Is 2000 Mules the Reason for the DHS Patriot Advisory?

Dinesh D’Souza’s new movie about the fraudulent 2020 Presidential election will be released this Spring.

DHS has issued a national terrorism advisory:

[due to] “widespread online proliferation of false or misleading narratives regarding unsubstantiated widespread election fraud and COVID-19”.

When this movie comes out with provable evidence and video showing the fraudulent voting that allowed a coup, there will be repercussions. Is this the new government’s attempt to stop the release of the film or give them “grounds” to arrest more political prisoners/terrorists?

If this is the purpose of the advisory and the movie is released, the false flag(s) will happen between its premier and 2:00 PM on June 7th when the threat “expires”.

David DeGerolamo

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tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

I believe the false flag will happen sooner; they have been preparing the ground for this already. It will not matter, look at all of the evidence on the kill shot. They will not turn to the left or right, they are moving straight ahead, nothing will stop this juggernaut. We certainly do not have the balls or willingness to try it seems.

3 years ago

I hate playing devil’s advocate but, his previous movies that depicted what is happening in America were playing to the choir only. The left does not go to watch his movies and the theaters were filled with gray hairs. I’m not throwing rocks but, I am stating what is the obvious. The same with Project Veritas exposes where the covert videos show in disgusting detail how corrupt and evil agencies like Planned Parenthood (the selling of aborted baby parts) & the propaganda at CNN are had the same effect. Traction on the right and mostly crickets on the left. The progressive Marxist left just wait it out and within days/weeks, it all falls off the radar.
Now, because of what is going on with the trucker convey and what that may turn into, there are some unknowns. Perhaps we will look back on this time as when the Rubicon was crossed. We will see.

3 years ago

All this nonsense of “waking people up” is just that, nonsense. So what? Many “truths” have been irefutably exsposed, 9/11, Sandy Hook, Voting fraud, Murray Federal Blgd, Boston Bombing, Las Vegas Shooting…. on and on. So what? Nobody cares. This ship is going down.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
3 years ago

Though conflicting, I agree with previous posters.
I thnk they know the jig is up. It may take sone more tine, but The Kung Flu is done. They lose the election in Nov. by a landslide if its fair, so… I think that is the next goalpost, secure that to maintain.
The resistance has become active.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Soros is hard at work, his true the vote minions are in control of 20+ states your vote is canceled and obsolete.

Arizona Sentinel
Arizona Sentinel
3 years ago

I’m just thinking,if there is a landslide in Novmber,and we win the House, and if God wishes it so, the Senate, be prepared for riots in the city on a scale not seen before in the country.

Arizona Sentinel
Arizona Sentinel
3 years ago

And if Trump is elected, what wasn’t burned down in 2022,will be burned down then

3 years ago

Yesterdays DHS Release(Thank You BTW Feds)… was THE Real “Warning Shot”…. least for me.

There will be NO Landslide “Voting” Victories.
There WILL BE Mass Voter Fraud…..again.
The Demo-Krauts have No Choice. None.
Fights F&$Cin ON !
Is it not Obvious?

The Idea they will just give up.(which they would have to do for this(Landslide))
AIN’T gonna Happen. (Count on it, no pun intended)
Frogs will fly outa of our ass’s, march down Main St. Whistling Dixie Wearing a Top Hats First.

They have invested to much and taken too many chances.
“The Party” HAS Started.
Again… Is it not Obvious?

America is Fully “Aerosolized,” ….if you will.
And…someone(S)…Will want One Last cigarette.

Party or Slavery

At least how I see it.

3 years ago

Two weeks