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1 year ago

Absolute RINO.

1 year ago


1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

Remember, this was the fraud who brought us the first same sex marriage when the carpetbagger was the governor of that crap hole Marxist state of Massachusetts,using the state Supreme Court because he vetoed the bill sent to his desk purposely to get it into his states highest court knowing the case would be in favor of the sodomites, all of it was pre planned and pre postponed by this P.O.S. To keep his hands clean as he thought, but everyone knew what he had done.

1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

I did not know about this. Thanks for posting this.

1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

He also drove all the way to New Hampshire with his dog in a crate on the car roof.

1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

Phil, and as you most certainly know the current governor of Taxachusetts is a flaming homosexual; a lesbian.

1 year ago

He is more than a liar, he is a traitor!!!

Bigus Macus
Bigus Macus
1 year ago

Words cannot express my contempt for that self-centered vane arrogant old fool.

foot in the forest
foot in the forest
1 year ago

If that is the most important vote the senate ever takes it is high time for a ROPE.

1 year ago

Please resign when your niece Ronna does and you can both be done with us. Don’t make us wait til the end of your term

1 year ago

Not only a liar, but a pathetic example of an “adult”. When running for president in 2012, he was endorsed by Donald Trump. When running for senator from Utah, he was endorsed by Donald Trump. And how does he repay for that support ? By voting FOR the sham impeachment of Donald Trump.
His twitter account, under the childish name of Pierre Delecto, was set up to bash Donald Trump, from what he hoped offered a degree of anonymity. Imo, such behavior is not that of a strong and brave person, but a coward.
Way to go, Mittens. Shall we assume you are an outstanding example of your professed, “faith”. I end with that appropriate word, pathetic.

1 year ago
Reply to  Joseph

Yet the commie continues to be elected !

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago

What amazes me, still, is the number of people that are too stupid to see the lies and manipulation.
The fact that the vermin in suits lie with such aplomb and impunity isn’t a surprise, I see fly’s eating dung daily… But the people lap it up. They wave their arms pontificating on “the most important (insert blank here) of our lifetime!” over and over again and the sheep nod and say “he’s right ya know…”

They tried to kill you with Covid.
They tried to kill you with the NotAVaxx
They tried to kill you by with-holding treatments that WORKED
They tried to kill you by paying hospitals to implement treatments that didn’t work
They tried to hide it all from you, while vilifying and attacking anyone who argued against their position

Why anyone would do anything but piss on their face is beyond me, but here we are.

1 year ago

Texas is CLOSE to putting a Secession Bill for Texans to vote and leave this Bullshit. Early polling data says 88% are in favor. I pray and hope Ohio will join Texas…we have oil, refineries and a strong Air Force in Dayton! With the mild winter Sheriffs are being prepped for the oncoming Cluster including illegals now coming from Canada via Lake Erie(Ohio has 312 miles of coastline) …and of course we have No federal assistance so its up to us. I’m also hearing our Sheriff will Deputize all registered CC in our county when SHTF.
Sheriff addresses what he learned at conference:

1 year ago

Romney was a POS communist when he was governor of Taxachusetts. Any Citizen with half a brain would know Romney is still a domestic communist. All that has changed with Romney as a FUSA fedgov senator, is his venue of treason and sedition. And as always the electorate continues to elect/reelect the career communists such as Romney and his ilk.