He’s Done

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a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
9 months ago

Someone is running things. Not we the people, not what many call leaders within our government. Then whom? I think many of us know. Become set-apart we can not serve two Masters, figure out to whom we should serve and follow that path.

tom finley
tom finley
9 months ago

Fed.gov is under UN control along with WEF agenda and the CCP, they are at war with the American people. Who’s agenda, satans.

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
9 months ago

Hey look everybody, it’s the emperor’s new brain! So majestic!

9 months ago

McConnell and Joe Biden could sit down and have an interesting conversation!

9 months ago
Reply to  X-Beast

That is Bitch McConnell another lying scum bag that has his pockets lined taxpayer hand out money. Some people claim Nixon was a crook, but I guarantee he did not come close to these scoundrels we have today

9 months ago

This is what eventually happens to very wicked and evil RINO leaders, like many democrats before him. have gone the same exact way winding up with brain diseases. this is a very fitting way for these slug evil bastards to go out. now we need the khazar jew Schumer and Pelosi to go out the same way as well. Johnson our new republican democrat speaker needs to go out the same way as well with the racist dog Jeffries behind him. God works in mysterious ways, so many of these evil bastards have brain issues and are all dying from this.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
9 months ago

Like a trained ‘circus pony’ you will note how handlers lead some of these politicians around from one trick to another. You can clearly see Mitch’s handler yanking on his reins when his brain locked up (most likely from moderate vascular dementia, the same as Joe Biden).

Other elected circus ponies in government are from the top down: Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Nadler and one who recently died--and they kept her moving like a Disney animatronic right until her heart stopped beating, Dianne Feinstein.

If there were a requirement that any elected official to the congress or senate had to pass an SAT entrance exam (circa 1970) --90% of them would fail miserably.

What you mainly have on the Communist Democratic Party (CDP) side is narcissistic cult of power-hungry manipulators who enjoy watching themselves on TV yammering. Same goes with a percentage of GOP representatives who are labeled at RINO’s --Dan Crenshaw comes to mind with this bunch. Their uber-super-duper, grand poo-bah ultimate leader whom they still worship--of all time past-present and yet to come, John McCain died going down swinging against everything the core GOP values stood for. Mitt (deer-in-the-headlights, magic underwear wearing) Romney is also in this category.

The only way Mitch is going to leave the US senate is when they carry him out feet first as suffering a massive stroke on the debate floor.

Last edited 9 months ago by General 'Buck' Turgidson
Joe Buck
Joe Buck
9 months ago

If he’s still useful to his handlers, he’ll still be in the senate as a cadaver.

9 months ago

This is all the evidence we need! He’s done!

Steady Steve
Steady Steve
9 months ago

Brains worn out from all the drug use and probably STDs from their sex parties. God just lets these people live the way they want which becomes it’s own punishment.

The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
9 months ago

The perfect politician, you can mold him, shape him, make him sign anything you want.

Snotty Boy
Snotty Boy
9 months ago

He is eating the same ice cream that Biden eats! Haha!!!

9 months ago

Just like his bosom buddy Joe, the lights are on but nobody’s home.