are literally fighting on their side when you re-enforce the definition that way. Call it anything but a vaccine, and you’re helping. Don’t call it Covid, either. Call it the Kung Flu, or the Chinky Coof, or the Election Flu, or whatever you want, but don’t you dare use their propaganda to help them.

It is utterly AMAZING to me how people can think they’re helping without realizing they are part of the problem!

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
9 months ago

‘Pride.’ Are we better than them? Shall we look down upon those that did get the “vaccine?” Salesman also unaware sold this bill of goods, the Veterans were also sold this Lie. Many people were not as tuned in to the situation as you or i were (for many reasons) should we rub it in their faces, shall we look down upon them? Shall we put them out of their miseries as was suggested many times in these discussions a couple of years ago? i haven’t forgotten.
Pureblood and tainted? Do we ever learn?

9 months ago

The Pureblood made his personal decision to avoid the jab. Plain & simple: he did his own research, performed the benefits/risk calculations and acted according to his intelligence and his rights as a free citizen.
The Vaxxed made his personal decision to avoid the jab--but went many steps further to demand that we be vaxxed too (because, “my vaccine won’t work if you don’t take your vaccine too”).
The Vaxxed then went further by demanding that the Purebloods be BANNED: banned from public places, sporting events, their church, their kid’s school assemblies, their FOOD STORES, their businesses.
The Vaxxed then went even further (in some locales), trying to force you to remain at home, or to be placed in a government camp.
The Vaxxed then went even FURTHER by floating the idea of going door to door to weed out the un-Vaxxed so as to FORCE THE VAXX upon them.
The Vaxxed then went beyond morality and rationality itself by demanding that the un-vaxxed be denied medical care in hospitals, that their health insurance policies be deemed invalid should an un-vaxxed require hospital care for a COVID-related diagnosis.
You DO remember these abominations, RIGHT?
And now, you want Purebloods to forgive those people their immoral, irrational and totalitarian attacks upon your person?
Not happening.
They have shown their true colors, they can never again be trusted in any way, shape or form.
Balkanization: the only way forward for an utterly and irreparably divided country.

9 months ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

Correction: “The Vaxxed made his personal decision to GET the jab”

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
9 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

i see that yet the first comment = positive 22 for proud.
i too am thankful, that many were guided in avoiding the jab. Some were not for a variety of reasons. Take a look at (the response from take a hard look) How does this align with Biblical principles? So many people have been ‘hardened.’ He condemns them all as one by group forever.
Some people have been led astray, does this mean that there can be no forgiveness? Take a hard look brought this up in his reply.

Cabin Girl
Cabin Girl
9 months ago

Well, we might consider ourselves burebloods until you absolutely need blood products to sustain your life. My husband and I said we would never receive blood after this clown show. But, just short of 2 months ago, He had to have “urgent” open heart surgery. He’s only 59. You must make the decision if you want any blood be surgery. I guess if you’re going to answer “no” to this question, You might as well not get it. There is a 50/50 chance that you’ll need some, even if it’s a small amount. So, he did get a pint of blood product and blood platelets. That DO NOT let family donate anymore. They did away with that long time ago. I’m O Neg, so I would have been the best option. Even though the surgery went fine, now I pray for NO problems from this sick blood product he was given.

9 months ago
Reply to  Cabin Girl

Not so. Research.

9 months ago
Reply to  Cabin Girl

Praying is not a plan. If you make an assumption that your husband may have received MRNA materials, spike proteins and the like, you may wish to be proactive and take steps to mitigate any potential harm:
Nattokinase, aspirin, a host of non-Rx supplements, even intermittent fasting--all can have important modulating effects upon the immune system.
It is the immune system which seems to be at the crux of the bodily dysfunction let loose by spike proteins.
Good luck!

Roth Harbard
9 months ago

We are in the Kali Yuga or Wolf Age. There is no fixing what’s wrong with us until people awaken. Those who are awake have recognized this and withdrawn (gone Gault) as much as they possibly can from society. We must follow the Nine Noble Virtues (honor, courage, truth, self-reliance, industriousness, hospitality, fidelity, discipline and perseverance). The more we do this, the more people will awaken. That said, I have concluded that our generation and likely that of our children will see nothing improve and likely get much worse. However, the cycle will turn and head upward again when enough people wake up. Those of us who are awake wonder at the apathy we see around us. It’s cyclical and will change in due course.

9 months ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

It’s also a 4th turning cycle and we’re rapidly approaching the crisis point. What will the crisis be? No way to know, but there are several signs of possibilities: economic collapse, global war, another pandemic. These things happen in their own time, but some of us have been awake for a while and have done what we can to be ready.

9 months ago

My wife had been told a few years ago that she would eventually need a major surgery, but she put it off as long as possible. Last summer she decided that it was time for the surgeryif she was to be bale to function like she wished to in her everyday life. One of the requirements prior to surgeru was she had to sign off on a consent form that would allow them to give her a blood transfusion in an emergency. She asked if she could request that she only be given blood from an unvaccinated person. They acted shocked that she would even ask such a question and told her that they didn’t even track the vaccinated from the unvaccinated when it came to donated blood.
She replied that she was quite sure the government had a running inventory of everyone who had been vaccinated and if they didn’t track such information then why was there a question on her pre-op paperwork asking if she had received the vaccine and how many boosters. Luckily she did not need to recieve blood and myslef and our children were all listed as possible donors since none of our immediate family including grandchildren have been vaccinated. Our primary care providers do not even ask as we have made it clear that we will not take any vaccines including regular flu shots.
My wife, our eldest daughter and I have all just rtecovered from out second round of testing positive for covid.More like a bad head cold with upper congestion. But since early on in 2020 we have been adding extra Vitamin D, C, zinc and quercetin with other supplements. Doe sit help?Cannot prove that it does, but it certainly doesn’t hurt.