NCAR Official Meeting this Saturday Feb. 1st, 2014

NCAR Monthly Meeting Reminder

 Saturday, February 1st, 2014: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM

The Golden Corral Restaurant
120 Gallery Center Drive
Mooresville, NC 28117
(I-77 at Hwy 150, Exit 36)
Get Directions

For those in attendance, please plan to purchase a meal.

A Letter From Our New Chief Magistrate

To the People of the North-Carolina American Republic:

I thank you for entrusting me with the position of Chief Magistrate. With this position I seek to be a servant to you all. I also seek to grow and strengthen this body politic. In the time we have ahead of us, my hope and prayer is that this de jure state of ours, in this tumultuous political climate, will be able to increasingly find justice for our citizenry. As I’ve expressed in our first meeting of the year 2014, my hope is that we will each be able to contribute personally to the growth of this state, through an organized plan. My hope is that each subsequent layer of new citizens and elected representatives will strive to continue the cycle of education, growth, and discipleship, so that we can move toward an increased public awareness of our peaceful counter-revolution.

Considering the current condition of our de jure state, and a prevalent recognition of the de facto state, we cannot afford to be complacent or lax in our actions. We cannot afford to lose clarity or focus over falsehoods, misinformation, or patriot mythology. We cannot afford not to help one another or not to be a community, in fact a state, to protect each other and all citizens. We cannot afford to lose hope because of bad results. Rather, we must stay consistently obedient to the truth.

As I examine history, I’ve come to the understanding that it is just as important to personally stand for liberty, as it is to have people in place to protect it. This is true patriotism. The citizens of this state stand on a foundation of truth — a foundation which ought to be protected. And so I ask for the help of all involved in this re-established Republic. Let us each be renewed with a new focus, to understand our mission as stated by our Declaration of Re-establishment, and to re-define and execute our goals for these coming years.

I look forward to seeing my fellow citizens and officers at this next meeting on Saturday, February 1st, 2014.

Yours In Liberty,
Cliff Muncy
Chief Magistrate

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