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Paul Harvey on the radio. How well I remember waiting to hear his broadcast. I noted that in the bottom of this new version there was a small Maga box on the bottom left. I hope y’all tune into the Speaker of the House video posted on Forbes YouTube today. Prepare yourself to listen to the entire speech. McCarthy is setting up a tight friendship with the Israel Knesset and the US House of Representatives. The two party delusion is just that: Delusion. Oh what a web being weaved.
The first part of McCarthy!s speech is a bit difficult to hear. At some point the translator is silent. At 22:18 min he discusses how “Congress” and…..will work closely together. A pic of Margerie Taylor Green in audience. The global knot tightens.
The video:
At 22:18 min McCarthy clearly states how “Congress” and…..will work closely together as one. A quick flash: check out who is who in the audience.
Not surprising, it’s been edited to 22:13.
Knew EZU was into ‘gay’, but this is too much
And people ask ‘why no children’?
Read the article you posted. These are sick twisted evil people. Keep your children away from these evil demons.
Comment from blog
What we are wrestling with are hosts of darkness, legions of hell, demons devouring our planet. We are in an epic battle of light versus darkness. For decades now, American children have had their bodies and minds altered to be opened up to demonic possession–from pharmaceutical drugs, street drugs, violent video games and media content, toxic preservatives in their food, social media, brainwashing in schools, hormones in water and soil, poisons in the environment. It’s been a full assault on their bodies and minds, conditioning them to wokeness, to physical sickness, to violent tendencies, to hormonal imbalances, to socialism, and absolutely to mental illness — all of which has conformed them to wide scale demon possession. Sometimes I meet someone and honestly cannot tell if they are really human or zombie or machine. The root cause of a lot of mental illness comes from another dimension, the one we are waging war against, following the lead of our King and Savior, the angelic commanders of his hosts, and our Lady Protectress. We must continue to pray and put on the armor of God daily because the battle is all around us.
Paul Harvey was brilliant. I always remember “and now, the rest of the story.” Sometimes his was the only news I got.
He was the voice of reason.
Paul nailed it/demon possessed humans/ruled to be
progressive and proud of it. Tremendous misbehavior
to corrupt people with free will. ALL involved have no
conscience, integrity, or humanity remaining. The deliberate
harm, ongoing, and having pride in those acts would be considered
crimes against humanity regardless of the flimsy, stupid rational
used to justify them.