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- TakeAHardLook on FBI
- Pastor Guest on FBI
- lol no on I Have Questions
- TakeAHardLook on This Is Very Bad
Lying sons of bitches, lynching is in order here,
My thoughts exactly
From one Marine to another….Im tired of this shit!
“Muh Democracy”. Their version….
Well said, brother!
University of Maryland, what a stinking joke of a school that is, if you can call it a school,. It’s school of il repute and all the lunatic professors who work there. White rural rage, two a holes along with the msnbc whore liar.
The operative term in you post above is “lunatic.” Yes they are all lunatics, sexual deviants, anarchists and retards.
Communist asshole. So WTF are you city slickers going to do about it. My hogs are hungry.
Thanks for reminding me. I need to buy some hogs.
Thank you for every thing you do. Our people need all the inspiration possible in these dark times.
SEDITION,the crime of creating a revolt, disturbance, or violence against lawful civil authority with the intent to cause its overthrow or destruction compare criminal syndicalism, sabotage. ENFORCE THE CONSTITUTION!
The punishment for mutiny, sedition, or failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition shall be punished by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct
Lawful Civil authority = The US Constitution and the republican form of government. All others will be considered traitors and punishment will be in accordance with the US Constitution.
This is part of the programming that is necessary to pit the 2 America’s against each other.
There are swaths of people, HUGE numbers, you know them, prolly work with several… They’re not real bright. So they’ve learned (been programmed) to listen to authority figures and absorb whatever they say. When you talk to normies, they speak those exact same talking points, without actually being able to discuss them. They don’t grok, they just repeat. And a lie repeated often enough, becomes the truth.
So they gin up this idea that one side is righteous and brave, the other backwards and cowardly. Listen to Dylan’s “With God on our Side”, you’ll understand better.
Allus one kin do is laff. An jus look at tha faces. Y’all kin tell jus lookin’ they ain’t too brite. Pardon the grammar.
I wish I had the strength to listen to these two “experts” -- but I am 79 yrs old and truly do not feel I have the time to listen to two self hating men spew their insanity. Cudos to you all who can and probably gain insights, I am not getting. All this ‘white hate’ proves is -- you can make up any theory and run with it as if it is true. My personal belief has cone to the point -- distruction is just around the corner, and I pray these masters of deceit realize it was all a lie as they die!
So, there you have it. From the horses mouth. War against the core of traditional Americans is in the open. What was that noise I just heard? Was that charging handles being pulled back and released?
More white hate propaganda … from white guys.
I disagree, they are beta males, misandrist. They’ve never produced anything in their lives and therefor highly dependent on cheap alpha male labor.
As the title says ‘clown world’, where the non-productive get paid the biggest bucks for being a detriment to society. ‘Opinion writer’, any child can do that job.
Nope, the purpose of bringing race into the equation is to obfuscate their true intention, undermine the next generation of all men. This is a matriarch where the beta male reigns supreme, through sophistry.
Pay Attention You Domestic Commie Bastards | Bustednuckles That is who and what they are.
Soon gentlemen very soon!
You have again been OTHERED. One of the steps on the path to genocide. Read all about it at the genocide project at the University of Hawaii website. Which part of they really want you dead have you not understood?
Denver Government May Furlough Its American Staff To Put Illegals On Its Payroll -- American Partisan already happening.
[…] of government that this great experiment wanted to put in place. The above video was posted in a comment on this site linking to […]
White = bad while color = good so vote for Michelle Obama… it’s all subliminal propaganda, and the less intelligent will fall for it.
Quite often the commies show their cards--too often actually. And we conservatives don’t seem to notice, or worse… don’t care. What this interview is thus: a signal to pavement commies, ANTIFA and so forth just to who the enemy is. It’s a defining moment if you haven’t noticed--now that it is going main-stream-commie-media. And now that you know that you are the enemy, just what are you going to do?
These people are complete a-holes but really, who gives a flip about what they think. And who in their right mind is going to read that book? Drivel, pure drivel…
These five rules of propaganda have been known for a long time, and they are certainly not original with myself. They can be found on the internet through searches. Please send them around so that more people will be aware of them. Ideally get them posted in school classrooms. Thank You.
The Five Rules of Propaganda
1. The rule of simplification -- reducing all data to a simple confrontation between ‘Good and Bad’, ‘Friend and Foe’.
2. The rule of disfiguration -- discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.
3. The rule of transfusion -- manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one’s own ends.
4. The rule of unanimity -- presenting one’s viewpoint as if it were unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: draining the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star-performers, by social pressure , and by ‘psychological contagion’.
5. The rule of orchestration -- endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations.