New Footage Shows El Paso Engulfed In ‘Mass Migration Dumpster Fire’ As State Of Emergency Declared

On Monday, White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre made an absurd claim: “When it comes to illegal migration, you’ve seen it come down by more than 90%” under the Biden administration. And if that was the case, why did a Democrat mayor of a Texas border town declare a state of emergency?

Well, new footage from border town El Paso, Texas, shows a sobering view of a worsening migrant crisis that the Biden administration, liberal media, and progressive politicians have ignored for two years while calling anyone who pointed it out ‘racist.’ 


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Snotty Boy
Snotty Boy
1 year ago

If fedgov will not protect the sovereignty of the country’s borders, and the states are too beholden to fedgov for his money handouts to step up, then it falls to the people to do the job. And if Agent Lickspittle and Officer Friendly get in the way……..

Billy Rally
Billy Rally
1 year ago
Reply to  Snotty Boy

“If fedgov will not protect the sovereignty of the country’s borders”
That’s so past tense. The incontestable reality is that fedgov has NOT protected America’s sovereignty for decades now.

Last edited 1 year ago by Billy Rally
Greg Bedigian
Greg Bedigian
1 year ago
Reply to  Billy Rally

They spend a lot of time tracking American pleasure boats in the Gulf Stream crossing back from The Bahamas, or from Canada, or even returning to USVI from BVI. You are in a world of hurt if you fail to clear in with customs. Infected illegal invaders are welcome to come and go with impunity though.

Billy Rally
Billy Rally
1 year ago
Reply to  Greg Bedigian

The tracking of citizens recreational maritime traffic is nothing new.
However, the flagrantly open manner, in which America’s sovereignty continues to be seditiously and treasonously destroyed, is the pertinent issue at hand.

1 year ago

I had an interesting conversation today with someone helpful at University of North Carolina School of Government (UNC SOG). There isn’t anyone on their faculty who is concerned with how elected officials and government regulators are treating taxpayers. There is one guy who follows the elected official’s legal compliance with how statutes say they have to treat the citizens in under their political or regulatory purview… but that’s it. I contacted three people. One was retired. The second one was too busy. And this person referred me to the other one… we’ll see how that goes.
My question to them was how do I educate my Commissioners about deadly 5G and its relationship to the contents of the C19 injections? No ready answers -- that’s for sure and by design.
I finally got around to looking up Title 42 and I get it that it is an expiring health regulation that speeded up deportations during Covid. In my notes I had this completely different definition from a freedom law blogger on Substack…, and it made me wonder if I ever understood what Johnny Law was saying…:)) I’ll have to ask him.
jonnylaw / Writes jonnylaw’s Substack
“I need to tell ya, that TITLE 42 USC is actually FUNDED by the the BIRTH Certificate of anyone born in DUH USA.INC, and is A Cestui que vie is French for “they who lives”. It is a legal term for an individual who is the beneficiary of a trust . . . , with rights to property and the income and profits that the property provides.
A cestuique trust is the person entitled to an equitable, rather than legal, trust in the all holdings and assets.”
And that is just a FEW, and they were ALL set up in EVERY Nation that was and still is Under the BRITISH RULE, which is now MOST all of them who “BELONG” to the UNITED NATIONS (DBA) the New World ORDER (and yse it all stinks, if they they can keep you from YOUR FUNDS!)
So they tell us that “we” paid in to something, and they get to keep those funds!
So when WE were LIED to about most anything that has to do with anything that, the “govern-MENTALS” have to deal with “We the PEOPLE” most ALL of it is a LIE, and NOTHING but a LIE. Since most of them just want to get they hands on that TRUST FUND, that’s signed by ALL CAPS, name.

And there is MORE to that,,,,, since they want to “CON-Troll” everything we have, or own, or do!
PSSSST… they are NOT, nor never be “Public Officials” since they ALL are working and being paid by a “PRIVATE Corporation(s), so they are really “enemies of the state”(non-in-corpo-rats, beings!)
USPS is also a PRIVATE Corporation, is such a BIG WAY, as “IT,” does not even have a .gov Domain! Savvy?
The ORIGINAL was or is… the “Post Office of the united States of America” and not that FAKE ONE, and IT’S mailing is still 3 Cents, for any letter! Address = % of county of …. state of…..
But that’s most all I have RESEARCHED on that truth!”

1 year ago

You guys want to get a better understanding on the Hegelian Dialectic that is being thrown at you. This explanation from Stephen Coughlin(former MSSI military officer JCS & centcom. Expert in political warfare) is worth the listen.

1 year ago

Vergiss die Schrotflinte, nimm den Flammenwerfer

1 year ago

The solution is simple. They think they’re coming here for a better life. Make sure that what they eat instead is a much worse off one. I’m sure we can create some nasty labor gulags if we tried. They won’t come here then.

Billy Rally
Billy Rally
1 year ago
Reply to  Noway2

The only VIABLE solution is to NOT let ILLEGALS into America, period, full stop!
And “legal” immigration should be shut down, for the next hundred years, at a minimum. However, immigration by white Europeans of similar values should be excluded from the ban and wholeheartedly encouraged, to repair the damage done.
And any “citizen” actively subverting, or attempting to subvert and continue destroying our national sovereignty must be immediately stripped of their citizenship and be permanently expelled, without possibility of the decision’s revocation.

1 year ago

Dont forget to thank your local chamber of commerce as well.

1 year ago

They deserve what they get in El Paso and every City like them, it’s been a crap hole of democratic liberal trash rule for years and now the democrats in charge have reached there boiling point. Dementia Marxist pedophile Joe Biden is not going to assist them one bit even being good loyal foot soldier democrats for years on end and voting in commie demon-rats. There city has turned into a stinking open septic tank of filth and depravity from the illegal aliens, mostly men of military age flowing in with all sorts of filthy diseases. This is Americas new democratic Nirvana as well as their new army that keeps marching across the entire nation like a plague of locusts eating and devouring everything in sight, all caused by Joe Biden, Obama and every democrat in this nation. Every democrat is a communist Marxist who hates their own nation and laws. I believe we are the point the democrats will be eaten up by the same ones they so egregiously bought in illegally. there is price to pay for a betrayal of the nation. Death is knocking on their doors and it’s coming very fast to them, and their children all run by the same wicked and evil demon possessed democrats who have death wishes on them.

Snotty Boy
Snotty Boy
1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

To not realize that the Republicans are ALSO the enemy of liberty is have missed the whole lesson of America’s slide into tyranny and third world status.

1 year ago
Reply to  Snotty Boy

i haven’t even begun to discuss that bunch of Rino pond scum maggot traitors, they are the same as the two headed hydra or should I say the uni-party. My focus right now is on the demon-rats and every one of their cursed depraved cities. but you right the other side is just seditionary and deserving of death.

Last edited 1 year ago by Phil
1 year ago

What a stinking clown show from this fake media that have only retards watching them now, they have no viewers but they manage to stay on air due the fascist nazi globalists who infuse theses demons entities with boatloads of cash.