Navy Veteran, 66, Lives an ‘American Horror Story’ Since His Arrest on Jan. 6 Seditious-Conspiracy Charge

Thomas Caldwell at his home in Berryville, Va., on March 19, 2022. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)

“Abba, Father! Please don’t let them murder my wife!”

After more than two decades in the U.S. Navy and assignments around the world, Thomas E. Caldwell thought he knew the meaning of horror.

That all changed in the predawn hours of Jan. 19, 2021.

Minutes after being jostled awake, Caldwell found himself outside in the freezing cold in his undershorts and a T-shirt. In handcuffs attached to a belly chain, he was dragged across the lawn by FBI agents and thrown onto the hood of a government sedan.

Caldwell looked back at the porch of his farmhouse and saw Sharon, his wife of 22 years, standing in her nightgown, with arms extended. She clutched a sock in each hand.

Laser dots appeared on her face and chest, beamed from the carbine barrels of an FBI SWAT team. In an instant, Caldwell saw it all, just a finger twitch from unspeakable tragedy.

“That was moral terror,” the white-haired 66-year-old Caldwell told The Epoch Times.

“I would rather that they had shot me between the eyes than to threaten her like that.”

“I will never forget that image, because she looked like an angel in a white nightshirt, standing in her bare feet on that cold concrete, with her arms extended to her side in compliance to them,” Caldwell recalled, choking back tears.

“That was the moment I learned what real horror was,” he said. “Because I’m looking at that and I said, ‘Abba, Father! Please don’t let them murder my wife! Please don’t let them kill my wife!’ ”

Read this article here…

This is an unbelievable story. One more example of the abject evil that our government has become. Our federal government is more wicked than anyone can possibly imagine, and these people must be held accountable for the terror they have unleashed on regular, patriotic Americans. Our government is made up of the very terrorists that they claim to be fighting.

Do not look away. Do not avert your eyes. Read this story. Then read it again. Then share it with everyone you know. This should NEVER happen again in this country.

About Hammers Thor
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Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

Right between the eyes.
No hesitation, no remorse.
You could have learned to code, but instead you enabled and supported the tyrants. You chose to be the tip of the spear in a blue shirt and a badge. When you lie cold and dying in the street, thinking of your family left behind, know it was your choice. You could have fought to defend the freedoms given to you. You could have fought to defend the rights of your fellow citizens; we defended you, and came to your aid when politicians bowed to the wind. Instead you chose the tyrants, so will your fate be one with theirs. I will shed no tears, nor render any aid to the enforcers.
May you rot in hell for what you have done.

Folks, its going to come to shooting. There is no avoiding it now.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

When in a corner, only one way out usually.

enn ess
enn ess
2 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Violence is not “the” answer. There comes a time when oppression continues it’s push, when those who simply want to be left alone to live their lives in peace and harmony, are pushed into a corner with nothing left to lose, Violence then becomes the “ONLY” Answer.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Every part of me is ready willing and able, they are not human and I will treat them as such. It is coming down to shooting them on sight, they do not deserve to live a life any longer, let them rot where they fall.

2 years ago

Absolutely disgusting!
I keep an eye on the Jan 6 prisoner’s cases, bc this is a soft spot for me. That couod have been us.
Ik. Ik.. “but look at them, no bond, locked away” and I know, But THIS IS ILLEGAL IN SO MANY WAYS FOLKS!
Yet, Good men do nothing.. do we “deserve” what’s coming, bc i am starting to think we might.
Hope you all are well, staying safe and praying to whatever God you believe in. We’re gonna need ALL of them.

2 years ago

Geez, this could happen to any body or me and all I did was read about it and watch the news about it. Would they ( the democratic government communists ) come after me too ? Just for watching or reading about it?

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago
Reply to  alfie

They are planning to.
Our host frequently highlights the legal maneuvers.