ISIS columns heading from Syria toward Jordan, first targeting the border crossing

The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant – ISIS – was on the move Sunday, May 24, from central Syria to the Jordanian border, DEBKAfile’s exclusive military sources report. They were advancing from the central town of Palmyra, which they seized last week, in columns of US-made tanks and armored cars taken booty in Iraq. No Syrian military force was there to block their advance on the border.

Our sources report that the initial ISIS mission is to take control of the eastern section of the border, including the meeting point between the Syrian, Jordanian and Iraqi frontiers. They are estimated to cover the 250 km from Palmyra to the Jordanian border byTuesday, May 26, passing through Deir el-Zour in the east, which they already occupy.
After the border crossing, ISIS is expected to seize villages and towns in northeastern Jordan, especially Ar Ruwayshid, where 800,000 Syrian refugees shelter.

The Jordanian army, our sources report, had the foresight earlier this month to reinforce its western frontier against a potential ISIS assault on the frontier from point where it links with the Israeli and Syrian borders and up to the Tanaf border crossing, However, the Islamists are heading for the eastern sections whic the Jordanian army did not fortify with extra troops.


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9 years ago

DEBKAFiles is a reliable and accurate source. I would say the proverbial SHTF is about to happen with this ISIS action. Getting too close to Israel now and Bibi will stand firm for Israel’s survival. Obama has put himself in a box now.

9 years ago
Reply to  Lee

Agreed, Lee. Israel would rather stand with Jordan, than fall alone. It’s a no-brainer. When ISIS broaches the Jordanian border, we will see joint military action of an overwhelming and decisive nature…

And then SHTF throughout the mid-east because,
“Jews have killed muslims…”
Shortly thereafter, we will see the activation of Islamic terror cells here within the US.


And the script goes on…