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The responses on twatter are painful to read, but I encourage you to.
I agree with the notion that its the parents rights over the actions that are required of their children that are paramount. However this bafoon stands there maskless, her now masked Son behind her, arguing he’s protected.
The overweight aged maskless woman. The masked healthy looking teenager. “Its about Safety!”, in a cloth mask.
You couldn’t run this situation over with an M-1 Abrams tank made out of pure irony, and be any more ironic than the whole charade.
Then go read those comments.
The world really is that dumb, and they get to vote, too.
That’s great that DeSantis called it out for what it is — ridiculous but, can someone please explain to me why he signed this bill?
Still hasn’t come out and said the vaxx is not a vaxx but a kill shot. He’s a schrewd politician. He is the hero now rescuing everyone from masks.
Nothing but pandering theater by Desantis, maneuvering for higher office or at least GOV uncontestedly.
politicians sign legislation because most times it sends the debtbux back into their own pockets….
Nothing but pandering theater by Desantis, maneuvering for higher office or at least GOV uncontestedly.