Unlike the United States, the ‘melting pot’, these folks have a beautiful, traditional, high culture. Has it dawned on anyone else that the ‘good ole’ US of A is a globalist nation? We don’t have a single ‘people’ or a single culture. We are a mutt nation, if one can even call it a nation.
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Do you know ‘Luck’ is not mentioned in the Bible?
Who is in charge?
I am YAHuah and there is none else, forming light and creating darkness, making peace and creating evil.
I don’t know if there is anything such as a “purebred” people. The English & Welsh are a mixture of ancient Britons, Israelites (we know that from the similarity of the ancient Hebrew and Welsh languages), Romans, Saxons, Danes, Normans, and who knows who else? Same for the Scots & Irish except the Romans never occupied Scotland or Ireland.
America had a glorious Heritage and culture -- but we allowed our Founding Principles and mindset to be corrupted. Beginning in the late 1700s, evil forces went all out to destroy us and we went along with it.
As to Latvia: I wouldn’t want to live in a Country which celebrates pagan gods.
I believe you are correct that outside of some really remote enclaves there probably aren’t many “purebred” people due to the millennia of commingling and fornication by force.
You are also right in that whatever unique culture America had, it has become a complete farce of gluttonous greed, consumerism, and imperialism trying to force its “freedom” and “values” on the world against other people’s will.
The video Roth posted shows a people who have retained their cultural heritage, and like the North, they remember. The conquering of the old culture by Christianity is, I believe, one of biggest tragedies in history, but thankfully the old ways live on in some of us and they are making a resurgence. I would much rather honor my pagan gods who would have us rise up and excise this evil cancer that is consuming the US empire than bow down as a less than worthless being begging for forgiveness.
Did Christianity conquer, or a group claiming to be Christ like? a group claiming to be of the church, the “One True church?”
I will not commit to apostasy, you denigrate me and my Christian faith, are they still destroying your sacred groves, where you worship what,, the rocks and trees. Or just what do you do in these groves, seems like a well kept secret.
Who is denigrating who? How, exactly, have I denigrated your faith? By simply not accepting it as my own? By exposing you to something you may not want to hear and may even fear? If so, that’s a pretty low bar. You smear my faith by insinuating things of which you know nothing. With all due respect, a bit of study on your part would dispel the idea that our ancestors ‘worshipped’ trees and rocks.
I was replying to Noway2, that I bow down as a less than worthless being begging for forgiveness, do you also go by the name of Noway2?
Was it you or someone else that made the repeated comment on this site about being “a worthless dishrag in the eyes of my god”, or words to that effect. Sounds like your kind does a pretty good job of denigrating yourselves. Personally, what I keep reading of the relationship between Christian’s and their god to be rather sad. What’s moreover is that for those of Indo-European ancestry one’s old ways of your own culture offer so much more, starting with affirmation rather than supplication.
Maybe folks should stop praying for your god to not damn you for the state of this empire and actually DO SOMETHING about it.
Your kind, dishrag and words to that effect, I have never stated such. I could listen to the same BS on any news station or Al Jazeera, where’s your snack bar.
One of the site regulars did so, repeatedly. And apparently you have trouble seeing past your Abrahamist views given your snack bar and Al Jazeera comment, an obvious attempt to conflate my views with Islam (not even close).
I do not fear any man, or his religion. My comment was addressing Noway2 and his last paragraph of his comment.
The Nation Celebrates all the pagan gods, Some of us do not, but most do so and don’t even know it!
I know you stated you wouldn’t want to live in Latvia, you won’t have to, it’s right here in the good ole USA and in all our faces everywhere and spread across all televised media, advertising, government, etc. and it’s even in many of the mainline and evangelical churches. Our nation is doomed because of the sins of our leaders and people.
I think America was a better place when it consisted of various ethnic neighborhoods and small towns, Chinatowns and Bohunk Chicago and Irish Brooklyn and Italian lots of places. There was a small town somewhere in PA that was settled by emigrants from one small area in Italy, basically all neighbors that understood one another. It was one of the remarkably physically healthy places in America (viz the Roseto effect).
Roth, This morning i sent you an e-mail, had been on my mind a while. Sent it before you posted this. i did forget to sign it however and it may go to your spam depending on how you are set up. my e- mail is my old self employed business name. lon
We used to be a melting pot but have now become a vegetable platter.
This is exactly what they have been working toward for a long, long time. A people disconnected from their own heritage; their culture locked in the death spiral of perpetual diversity is our greatest strength, gutted of its sense of purpose, homogenized into banal units of production and consumption known as the “economy”; their history and mythology alike retconned and revised into a moral claim of the blood libel against their right to said heritage and land and future; their traditions methodically and incrementally diluted by satanic inversion of their own founding documents and institutions to make their very existence de facto illegal including the very essence of self-governance, free expression, and free association with one’s own people within a sovereign state created and sustained to serve that very same heritage.
So yeah, it is common to long for those things we have been to conditioned to believe never existed. But that longing, that grieving, is real, like nostalgia (homecoming+sorrow) it exists because the truth of your people remains, like reality itself, long after we stop believing in it.
The truth that the FUSA was only a monoethnic for a brief period before growing into a multi-ethnic has been used against us to dispossess us of our past and future.
Do not fall for this trap. The “melting pot”, like the poem on the French statue in NY, is not a definition -- or even a reflection of “who we are” as a people or a moral, human “right” that our nation should be the receiving grounds for all comers based on mere want or some arbitrary economic argument or some revised history of some “nation of immigrants” nonsense.
While there have always been many “americas” in the United State as a result of the expansion of the British empire and subsequent settlers arriving from Europe, this does not negate the majority cultural and ethnic commons for which the nation was formed to serve.
This was all codified by the voluntary union of sovereign states, where these similar but slightly different peoples could pursue their lives in peace. Even so, there remains a heritage people across all states who have every right to lay claim to the nation-state as their own without further justification.
Just as we still have every right to decide who may enter and who may not without any reason beyond our preference for our own because “diversity” is a lie, an immoral cause that is dilutive and dangerous to a people desiring to remain a people.
This moral claim that has been used against us to produce several generations now who have a pathological desire to strive toward that inverted moral status by means of destroying their own people and nation.
And the future brings even more distant and foreign peoples with that false claim to our posterity -- and scores of our own lost children who don’t even long for what they never had because its so far removed from their hearts and their lands.
So who are your people? Who are “we”? Reclaim your roots and traditions and kindle that spark, carry it forward to your children, and stand in opposition to any and all who would attempt to have you lay down your sword for one of the multitudes of lies. For that is exactly how our nation became occupied to those most hostile to our existence as a people.
By the way Latvia is full of Russians, Ukranian, Belarusians, Poles, and other Europeans. And yet the core ethnic of that nation still celebrate who they are and I guaranty you if you went there and asked them they would tell you “Latvia is for Latvians”.
There singing to their light bearer Satan and giving him honor and asking for his blessing on them and their land. This insane crowd made up of mostly white fools back in 2018 are in a trance and are all deceived by the father of Lies and the deceiver. These idiots are all lost and there only hope is asking Christ for repentance of their sins. I wonder how many of them have awoken from there stupor since 2018 to reach out to the only living God. Iam curious as to what the number it would be. I will take an educated guess at this, .10% is the number if I am lucky.
Can’t quite define it; but that video left me stone cold. Sorry, just the way I feel. Now, then, a word about Christianity and its detractors. Regardless the religion, throughout history from the very beginning of time, every organization has been coopted by those seeking power and control over whatever small empire is available. Call it Christianity, business, politics etc. But,…..BUT,…..THERE IS NO MISTAKING THE TRUTH OF GOD’S WORD THAT DEFINES EVERY FACET OF LIFE BOTH HERE AND NOW AS WELL AS LATER. You/we/I may disagree as to what we see within those words. And churches may corrupt them. Yet, aside from individual understanding of whatever version of the bible one chooses to read, the truth is revealed. That said, it is certain we will disagree in open discourse; and that is why the church is split asunder. The bible is my guide. I forsook the church long ago. I choose the bible as my guide and the church can do as it is pleased to do.
Yes sir.
i agree, His teachings were hi jacked from the beginnings. That is the way it works.
Every action has an opposite and equal reaction. If we are alert and aware, we see this is true everywhere we look.
His teachings were hi jacked from the beginnings. I’d like to offer a short history lesson. One can check all that follows to confirm accuracy.
If one does a bit of study, one will find that what has come to be known as Christianity was spread then much as Islam was being spread then -- by the sword.
We begin by seeing a Jewish rabbi (Yeshua) teaching fellow Jews a way of living. That early Jewish cult was not called Christian, it was known as ‘The Way’. Yeshua, his disciples and followers were practicing Jews and the followers continued to be practicing Jews after the death of their rabbi.
Then comes Paul, who never met Jesus and whom the real Apostles distrusted. Paul took ‘His teachings‘ to the Gentiles. It was an easy sell in Rome because the story line assured slaves and the poor that they were as good as Roman aristocrats and, while suffering in the present, would go to ‘heaven’ if they accepted the new faith. Sounds a bit like the promises Islam makes to its followers; and Islam has the same target audience -- the poor and downtrodden.
There is a theory floating about that Paul used the new faith to undermine Rome since the Romans were occupiers whom the Jews hated, fought with, and lost to on a regular basis. Is this theory true? I don’t know, but a plausible theory if one considers the result of the spread of the new religion and the comments of Talmudic Jews then and now.
This new religion, now styled ‘Christianity’ blossoms in the lower classes of Rome. These new Christians form mobs and begin to attack non-Christians and vandalize and destroy anything accused of being ‘pagan’ (non-Christian); statues, temples, books, manuscripts, libraries, and people (read about the killing of Hypatia). At this point, one would have to agree that the actions of these ‘Christians’ were certainly not those of ‘His teachings‘. So, did Paul hi-jack them (His teachings)?
If one follows the history, one will see the new religion looks nothing like ‘His teaching‘. It undermines and contributes to the fall of Rome and is later utilized by tyrants (Constantine, Charlemagne, and others) to solidify their power and control. The Jewish God (God of Israel), the Jewish Messiah (Yeshua), and the Jewish holy book (Bible as established circa 4th Century) were forced on indigenous people not so much through evangelization as bribery, threats, and force (Charlemagne killed 4,500 people in one instance for refusing to convert).
History seems to confirm that Christianity was adopted by tyrants as a universalist religion to be forced on the masses so as to maintain power and control. Same as Islam, just in a different territory.
This is what Marcus Eli Ravage, Rothschild biographer, had to say about we goyim (non-Jews):
“Our national literature is your Holy Bible. Jewish artisans and Jewish fishermen are your teachers and your saints, with countless statues carved in their image and innumerable cathedrals raised to their memories. A Jewish maiden is your ideal of motherhood and womanhood. A Jewish rebel-prophet is the central figure in your religious worship. A patriotic Jew named Paul conceived the idea of humbling the Roman power by destroying the morale of its soldiery with the doctrines of love and non-resistance preached by the little sect of Jewish Christians.
We have pulled down your idols, cast aside your racial inheritance, and substituted for them our God and our traditions. No conquest in history can even remotely compare with this clean sweep of our conquest over you.”
So, I agree that the teachings of the Jewish rabbi, we know as Jesus, were hi-jacked. That doesn’t mean I have to or want to adhere to a Jewish religion. All indigenous peoples on the planet, including my European ancestors, have found the divine in the natural world. All these indigenous understandings of the divine are ethnically unique. In my study I have found absolutely no evidence that indigenous people worship rocks and trees. The ‘Gods and Goddesses’ are archetypes of natural forces and have mythical qualities that are to be emulated by their adherents. Trees were symbolic. Worship was mostly held outdoors (in sacred groves) because that’s closer to the Divine than inside a building. Our people celebrated the ‘wheel’ of the year, the changing seasons (equinoxes and solstices).
Over the Centuries we have been programmed by ‘the church’ to view non-Christian (pagan, heathens, whatever) as devil worshipping fallen humans bound for hell. Believe that if one will, a study of history shows otherwise. It certainly doesn’t help that there are Satanic groups and evil people lumped in with those who simply wish to follow The Old Ways.
When I choose to return to the understanding of my Germanic pre-Christian ancestors, something organic, beautiful, and in my mind true and natural as created, I’m scolded and defamed by my own folk. My question, seriously, is why would I want to follow the religion of a foreign God whose adherents conquered my people? Why would I want to be a Jew? Why should I consider the Bible as the only inerrant Word of God when there is a Quran, a Book of Mormon and other books floating about. They’re all just written by men and all men have an agenda. In the case of the Abrahamic faiths (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism), that agenda seems to be universalist.
We all have our own walks. We all believe what we will believe. I salute those of you who ‘believe what you believe is really real’. I just wish, before you judge others with whom you disagree, you first do some research.
Will return to this. Not much time this morning.
Proverbs 26:11
Matthew 12:33
Jeremiah 13:23
What’s your goal (if any) for this dispute?
Proverbs 25:8-10
New King James Version
8 Do not go hastily to [a]court;
For what will you do in the end,
When your neighbor has put you to shame?
9 Debate your case with your neighbor,
And do not disclose the secret to another;
10 Lest he who hears it expose your shame,
And [b]your reputation be ruined.
Proverbs 10:19
We’re in a war for survival and YOUR wrestling in the mud for the amusement of pigs?
we are attempting to have a discussion. people in all walks seem to discourage discussion, they prefer to judge and call names, do you wonder why?
Because this site isn’t about converting the “Infidel” it’s about finding enough worthy warriors of HONOR to defeat the evil of the District of Criminals.
All I ask of my friends is they have honor and thus are good neighbors. Thus worthy of being an ally.
Proverbs 22 speaks about people like yourself
A Good Name
…9A generous man will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor. 10Drive out the mocker, and conflict will depart; even quarreling and insults will cease. 11He who loves a pure heart and gracious lips will have the king for a friend.…
Go found your own church dude and get busy growing a group that will support you.
Because this site isn’t about converting the “Infidel” it’s about finding enough worthy warriors of HONOR to defeat the evil of the District of Criminals.
I agree with you on this. Are you implying I’m not a man of honor? My only ‘agenda’ here is to bring unity to patriots. Some folks seem to reject anyone who isn’t a fundamentalist Christian. I’m simply attempting to convince you that we should fight together against a common enemy.
You seem to be inferring that I’m a ‘mocker’? That I need to be ‘driven out’? That I get busy ‘growing a group that will support’ me? Allow me to refer you back to my agenda.
Ron, I thought English was your first language.
Try reading the “Reply To” section before faking offence.
If that’s too difficult the reply was to “A follower working on it”. One could think maybe the message was clear enough, but you’ve found it opaque.
Sorry Michael. I did fail to spot the ‘reply to’. That said, my comment stands and is appropriate, I believe, either for myself or in defense of Follower. In my case just substitute ‘infidel’ for man of honor. The two of us were seeking understanding one for the other. Why did you feel it necessary to post such a snarky response?
Nobody needs a Loki nor a Pharisee on their team when thing get frisky.
Pick the one you feel fits you better. You’re the one that played the “I’m offended” card. Liberal much?
Now what pray tell does your ongoing chit chat with Follower have to do with grieving for the loss of our country to flat out evil folks in District of Criminals.
You’re a distraction at best.
Michael, we found something on which we agree!liberal -- adjective
1. willing to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one’s own; open to new ideas.
I guess I am a liberal!
And in the current vernacular Liberals are SO TOLERANT.
Cue mostly peaceful but fiery protests from Liberal CNN.
I’d not be proud of that title. But you be you.
What is wrong with you? You have nothing to contribute but hate and vitriol. I think you’re confusing ‘liberal’ with Marxist or Communist. That’s what’s being called liberal these days. Allow me to be more clear. I’m a liberal in the vein of Thomas Jefferson. You want to insult him, too?
One thing I won’t tolerate is bad behavior. I assume you either can’t help yourself because your life sucks, or you’re a troll. I’ll be happy to include you in an adult conversation if you can stop being such a sphincter muscle. Otherwise, rail on and I’ll ignore you.
LOL seek out a mirror.
Moonbattery What Liberals Swear Upon Instead of Bible -- Moonbattery
Be Loud and Proud to be a Liberal, go for it.
Meanwhile since you and Follower have such a relationship, why not move to your own room for the chats?
Did not realize it was you who governed this site.
LOL, liberal much?
Dude. What’s your problem? If you have nothing constructive to add, why are you picking on her?
You are playing the name caller and the accuser here, not i.
Oh look it appears you are the distraction.
Also i follow His church why would i start my own.
See the conflict?
Nice, could you mention the NAME of that Church?
Maybe it’s in the hearts of the follower?
Where is the True Temple, who is the King?
What has happened to you over these last months that have turned you this way?
Look in the mirror
Michael, as a medic do you pick and choose who you will serve based on “Religion?”) Or do you set example, perhaps open a dialog, run away?
Strawman argument follower.
If you and Ron want to discuss comparative religion get a room.
I don’t see other people jumping in on your discussion.
i disagree with you as this is a legitimate question.
Been given an idea, if you both are willing, there is no traffic here after all, and we are bothering no one, have them go over the thread and our comments to each other. Let them decide who is
behaving in the correct ways and who is more erratic and out of order. ? Both of you know why this has been on my mind.
No problem. A lot to digest. You may also find Jefferson’s understanding interesting:
“Your reason is now mature enough to examine this object. In the first place divest yourself of all bias in favour of novelty & singularity of opinion. Indulge them in any other subject rather than that of religion. It is too important, & the consequences of error may be too serious. On the other hand shake off all the fears & servile prejudices under which weak minds are servilely crouched. fix reason firmly in her seat, and call to her tribunal every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a god; because, if there be one, he must more approve the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear … I repeat that you must lay aside all prejudice on both sides, and neither believe nor reject any thing because any other person, or description of persons have rejected or believed it. Your own reason is the only oracle given you by heaven, and you are answerable not for the rightness but uprightness of the decision.”
Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Peter Carr
Paris Aug. 10. 1787.
Back to it.
Not sure why one would put so much weight on Paul in the “Holy Roman church” after all they seem to take Peter as their messenger, yet i believe this was not Peter the apostle. And they certainly did not go the way of the Jews.
We have the Romans the Jews and Islam. All of problems.
His Church is set- apart from all of these.
The New covenant was inclusive and yet very Individual in nature.
The United states started and came about purely by His will and because of His Abrahamic Promise. And yes if you need to call us mutts, then so be it. i have had some very good mutts over the years. The mutts worked well together in the beginnings. Some of us can work for good now also.
i do not agree with what you seem to be promoting with some of your videos, yet i would help you in times of need if possible God willing. i have helped people, and my children have seen me and also have helped people through out the years. i do not ask for a pedigree, nor their papers, i would not need to ask for a blood sample nor check the color of their skin. This whole pureblood and or tainted blood conversation is nothing but devisive.
Any of us that served in the military and were of the side of good should understand basic truths about each other regardless of genealogies.
This whole pureblood and or tainted blood conversation is nothing but devisive.
I don’t recall using the term ‘pureblood’. My understanding of Scripture is that God ordained nations (noun -- 1. a country considered as a body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular area or territory) and separated the different people groups. Recall Babel? Noah’s sons?
I like diversity. I truly do. So the question becomes how do we maintain diversity if we mix all people groups into globohomo? A mutt? No Germans, no Japanese, no Chinese, no Hispanics, just one big mutt? Everything mixed up?
I’m not a white supremacist, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to live around my own kind, in a nation of my own kind. So back to the video. Whether one is a Christian of one follows The Old Ways, that is where I’d like to be. In a real nation, not globohomo.
As for your thinking on Paul, ever hear the name Simon Magus? You might find researching him quite interesting.
… yet i would help you in times of need … And I, you. That’s the whole point of my sharing what I share from a religious standpoint. Those of us of goodwill need to work together to turn back the evil. My ‘agenda’ is not to ‘convert’ anyone to my worldview, but to convince those who follow Christianity that I and my ancestors are not devil worshippers and, like you, want to confront and defeat evil.
There will always be those who post snarky comments, call names and continue to make attempts at division. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t continue to search for common ground.
Simon Magus? Yes that is exactly who i am speaking of. So the Catholic church from its, beginning? i also do not condemn all catholics, i do wish they and so many others would take the time to stop and look around for the absolute Truth that can be found!
i believe the closer we get to and speak of the Truth we will be attacked and take flack, so be it.
Been studying 1 Peter 2-6-10 also connects to Psalms 118:22
The answers are here when we are led to see who and what the builders are. The True stone, the Stone of stumbling. Spiritual and the physical. So simple yet so many miss this or take their “leaders” word for what these passages mean.
Who are the builders and what do they love to do?
Third temple? How many temples exist in every town and city? How many look like pyramids?
So here is what i would ask you. Knowing what you seem to know about Simon Magus and the many falsities that followed, why walk away from the Word that is still inherently True? we can see that most of christianity has been led astray and have allowed ourselves to be led astray, largely because to face the Truth is just to hard to face. Many of these christians like your ancestors think that they are ready to face evil yet none of them are Truly following His will and His example. They do not and cannot face that they are also worshipping false gods and are following the way of pagans. One look at what christmas, easter etc. is and has become should shock and revolt anyone striving to serve the Master!
Jeremiah 10:3-4 is but one small reference that should make us question our many traditions and practices.
Good question. Simple answer? ‘The Way’ was Jewish for the Jews. The Bible is basically a Jewish mythology, just as Germanic mythology is mythic for Northern Europeans. Jesus didn’t come for Europeans. He came for the lost sheep of Israel. Paul and company pushed it on us.
I study history, religion, and textual criticism. Call me a skeptic. I started my life as a Presbyterian, then rolled into Christian fundamentalism because I’d been convinced to take the Scriptures at face value. Most churches did not. I left mainstream Christianity to become a Messianic Christian, even writing a book (Finding the Way) on how conventional Christianity had been usurped. And, I continued to study finding that even though the Romans and Egyptians left vast troves of records, there is apparently nothing in any of their writings about Moses, or Joseph, or Yeshua. As a matter of fact, there’s no written record outside the Bible by people living at the time of those men that confirms their existence. Curious if both Moses and Joseph had such monumental interactions with Pharaohs. And Jesus, healing the sick, raising the dead, water to wine, all the trouble he caused the Romans and the Romans left no record?
Bart Ehrman (UNC Chapel Hill religion dept.) has a series of books on textual criticism. Thousands of copies of the Bible, but no originals. Proof that the text was tweeked to suit the ruling parties. Ehrman went from being a fundamentalist to becoming an atheist because the Bible, in his studied opinion, was so rife with contradictions and errors. All these are recorded in his books. His opinion is that if God cannot protect his ‘inerrant Word’, then there is no God (baby with the bath water thinking in my view, but it’s his).
Once I determined that the Bible is Jewish myth, I abandoned Christianity entirely for 10 years. I still prayed to my Creator, but had no use for religion. I began to find Jewish rabbis and intellectuals saying things like the following.
“Our national literature is your Holy Bible. Jewish artisans and Jewish fishermen are your teachers and your saints, with countless statues carved in their image and innumerable cathedrals raised to their memories. A Jewish maiden is your ideal of motherhood and womanhood. A Jewish rebel-prophet is the central figure in your religious worship. A patriotic Jew named Paul conceived the idea of humbling the Roman power by destroying the morale of its soldiery with the doctrines of love and non-resistance preached by the little sect of Jewish Christians.
We have pulled down your idols, cast aside your racial inheritance, and substituted for them our God and our traditions. No conquest in history can even remotely compare with this clean sweep of our conquest over you.” Marcus Eli Ravage, Rothschild biographer
I stumbled into Germanic mythology and did a deep dive, finding that the practice of my ancestors was nothing like what I’d been told by adherents to Christianity. They were not worshipping the devil, or rocks or trees or the sun. There was lots of symbolism in trees and the sun, but they weren’t considered gods. Divinity in nature, reverence for ancestors, and seeking to make oneself a better human being were the pillars of their belief system. All natural and organic and obvious to a people who lived in tune with nature.
So, even though some would call me a ‘liberal’, I don’t know how much more ‘conservative’ I could be than to want to throw off a foreign religion forced on my folk and return to the faith and traditions of my ancestors. That faith is ethnic. The Jews faith is ethnic. They are, in my opinion, incompatible.
Now, I don’t expect many to follow my path. Most either don’t have the time to study, are too prideful to admit they’ve bought and lived something that’s not right, or are lazy, finding the established order comfortable.
My journey has been to find truth. At 70 years of age I’ve come to admit I probably never shall, at least in this lifetime. What I have gotten very good at, however, is finding errors and lies. Of those I will have no part.
LOL I was wondering how long before Ron pushed the Paul theory. He’s preached it before a few years ago IIRC.
Guess salvation was ONLY for the Jews, eh?
BTW the Old Ways stuff is universal, the Greeks, Romans and every other civilization had their versions of Odin and Loki and Mother Gods stuff.
So, you could say the Old Ways Religion killed Jesus the lamb of God spoken in the Torah, at the behest of the Jewish Religious Leadership.
Starting off by calling His way a cult is not the way to begin. Same as others saying you are all pagan and going to hell.
Rome is the home of the false church. So who then are the daughters? Begin there. Some evidence supports it is they who helped create the Mohamed part of islam!
“Kill them all let God sort them out” did not come from the Son nor His True followers.
Computer giving me fits today. Also does not wish for discussion? Chuckle.
I apologize if you took offense at the word ‘cult’. Words mean things. cult: noun
1. a relatively small group of people having beliefs or practices, especially relating to religion, that are regarded by others as strange or sinister or as imposing excessive control over members.
I used that word because the Jews of that time considered The Way exactly that, a cult. I understand that Christians consider cults evil and put them in the same category as ‘pagan’ and ‘heathen’, but the definition of those words is no more offensive or nefarious than ‘cult’. I take no offense at being called pagan: noun
1. (especially in historical contexts) a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main or recognized religions.
You speak of a ‘true church’ and ‘true followers’. If you seriously believe this, how do you identify them? Before I gave up on Christianity as right for me, I decided to discount everything in the New Testament except the red letters, the words of Yeshua. I would respectfully suggest that anyone wishing to be a ‘true follower’ do the same and actually live it. That would, however, require giving up almost all Christian doctrine, as those doctrines came from men, not Jesus.
What you seem to be implying is that no churches, today, are ‘true churches’. I would agree with you completely. My ancestors worshipped in sacred groves or in ‘hofs’ (houses of followers). I suspect you have the same issue as I. I have no ‘true hofs’ with whom to congregate and you apparently have no ‘true churches’.
The best you and I can do is live what we believe, but be open to changing those beliefs given new, verifiable information, not stick to them out of pride, fear, or peer pressure. If we believe what we believe is really real we will act on it. I respect your dedication to what you believe. You title yourself as ‘working on it‘. Don’t ever stop doing so. I hope your computer issues get resolved. Have a great day!
Thanks for clarification. Computer seems to be better this evening. Hopefully in the morning also.
People seem afraid to talk yet they are gung hoe for the shooting and clean up to commence.
This people are singing to the choir of false gods. On their way to hell.
Judge ye not?
Now you want to quote the Bible you do not believe in?
Trying to debate you is like Brier Rabbit playing with the ‘tar baby’. It’s YOUR book! It’s what YOU say you live by. Yet you judge others and show no kindness, love or mercy. If you really are a believer, why so much anger and hate? It’s been said that the most Bible most people ever see is the behavior of Christians, themselves. Can’t we just agreeably disagree?
Wow! Beautiful women, handsome men. I wonder if Latvia is accepting applications for citizenship. Maybe I’ll move there. Great video.
“i grieve for something I’ve never had.”
I am for peace: but when I speak, they are for war.
2Peter 3:12
The Father hath put the times and seasons in his own power; but as the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah, so now he is “long-suffering to us-ward …
Look at the people in this world, this is why He suffers.