If You Think You Can Just be Silent and Obedient and They Will Leave You Alone, You Best Think Again. These People Hate You and They are Out to Replace You. They Want Everything That We Stand for GONE!

It’s frustrating. The world is laughing at us Americans. Here we are, armed to the teeth, larger than any army in the world, and we have allowed our country to be stolen from us. We have allowed the Communist to just do as they please. And all we do is sit and stew in silence.

People keep asking, “What can we do? Is there a plan?” I don’t know the answer to those questions. I would have never imagined that we would have allowed things to get as bad as they are. It seems as though the real enemy of liberty is the average American. Our complacency and attitude of just wanting to be left alone has gotten us into this situation we find ourselves in.

People have suggested that we need to make sure the local Sheriff is on our side and will not enforce any un-constitutional laws. Well that’s all fine and dandy, but when the law no longer matters and is irrelevant, what difference is that going to make? You see the law is now whatever they say it is, to fit the needs of the Communist who now run our country. And are you going to vote in a new Sheriff if he isn’t a constitutional patriot? Now that voting has been proven to be a sham. Why would even vote ever again and participate in this illusion of a Republic?

The United States of America is dead. It no longer exists. We are now ruled by Communist. You best get your mind wrapped around that. You only have the illusion of freedom as long as you do as you are told and be a good little peasant. If you are here reading this, you are an enemy of the state. Sooner or later they will come for you and decisions will have to be made. These Communist hate us, they hate everything we stand for. They aim to eradicate us. They don’t even hide their intentions anymore, they tell us on the mainstream media what they intend to do. Are you listening? If you think you can just be silent and obedient and they will leave you alone, you best think again. These people hate you and they are out to replace you. They want everything that we stand for GONE!

So what are we to do? I don’t know. Our side lacks organization, always has, and it seems we always will. Everyone on our side seems to always be the smartest person in the room and it’s always their way or no way. I don’t know how we get around that.

I understand everyone wants peace, but we are not going to take our Republic back by remaining pacifist. There can be no peace as long as our country remains in control of those who falsely gained control. The road to peace is not one paved by passivity. Communist and tyrants don’t typically step down because they are ignored. In fact being ignored often fuels them, allowing them to commit atrocities unfettered. They have plans for us, they are telling us what they intend to do with those of us who don’t think like they do.

I don’t know what we Americans, we Patriots should do. I do know that you can’t remain silent. Our founders were willing to die for the rights espoused in the Declaration they crafted and signed at their own peril. Our founders were called traitors and radicals, no worse than what we are being called today. When it comes down to it, many Americans simply don’t have the spine or fortitude to stand up and fight, even with FREEDOM on the line.  Our children and grandchildren deserve better from us. What will you say when they ask what you did to take back our country from the Communist?


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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
3 years ago

Unfortunately there are no political or physical solutions to a spiritual problem. We kicked God out of country in the 60’s. He has honored our request to leave, and remove His hand of protection. There is no national salvation or restoration coming, that is reserved for the individual alone. And yes, we will be hunted down for our beliefs, but so are Christians all over the planet. We are no better than any of them, in fact they have a spiritual maturity few here can fathom.
So yeah, sharpen your kabar, oil your AR, and get ready to die for your faith.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

Never Again! There so few of them really . So it’s better if your adversaries die for their lack of faith! Remember take at least one with you. Thats what an old partisan fron Europe told me.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
3 years ago

Exactly, every war is the end of the world. The military are not all “trained killers”, generator mechanics, car pool, admin, medical -- the largest part of .mil are support units. Now if they wanna purge part of the trigger group then the number drops even farther. Propaganda is the weapon, producing fear and complacency.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

Every soldier regardless of his specialty is a trained killer.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
3 years ago
Reply to  rednecked

I did my time -- A.D.A. Yes, I could track and drop an aircraft, but small arms training then, not so much. Tactics and arms I have learned considerably more as a civilian. I invested a considerable amount of time and money…on my hobbies.

Bad Brad
Bad Brad
3 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

Americans with Disabilities Act? American Dental Association? Work with me here. I am a publik skrool grad and not very good with Acronyms.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
3 years ago
Reply to  Bad Brad

Air Defense Artillery -- Hawk/Patriot --
If It Flies, It Dies….

3 years ago
Reply to  rednecked

Definitely Not True.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

250,000 Feral Gov LE such as FIB, ATF, BLM, IRS, DHS are the Commie’s point of the spear.
Without Local LE they are handicapped somewhat, but most Local LE salivate at the “opportunity” to work for the Ferals.

3 years ago

one for one = zero. two for one = one down.

3 years ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

What an excellent comment. I would recommend Richard Wurmbrand’s book, “Tortured for Christ”. Many copies have been circulated in countries about to fall into communism. And by the way, both sides in America are pushing the new Covid vaccines. According to Children of God for Life, ALL of them are developed using aborted fetal cells. But no one wants to hear this, no one wants to stand up. Even our pastors are turning a blind eye to this national horror.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sue

Do not take the shot…it is not a vaccine.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago
Reply to  Sue

Most pastors are apostates, churches have een infiltrated w/ leftist change agents. Home church w/ family or a few friends. Pastors are in it to make an easy living.

3 years ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

Are you waiting for them to come for you?

a follower
a follower
3 years ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

Page 132 HarbingerII
“A disease that lies in the spirit cannot be cured by that which doesn’t.” 
“A spiritual disease cannot be answered by cures rooted in other realms, political cures, economic cures, ideological cures. No such cure can stop the withering. A spiritual disease can only be answered by a spiritual cure. Apart that there is no hope.”

1 way
1 way
3 years ago
Reply to  a follower

there is only one cure, to be converted to Jesus. Kahn is a kabbalist.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

Green Hornet: Besides this country has been taken down by a Marxist coup and there is no politicial solution. Econ. is being shredded into agenda 2030. Many will keep silent now because nothing will get fixed ongoing, and don’t want to get ratted out later. Stay with likeminded friends and ditch the “iffy” folks now, Stay low key and drop out of all community activiites except golf or tennis (ha ha) vets org. are useless and local civic clubs. We keep to ourselves esp. now since the coup.

3 years ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

truth brother.
Aleksander Solzhenitsyn told us why USSR lasted so long. Because no one was willing to die.
Had the soviet soldier known that one would die guaranteed at every door they knocked down the Soviet Union would have collapsed sooner.
May it not get to that level, but if it does………

Howard T. Lewis III
Howard T. Lewis III
3 years ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

I will not ‘die for my faith’. I will have my oppressor die for his oppressive mental illness should they insist on wearing it like a crown.

Cleanout Thecommies
Cleanout Thecommies
3 years ago

The dems and rinos want a fight and they won’t stop until they get one. When we do engage, it must be total annihilation of those undermining America including those outside the US. If our lives are going to change then we need to clean it up for another thousand years.

3 years ago

I think you are blaming the wrong people. Who are to blame are not the Beta males and their complacency but the aggressive Alpha Males who believe it is their right to force their agenda on everyone else.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
3 years ago
Reply to  Forearmed

Testosterone is the problem?

3 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

Lack of leadership is the problem. Everyone wants to do something but they won’t. No one will take that first step. Be an army of one.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago
Reply to  rednecked

They all know better. Too much time watching movies and video games, won’t listen to actual SF types. Go look at Youtube, they ridicule the boomers for trying to educate them.
This country earned this, fair and square.

Howard T. Lewis III
Howard T. Lewis III
3 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

Try to get to a law library and read the 1917 Oscar Callaway Congressional Record hearings on the treasonous group, The Council on Foreign Relations. THEY are the enterprise hypnotizing the American people, BY DOCUMENTED CHARTER, since 1911 by their buying up and programming(The British royal and Rockefeller Tavistock Institute)all major U.S. news media with Rothschild bottomless pit fiat currency. There is the problem, which STILL runs American national syndicated news. They advanced to America from being the British Empire Press Union, founded in 1909.

Howard T. Lewis III
Howard T. Lewis III
3 years ago
Reply to  rednecked

The impact on the sheeple of mass hypnosis via the CFR programmed American news media is the problem. The masses are hypnotized as if at the bosom of their long dead grandmother. I loved my grandmother. She was a great lady and took care of us. But if I watched television, I am confident I would be visited in nightmares by my long dead grandmother’s corpse climbing up my leg with a knife clenched in her teeth.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
3 years ago
Reply to  Forearmed

Hillary, pelosi, rice, harris, aoc, talib, the squad, m -- obama, sheila jackson.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

Correct MEN with balls are not a problem. Compromise with Evil. Is

Howard T. Lewis III
Howard T. Lewis III
3 years ago

Bad women marry these pukes.

3 years ago
Reply to  Forearmed

Alphas don’t believe it’s their right to force their agenda on anyone else; they control their personal environment through willpower and self-discipline, and just don’t give a f…what you or anyone else thinks about that.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago
Reply to  Forearmed

The Marxists now in politics are Alpa types incl Pelosi and other leftist gals. Beta wussie males are majority who refuse to fight for their rights and the future. Many still live w/ parents into their 30’s. These losers are too busy w/ video games and trying to set up a one nite stand with whoever is willing. Social media controls their lives.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
3 years ago

Thank you for the words of encouragement. Women are alphas and males are wussies, got’cha. So, what are you alphas going to do, cause I stay up and play video games, can’t help you out…

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

I watch old movies online from the ’40’s-’70’s better actors and acting. Didn’t get a chance to see many movies when working before retiring.

Howard T. Lewis III
Howard T. Lewis III
3 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

If you are watching Khazarian mafia movies, you are neglecting your homework. Study the martial arts techniques of 3 month old kittens for REAL drama.

3 years ago

Catch them on a street alone and you will find no pelosi alpha

3 years ago
Reply to  Forearmed

People are not dogs, and the whole alpha-beta male concept simply does not apply to human beings who have a vastly more complex social structure where almost every person has the capacity to lead if called upon to do so. It’s sad that people internalize such false concepts and then try to apply them to the real world. Discard that concept please.

John Toothman
John Toothman
3 years ago

Tell me, when and where. I will be there.

3 years ago
Reply to  John Toothman

Start with your locale, identify a problem. Make a plan. Just do something. Everyone is waiting for someone else to start something. It must start with one person doing something. Voting is dead.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago
Reply to  rednecked

There is no political solution, the Marxist coup is complete. People must fight back on community and state levels by not complying to any BS they dole out.

Mark Anderson
3 years ago

I made some signs to protest mass media propaganda about “covid” and dangerous vaccines. I have a CITIZEN REPORTER trifold pamphlet posted at republicbroadcasting.org under UPDATES on the home page.

Mark Anderson
3 years ago

The pamphlet is designed as a quick handout to any store clerk, waitress, nurse, really anyone, as a basic red pill but not too harsh. Just the basics to wake up the normies.

Howard T. Lewis III
Howard T. Lewis III
3 years ago

I have never been shot, but my brother stuck me in the leg with a pitchfork once. Politics is better than pitchforks and bullets.

Mark Anderson
3 years ago
Reply to  rednecked


Howard T. Lewis III
Howard T. Lewis III
3 years ago
Reply to  rednecked

FIND YOUR LOCAL STASH OF CORRUPTED VOTING MACHINES, TODAY. Do not discuss what to do with them over the telephone.

3 years ago

I see the same heart-felt articles, written with passion and patriotism. But there is no leadership; no one will step up and the die has been cast. Time has nearly run out.
Moreover, we are on the cusp of an invasion by China and Russia; sleeper tertorist cells are already among us. And, World War III is near: 2.6 billion will die- one third of the world population- according to the Book of Revelation.
Our country has turned away from God and His Chastisement is imminent. There must be a reckoning for 70 million abortions, rampant and unbridled fornication, adultery, homosexual acceptance, pervasive filth in fashion, music, movies.
Many of us will die in 2021. I don’t know if it will be by fighting, by guillotine in a FEMA Camp, or nuclear warfare.
Get right now with the Lord Jesus and beg Him for His Courage. Let us at least die with honor.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bubby

This X 1000

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
3 years ago
Reply to  Bubby

“No one will step up” People are stepping up -- Mike Linden has pledged his fortune and his life. Yes, he’s the pillow guy but as all can see, he is an American Patriot. I saw something about BoA, atm’s, canned spray foam, super glue. -- Open up businesses, support and protect each other. If they come to hassle the business, radio for a “neighborhood watch” rally point. Encircle the business and stand fast. If those from middle east countries can create no go zones in this land then why can’t we? Civil disobedience today, right now.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

ATM=video proof. Disguise required.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
3 years ago
Reply to  rednecked

Traffic cameras would be another item on a “scavenger hunt”.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
3 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

Speaking of Mike Lindel, Lil’Davey Hogg is so upset with this gentleman that he has opened his own pillow company. -My Commie Pillow- leave lots of good reviews for this hard working young socialist gun grabber.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

Is the pillow called the Scalia?

Mark Anderson
3 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

Right on. We need a combination of civil disobedience and educational projects aggressively promoted. Go to http://www.republicbroadcasting.org and see my new CITIZEN REPORTER pamphlet under “RBN UPDATES” to share both electronically and download and print as a tri fold. Email me at truthhound2@yahoo.com

3 years ago
Reply to  Bubby
3 years ago
Reply to  Bubby

YES….!!! Indeed….as written millennia ago. Fox’s Book of Martyrs written long ago not even mentioned in the last three churches I was invited to leave. I left the 501c3 whores over 17 years ago.
Holy Spirit has been my teacher, an incredible journey. Have pissed off many demons as I cast them out. My Economics professor was stunned when we got on the topic of SS going broke. I told him it was our fault. (the set up for him to ask how) Then nailed him. Fifty million engineers, doctors and tradesman butchered inside their mother’s belly. And we will answer to the Almighty for it. My cohorts gasped out loud. A so called Christian University. No different then the priesthood of the OT. This nation has gone a whoring after ‘strange gods’ and Yahuah Elohiym will unleash His wrath upon us as a nation.
But be of good cheer, in Ezekiel 9 and Revelations we the blood bought saints will be marked with the seal of The Most High. Weep for the lost and pray for a huge harvest; we are at the end of the age. We are living in Amos 8:11 today. Scriptures are altered supernatural. Transhumanism technology is here as well. So as in the days of Noah…prepare for the ever growing birth pangs and sorrows.
Blessings brothers and sisters….

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago
Reply to  graystroke

yup, the 501c3’s are gov. whores, only in it for a tax break, but must kiss up to gov. mandates like pol. correct sermons. Most come out of liberal leftist seminaries of all denominations. People need to leave them now (come out from among them, etc) and home church or form a felloship w/ likeminded in a private setting.

Martin B Pigott
3 years ago

Thank you for another poignant article!
Here in Texas, the hope is for a growing Texit movement.
The big picture I have attempted to address in my article here:
God is shaping events according to His plans and purposes. As you say, the U.S.A. is dead and cannot be saved through the electoral process. The powers aligned against conservatives are overwhelming and suffocating. We are all Branch Davidians now.
It is clear the world is headed for the Beast System of data, connectivity, and artificial intelligence; technocratic totalitarianism.

Mark Anderson
3 years ago

See TEXIT full report at http://www.americanfreepress.net

3 years ago

Exactly 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

3 years ago

you don’t have to worry about me…
its all i can do to stop from proactively hunting them down

3 years ago

Read John Ross’ Unintended Consequences.

3 years ago

This is just the beginning, however. Even though the leftists are more rapidly turning up the heat on conservatives we are not yet at the tipping point where violence breaks out and people feel like there is enough energy supporting a movement to reclaim freedom with arms. You’re right, organization is needed and conservatives need to band together locally in large numbers and yes, run for local office instead of just voting. Get on your county commissions, city government and local boards and commissions. It’s essential to start at the local level and being apathetic about this means you dig a deeper hole. Corruption in voting isn’t pervasive in every jurisdiction and you need to stop letting liberals get themselves on all these local government institutions. Also, at some point things will go hot and people will jump into the fray. It’s just that no one ever wants to be first.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jody

Why would anyone get on a county/city commission or other moronic group for reasons other than to recon the home locations and movement patterns of the scumbag communists/bureaucrats living off our wages/taxes?

3 years ago
Reply to  war

Well, it’s a good way to find out how the scumbags are embezzling the money for their own purposes, for one thing. You can get a reading on their plans and identify weaknesses and vulnurabilities. A lot more can be gained from it as well.

Red in OleVirginny
Red in OleVirginny
3 years ago

Aim small miss small. Identify your enemies in your AO. City Council, etc. Some police will be on your side and some won’t. What did the IRA do to the RIC?
By October 1920, according to UK government sources, 117 RIC members had been killed and 185 wounded. Over a three-month period during the same year, 600 RIC men resigned from the force of 9,500. In the first quarter of 1920, 500 police barracks and huts in outlying areas were evacuated. The IRA had destroyed over 400 of these by the end of June to prevent their subsequent reuse.”
What happened then? Black and Tans. Be ready for that. Don’t wait for a national movement of some sorts. What street do you live on? That’s where it all starts. Small cells of people you know can’t be infiltrated. Non violent cells OF COURSE!!! The all powerful surveillance state is a myth.
Best Regards,
Red in OleVirginny

3 years ago

There are many organizations with many people joining. If all of these organizations would form one, the right would then have a majority of the people, being that more people will join a movement rather than an organization of people, and one voice, rather than a split of different sectors, one org for this & one org for that. I think if we all came together as one movement, it would also be easier to bring in the on the edge people as they would not feel as if they were “sticking out like a sore thumb”. I think there would be much more accomplished against the left thinkers than there is in fractured movements. Basically, we “right-thinking” conservative people are all for the same constitutional rights of the America we all love and miss.

Freedom Loving Jeannie
Freedom Loving Jeannie
3 years ago

Thank you, Wes Rhinier, for a good article chastising us to action. Then, when it comes to the question of “What action?”, even you say you do not know. Three different times you admit that you don’t know what we can do. You remind us that voting is pointless, so why try to vote in a constitution-supporting sheriff? One of the few things I’ve read that we CAN do -- contact and support our local sheriff -- is all “fine and dandy”, but of no value in your mind. Okay. So, thank you for pointing our the problem of the communist takeover in our country of which we are all painfully well aware, chastising us for not doing anything, dissuading us from doing the few things we can do, and then telling us you don’t have any idea what should be done.

3 years ago

There is only one way out, and that’s God. People have done all they can in a human sense, i.e., voting, but evil men and women, and that’s what they are, have corrupted that process to the point that it no longer works as intended, so there is no human solution to a spiritual problem, as noted in one comment above. What we need is repentance; you won’t get it on a national scale, granted, but God says, “If my people, which are called by my name…” So you see, He doesn’t even count the unsaved at all. He addressed His people, of which most of the country is not. What the US is undergoing is judgment.

Freedom Loving Jeannie
Freedom Loving Jeannie
3 years ago
Reply to  tuco22

You are right, tuco22, absolutely right. Thank you.

3 years ago
Reply to  tuco22

“What we need is repentance”
No, let’s get this straight: What we need is some criminal b*tts kicked and sent to GITMO.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
3 years ago

3 years ago I submitted a letter to the editor of a local newspaper. I was pleasantly shocked when it got published. 2 years later I had about a dozen articles printed in 2 local newspapers. I decided to broaden my area. I got e -- subscriptions to 4 newspapers in other cities in TN. Some offered 3 months trial for $3. If after 3 months they didn’t print my input, I dropped them. A college town in Cookeville has started to regularly print my articles. My son actually goes to TN Tech there. We have to start somewhere. This may or may not work for you. If I can be of any help stansylvester59@aol.com

Grumpy Cat
Grumpy Cat
3 years ago

We are atomized, not unified. The left is banking on this. Whether you are personally armed to the teeth or have one .22lr single action, there is NOTHING you can do when the Statsi/FBI/SWAT 30-man Goon Squad breaches your front door at 3:00 AM. They fear NOTHING. Why? Because we are not banded together. THEY KNOW that your neighbors will not show up armed with an equal amount of firepower to repel the goon-squad forcing them to think twice before they repeat their brazen actions.
So until OUR General Washington shows up to pull us all together, THIS WILL GROW INCREMENTALLY EVERY DAY until more and more of us are in jail and the imprisoned population grows so much that they have no choice but to BUILD CAMPS.

3 years ago
Reply to  Grumpy Cat

the 3 am visits are real…however take a second look at the writings of Solzhenitsyn.
If ONE LEO thug loses his life every time they breach a door it won’t last long. Will the victim lose his life? When they come to your door you are already a dead man.
The Russians never caught on to that, as the KGB thugs broke doors down. They died in the gulags anyway.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago
Reply to  graystroke

Good, because I take a athroom break every few hrs anyway, so I’ll be ready at 3am and even 1am. Do not be taken alive folks. Time to get house and personal affairs in order and prepare for the stasi invaders.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago
Reply to  graystroke

The men that didn’t kill or try ot kill the KGB door busters were cowards/beta males.

3 years ago

No. Their wife told them to be nice and civil to the visiting gentlemen. That is far more accurate.

voice of sense
voice of sense
3 years ago

God never turns his back. Our problems can only be solved by submitting to him. Being a pawn to satan by letting him control you with hatred, jealousy and other negative feelings will only bring disaster to all of us. All men have the right to defend themselves, their family and friends (at least for now) but that should always be a last resort. If man looks to God instead of other “leaders” for guidance and knowledge, he will rid us of all the false prophets.

3 years ago

Both sides want to steal from the other in order to pay for their agenda because both sides are crap.
Rulers are the shadow cast by the willful ignorance of the people.
In a stateless society there is no possibility that socialism can be imposed, there is no possibility that mass migration can be imposed, there is no possibility that national debts can be imposed, there is no possibility that the “war on drugs” can be imposed, there is no possibility that invasive and destructive foreign wars can be imposed, there is no possibility that nation building or empire building can be imposed, there is no possibility that government “education” can be imposed. A free society is a society without a state. A state is the violation of the non-aggression principle. When you universalize the non-aggression principle it’s the greatest quantum leap forward in human society, flourishing, and morality that could possibly be conceived of. It would be even greater than the end of slavery which would be the closest equivalent that happened in history. As long as you have a government, the government will buy votes by promising the “citizenry” security in exchange for liberty. So people will get liberty and security at the same time by passing the debt for their security on to the next generation, in the same way that the first woman to get an old age “pension” paid around 45 cents in taxes and got 10s of thousands of dollars in return. She didn’t pay for that, illustrating the government’s promise of security and liberty while not raising taxes enough to fund the security. That’s where the national debt comes from. The national debt is there to create the illusion that you can have security and liberty at the same time. By security I mean the government paying for accidents or mistakes that you didn’t plan for, get insurance for, or deal with. Unfortunately mankind hasn’t learned the lesson of a quarter billion people slaughtered by governments outside of war in the 20th century. Now it looks like we’re going to have to learn that lesson the hard way.

Daniel C Kenoyer
Daniel C Kenoyer
3 years ago

I’ve said for years that this will kick off, if at all, for the same reason as REVWAR did.
Only when they come for the guns will this go hot.
Even then, it won’t likely be a sudden outbreak of open war, but rather a slow ramping-up of hostilities and armed resistance. The first incidents will probably be gunowners who die on the doorstep resisting confiscation.
Only when all gunowners have that knot in their gut that whispers “Is today the day I get taken away?” will open resistance have a chance.
I wish I was wrong, but I don’t think I am.

MJ Brabant
MJ Brabant
3 years ago

They’re in a bind. They know that as soon as that first incident happens, the news will spread like wildfire, and then their hands will be full.
I personally don’t think they can do this (round everyone up). The pushback will be overwhelming.


[…] If You Think You Can Just be Silent and Obedient and They Will Leave You Alone, You Best Think Again…-- ncrenegade.com […]

3 years ago

I am not afraid. We were born for this time, and we know how this story ends.

3 years ago

your site will be taken down soon. I’ve warned countless to no avail. Get a specific IP address contact jimston-dot-is and learn.
otherwise be ready to find your site down. there are not many of us willing to do what it takes…..trying to help keep your voice alive.
May the I AM that I AM, the Almighty guide His own for what is to come…..

3 years ago
Reply to  graystroke

on edit the correct address is: jimstone dot is ……..or use his IP address:

3 years ago

In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) https://pamelahope.wordpress.com/2020/08/23/in-the-future-we-will-eliminate-the-soul-with-medicine-rudolf-steiner-1861-1925/ Covid vaccine. Share with people who do not want aborted foetal cell fragments put into them or their children, and who don’t want their DNA changed. https://twitter.com/rood_wit/status/1328248695008022529?s=20

David C
David C
3 years ago
Reply to  Doreen
3 years ago

Puny ‘men’ come up with the old, archaic ways of defeating the enemy. Wars with machinery/weaponry are what those living in fear will choose. This is a spiritual battle. To defeat fear, one (all) must utilize the internal, not the external, as the basis for subduing the enemy. Sound flighty? Intangible, thus incomprehensible to manage? Difficult to carry out? Those who’ve explored this, know, but won’t say much, at this point. Do your part, internally. The guns will only cause more fear and bloodshed: a constant return to the childish control mechanisms of man, who need to grow up.
Uniting with others of like-minds and hearts (countless many of us) will defeat the control. Figure out how; the antidote is staring us in our faces!

3 years ago

The quote about “men who just wanted to be Left Alone” is more Pertinent than Most. If You are not ready to commit the Most Extreme, Abusive, Barbaric ViOlEnCe against the communists, You will Lose.
This Means Political (not racial, as they do) Genocide, the Complete and Total Destruction of ALL those who believe that any ‘laws’ other than the Constitution are valid.
Remember, communists are ALREADY talking openly about Taking your Children and Herding you into ‘re-education’ Camps. If You are not ready to put the Nylon Tie-Wrap around the Leg of a communist’s wife, son or daughter and the Branch already in the Maw of the Woodchipper, You will Lose.
Don’t Forget to Adopt their Pets, Cruelty to Animals is a Sin.
So Many communists, So Little Time..
And not Near enough Ammo.

3 years ago

The answer why leftists are so successfull in politics and elsewhere is obvious!
There are two types of adult people.
The conservative people, their values are individualism and freedom. These values result in: do not control other people lives, be self responsible, be independent, everybody is unique.
This are the leftists values: collectivism (politic term Communism). The group decide, which results in no self responsibility, the end justifies the means, everybody can be replaced at any time, nobody owns anthing, the group owns everything. It’s all self-deception of course. They are used and abused by evil forces controlling the collective.

So there are many strong individuals, but their nature is not to form a group and bundle their force.
On the other side, there are less weak collectivists, but they follow order to group together and work on a given goal.

For individuals it’s not so easy to be ruled on, while collectivists need it.
Thats the fear of the collectivist-controllers: dedicated individuals grouped together.

PGT Beauregard
PGT Beauregard
3 years ago

Remember the three “E”s:
educators (marxists poisoning your kids’ minds);
enforcers (including law enforcement, and especially Soros appointed DAs;
Editors (including media)
Thus endeth the lesson.

David C
David C
3 years ago

What can we do? #1, #2, #3 stop covering your face with rags. Refuse the obedience training.

3 years ago

That is because We the People are more than just human, We are actually DIVINE BEINGS and We DIVINE BEINGS are here to shift Them out, which is why They are hellbent on stopping this…it is called ASCENSION…We the People are in alignment with MOTHER EARTH (Gaia) in transit to the higher levels of CONSCIOUSNESS. It is she Gaia, mother earth who is shifting back to her higher dimensional self, and We the People (if you choose to) are going with her.
THEM, their world (our OLD world) is finished, they know it, they have been preparing for this for a very long time and this will go on until EVERYONE on earth will come to the realization of who them selves truly are…[this why they hate and despise us so much]…THEM they lost themselves long ago and they feed off the energy We have WITHIN.
Many intellectually know, but most have not yet fully realized that they are a living expression of Source/Divine Consciousness/God which is true even for those with no awareness or interest in knowing it.
You are not a body that has consciousness but are consciousness with a body. Every person’s state of consciousness expresses through their actions and experiences. It is imperative that every evolving soul at some point begin to accept that in reality they are Divine Consciousness embodying all the qualities of Source rather than continuing to believe that they are simply a vulnerable physical being.
Ask yourselves often; “What am I holding as truth in my consciousness?” because this is what you will create. “Am I continuing to wait for something outside of myself, the “event”, ET ships landing, a particular message, to make me into what I already am?”
As Divine consciousness everyone is a creator but because most do not know this they continue to believe that they must protect themselves at all costs from every false concept and belief floating about in the three dimensional collective. There is no unexpressed consciousness 
Every time a “war” on something is launched, it simply establishes the issue more firmly into the collective. 
​The issues of chaos taking place at this time are exposing the contents of a universal consciousness that has for eons consisted almost completely of error . The erroneous concepts and beliefs that formed this three dimensional collective mind must first be recognized as being false by the majority which in turn gives birth to a new more evolved collective that will ​consist of ideas, solutions, and creations based in love/oneness accessible to all. 
Evolution is simply the journey involved in awakening personal and collective consciousness to remember the reality of their true being. Attaining the consciousness ONEness (not the intellectual knowledge of it) allows the qualities embodied within Divine Consciousness to flow and express through you in practical ways personal to your needs. ​ 
Hold your Light, stand in truth, and simply watch the movie. All is proceeding according to plan. Do not doubt. 
Many of you are discovering that without effort you are suddenly understanding some deep truth that previously confused you. This is because you have shifted into alignment with that particular truth whereas before you were not. This indicates that even though you may think nothing is happening for you, it is. Release all remaining concepts about what spirituality should look or feel like. Once you intend to spiritually grow, the train leaves the station. 
Do not attempt to restore those things that you have spiritually outgrown be it a relationship, spiritual practice, or something material like a favorite food or entertainment. The dissolving of something familiar may cause you to feel sadness, but know that everything real will manifest again in new and higher form which may or may not reflect your concept of how it should look. 
Most of you are beginning to honestly examine facets of yourselves that that you previously avoided and stuffed deep down inside through shame, guilt, pride, regret, pain etc. You are learning to love all parts of your self and by doing so, love others without judgement and criticism. 
As the Light becomes increasingly dominant, it will shine into the shadows which are nothing more than pockets of old energy that became “something” simply by being accepted as reality in personal and global consciousness
Without fear, allow the Light of your own Divine Self-hood to shine into your hidden places and reveal to you their nothingness because you will find nothing there.
Allow, Allow, Allow. 
FULL MESSAGE: onenessofall.com

3 years ago

O well I guess you’ll just stay stuck in that physical mode for the time being!

3 years ago

I say, be patient. For a few months at least. Use whatever social media you can that is anonymous, ie Gab. Share info but make no threats.
The left can steal an election, but can it govern? They have basically stopped all law enforcement in black inner cities. Crime is outa control and will get worse. Some big time leftys or cops will get hurt.
Biden is pushing trouble with Putin in Syria. Putin’s Military is top of the line and not politically correct at all. A flash war or incident with Putin could end in a loss for Biden.
And Biden’s economy will go down quickly with his big push on covid and the green new deal pushing things down.
Give them enough rope to hang them selves…

Hans Scott
Hans Scott
3 years ago

We need a new Party & a Secession movement.

David C
David C
3 years ago

“They don’t even hide it anymore … they tell us on the mainstream media what they’re going to do.”
This is ancient magical practice for achieving total control of another. Slavery until very recent times was the most efficient means of one group or individual gaining in the economic sense by exploiting the forced labor of others. Slavery offered much greater rewards than agriculture, animal husbandry, fishing, hunting, or mining.
But subjugating another’s will can only be long-lasting if the subjects surrender themselves voluntarily. The slave taken by force or by surprise will try to escape, be lazy, or sabotage the enterprise and the “overhead” of supervision and punishment can be extremely costly. Not so for the slave who is induced into service by a master who provides food and shelter when those are scarce. Like in the movie Hunger Games.
The goal of the socio-economic auto-destruction of the fake pandemic is the same as Joe Stalin’s goal in Ukraine during the Holodomor.
All of these manufactured events going back at least to November 22, 1963 are so brilliantly synergistic that the common man has no clue, and there’s no reason any more to kill more than a few very troublesome critics.
There is only one group which carries out multi-generational campaigns for achieving economic and political gains, where efforts begun a hundred years only bear fruit long after the initial activists have passed on.
There are only two things being floated by the media which could trigger outright civil war in the US: gun confiscation and forced injection of the so-called vaccine for corona-virus. I’d rather be dead than surrender to either.
North Carolina is a traditional open carry state, as is my state. Instead of wearing rags on my face I wear a gun. That’s two birds with one stone.

Arch Stanton
3 years ago

Let’s start calling it what it is -- “Judeocommunism” After all, it was Jews that wrote the book on the subject and it was Jews that brought forth the original Judeocommunist revolution in Russia.
The Jews’ authoring of the Bible gave us the term “Judaeo-Christianity.” However, there should be no use of a hyphen because unlike the Jews’ division with Christianity, Jews have always stood seemlessly with Judeocommunism.

David C
David C
3 years ago
Reply to  Arch Stanton

Call it Bolshevism, which implies it’s “yiddishkeit, or a Jewish thing, because the takeover of Russia in 1917 was done by American Jews.
But you’re wrong about judeochristian. That’s a nonce word or a term that makes no sense. It’s like a person saying they honor truth-lies or they’re traveling at a slow-fast speed.
Read the Gospels and especially John and you’ll see that Christianity as it was originally was the exact opposite of Judaism, and that’s why Jesus is hated more than anything else by Orthodox Jews because he exposed them as hypocrites and liars who value deception while true Christians value truth and honesty.
There is no union of opposites unless it’s a sorceror of the black arts.


[…] If You Think You Can Just be Silent and Obedient and They Will Leave You Alone, You Best Think Again… […]

3 years ago

Gees people! start small very quickly and it will snowball: first STOP WEARING THE MASK. It bears repeating: STOP WEARING THE FACE DIAPER EVERYWHERE, INSIDE AND OUTSIDE. Start there. Next step: Stop paying all your taxes to the Feds and all blue states, this includes federal income tax and state income tax. Stop shopping with the huge grocery stores, go directly to farmers. Boycott all these large Banks: Bank of America, Chase, Citi and Wells Fargo. Put your money into local or regional banks that are small and local or state credit unions. Stop buying from Amazon on line, if you have to pay a shipping fee to small businesses online, do so. Get off all BS social media such as twitter, facebook, instagram, pinterest, Linked In etc. Stop buying microsoft and apple computers all together. Look for other companies like Acer etc and possibly other software made by smaller companies. Stop shopping with big box retailers like Walmart, Target, Bed Bath and Beyond etc. These are the ways you fight back, by completely boycotting. If we did this en masse, their empire would fall like a deck of cards within weeks to months. Then you start fighting back through retaliation and force. But make sure you’re ready to die for what you believe in and that means killing and finishing off the enemy before they kill you.

Last edited 3 years ago by Poornima
3 years ago
Reply to  Poornima

You and I had the same idea, but you beat me to it. This is what I was going to say:
Here’s a place to start: April 19, 2021 marks the 246th anniversary of the Battle of Lexington and Concord. This marks our day of action. It’s time to (literally) put our money where our mouth is. It strengthens local American businesses, weakens the globalists, does not put us in harm’s way, and is perfectly moral and legal.
On April 19th, if you have an account or a credit card with one of the major banks, cancel your card and/or close out your account, and open a new one with a smaller, local bank. Many local banks offer credit cards. On that same day, if you are on one of the main phone carriers, cancel that account and join a carrier like Pure Talk USA or Patriot Mobile.

3 years ago
Reply to  Poornima

From there, vow to yourself that you will not cede one cent more to the communists than you absolutely have to. This is one way we can all heed Solzhenitsyn’s admonishment to “live not by lies.” With that in mind:
#1: As much as possible, buy American. Yes, they will be more expensive. But what do you love more: cheap stuff, or your country? Here are some links to get you started:






2. Promote people on our side, including (and perhaps especially) conservative blacks and Hispanics, such as the people who do the PragerU videos. Read their books. Watch their videos. Send a copy as a gift (especially something written by a woman or person of color) to a “woke” relative or co-worker. Donate to organizations like FIRE, the American Center for Law and Justice, and the Homeschool Legal Defense Association. 

3. Do your homework. Learn what your kids, grandkids, or neighbors’ kids are learning in school, and be ready to discuss it with them and help them think it through. Ditto for your co-workers if you are in a corporate environment.
Case in point: I recently had the displeasure of reading the Robin DiAngelo book, “White Fragility” as part of a book discussion that my workplace is putting on. The book is a literary struggle session, and some of the people in my group were all in with the book’s assumptions. Thankfully, I was ready. I had read books by folks like Thomas Sowell (Race, Poverty, and Politics), Walter Williams (Race and Economics), and Jason Riley (False Black Power) and had watched videos by folks like Glenn Loury, Carol Swain, and John McWhorter, among others. I figured that if I couldn’t convince my co-workers that the book was nonsense, at least I could blunt its effect.
Sometimes, it was best to answer a question with an “I wonder” statement, such as: “DiAngelo thinks that slavery two hundred years ago makes whites racist today. I wonder what she would say about the fact that, according to the black historian Henry Louis Gates Jr., more than 20 times as many slaves were sent to South America and the Caribbean as were sent to North America. If slavery in our past makes whites racist, does it make Hispanics racist, too? Does it make them 20 times as racist as whites?”
Other times, it was better to answer a question with a question and then follow-up with a resource, something along the lines of: “Have you seen the discussion between Candice Owens and Marc Lamont Hill about Black Lives Matter? I’ll email you the link so you can watch it.” 
By the end of the discussion, my “co-workers of color” were less gung-ho about the book than they were coming into the discussion.

3 years ago

“Our children and grandchildren deserve better from us. What will you say when they ask what you did to take back our country from the Communist?”
I never got a chance to have kids, and this criminals-in-government nonsense should have been taken care of 50 years ago, not now.
It’s now 50 years too late. At 63, I will probably never have any kids.
I did everything I was supposed to do and did it well. I was never given any opportunity to make a living. Never.
In light of all that, maybe things can only go up from here.