Is the U.S. Government Now TRACKING ‘Right-Wing Extremists’?

Is the Obama administration keeping tabs on “right-wing extremists”?

This question comes up because I’ve been informed that someone certainly is keeping tabs on me.

It started last summer. I don’t consider myself a “right-wing extremist” — but the far-Left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) does, and the FBI uses the SPLC as a resource. Since then, every time I fly — and I fly almost weekly – I can’t check in online. I am always directed to go to the airline counter.

There — as soon as I present my identification — the trouble starts. It generally proceeds like this:

  • The clerk types a great deal, frowns at the screen, types some more, asks me what my middle name is, types still more, looks at me quizzically, and gets on the phone.
  • They’re very secretive about these calls, sometimes even moving to a different desk to make them. They refuse to tell me anything about them afterward, including who they called or why.
  • The call usually takes around ten minutes. The whole process takes fifteen or twenty minutes. Then I am checked in and allowed to go to my gate.

After these long, unexplained delays — which had never occurred prior to last summer — happened to me five or six times consecutively, I asked an FBI agent of my acquaintance about it, and he kindly agreed to look into it. A few days later he told me that the strange delays weren’t about me, but about someone else: as it happened, he said, someone on some watch list or other is named Robert Spencer and shares my birthdate.



Do you know that a right-wing extremist is yesteryear’s patriot? I have never met a political elite (any politician) who supports freedom. I never thought that the United States would be run by greed and power instead of Liberty. But then we all have to grow up one day and choose between good and evil.

David DeGerolamo

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8 years ago

We’re all being watched, my friend. My pc’s been going nuts recently and it’s not the software.

8 years ago

After being outspoken…I mean OUTSPOKEN, and super critical of the government (both parties) but mostly the Left on the internet (hiding nothing about myself -- I have no filter or muzzle nor care to). After years as a TEA Party blade from the beginning, contributor to a dozen right wing groups and causes, having signed a hundred petitions…having contacted many politicians directly -- holding back nothing, having bought 15 guns of all types and a case of ammo for each one (with a few extra for my favorites) because of the greatest gun salesmen in American history (Obama), being a combat veteran, an active -- unashamed -- unabashed witnessing in public bumper sticker proclaiming Christian G.I.G. I know I fit the profile that they would consider RIGHT WING EXTREMIST…and I am proud to wear that label…if it comes from the Godless, Secular Progressive, Collectivist, Globalist, Nanny State Utopian lost idiot/enemies of the the Bible and the Constitution…I revel in that honorable label coming from their evil doomed lips.

I have a friend who feels the way I do but he is worried and keeps a low profile…he worries about the audit, the 2am knock on the door (or worse the door smashed in) one day.

My feeling on his fears are two fold:

1. Its coming and being a turtle won’t stop it…they will just flip you over on your back.
2. I’m not a Tom, Dick, Harry or Stan…I’m a modern day Minute Man…and I will not live in fear (or shut up) and if I have to I will fight the good fight…and if I have to I will die a good death.

No bravado…no mall ninja lip flapping…just simple truth…and I believe there are countless millions like me.

8 years ago