How Much Did Speaker Johnson Get?

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6 months ago

How much did Lindsay Graham get? How much did Nancy Pelousy get? How much did FJB get? Etc etc etc…yada…

Randolp Scott
Randolp Scott
6 months ago

expose the traitors… hen hag them publicly.

6 months ago

My opine is, Johnson got nothing, but he did get a visit from the CIA, FBI or NSA with pictures and videos of him with little boys and little girls which would have been released to the media if he didn’t go their way. Oh Yes, Johnson is bought and paid for by the big three lying Marxist run federal Law enforcement bureaucracies, and we are very much aware of it now. The little P.O.S. has exposed himself to the people who are still sane in this country and the ones who elected the little TURD.

Last edited 6 months ago by Phil1350
6 months ago
Reply to  Phil1350

And yet Trump supports him.

6 months ago
Reply to  Jay

You are right, what was spoken about when the little lying Turd Johnson went to meet with Trump in Maralogo. Right after his meeting he passed the corruption bill with another 61 billion dollars of infused tax dollars. What really strikes me hard about Trump is, why would he grandstand the building of a new FBI building and said how great it would be for the FBI and DOJ needing to be close to one another when he knows they are corrupted. This is the same FBI that Framed him in 2016 and framed him 2020 from the likes of scumbag Chris Wray and his little federal piss cops who are so corrupted it defies imagination. Trump should be yelling from the rooftops for his expulsion and defunding of the entire dept., as well as the CIA, and DOJ. All we hear is crickets from this fool’s mouth. Wray has already begun inserting his corrupted run federal lawless agency once again with election interference and Trump is silent. There something really sinister afoot here with Trump or he could have been threatened by these agencies and even if he was, he should be coming out and telling the people who is threatening him in these agencies so they can be shut down permanently.

kal kal
kal kal
6 months ago
Reply to  Phil1350

my thought as well. switched sides faster than a cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

foot in the forest
foot in the forest
6 months ago

Hunter always bragged about 10% for the “big guy” so I would ASSUME less than that.

6 months ago


Al Buckner
Al Buckner
6 months ago

I remember seeing an article showing what each got I believe Speaker Johnson got $183000+.
The list was a who of who list, if I can locate it, I will update comment.

tom finley
tom finley
6 months ago
Reply to  Al Buckner

Pretty cheap little whores eh.

Steady Steve
Steady Steve
6 months ago

The money didn’t go to fictitious companies. It went to our public serpents with a little skimmed off the top by the Ukes.