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“Baby Girl”? Sounds so ghetto.
Her IQ is exceeded by her middle finger….
Never bring a baby girl to a Georgia cat fight.
Jello or hot oil….
Oil for the win!
This is a manifestation of why women should have never been allowed to vote.
^^^ 110% This. And I’m not interested in a cage match. I’m not even interested in them being marched into the kitchen and told to make sandwiches for men doing real work. I would happily pay some respectable amount in gold (no fiat garbage, that’d be an insult) if Mr. Putin would kindly land a volley of hypersonics in DC and vaporize everything there, including the cockroaches, in one fell swoop.
The inanities of these political whores (“men” included, incidentally) have become unbearable and insulting beyond any possible ability to tolerate.