Pharma Propaganda

I do not watch much television but I did watch five episodes of Bass Reeves this weekend. Times sure have changed concerning the content and demographics of commercials. Here is an easy request for Congress: pass legislation banning all pharmaceutical commercials.

This would be a big win for people’s healthcare and a big hit to the pockets of the politicians who control them.

David DeGerolamo

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1 year ago

That would be a great idea. I wonder if Senator Mike Lee(UT), Senator Roger Marsall(KS) and Senator Rand Paul(KY) would consider it? I will be calling Mr. Lee tomorrow about it and get some idea about the political atmosphere regarding it.

1 year ago

Aaaaaaaaaaaamen! They serve no purpose. None.
Well, except for the Pharma Programming

1 year ago

Two countries in the world allow direct-to-consumer pharma adverts. The FUSA and New Zealand. It wasn’t always the case. It was pharma “legislative reform” that allowed this to happen. Congress has been against the People for a long time now.

1 year ago

Frst of all -- what is a Bass Reeves???? (don’t answer that, I already looked it up -- but it did sound like a show about fishing with a narrator nicknamed Bass.).
I don’t think there is anything that would get me to take any pharmaceuticals the rest of my life there natural products slower to take effect but there are other ways to deal with medical conditions..

1 year ago

The current crooks in Congress would never ban drug ads. They are all on the take with big Pharma. Most of the losers who gave us the prescription drug act, Medicare D, are still standing guard for big Pharma. I know what went on , in the inside. We pay the highest for drugs of any country in the world, and we have the sleaziest legislators to prove it. The only way this will ever change is to re elect no one, and never pick someone pushed by the establishment and don’t vote for anything with an R after their name, like Tom Tillis or Greg Murphy. There are lots of choices and none of them are democrats, and most GOP either

1 year ago

And while they are at it they can ban ads by lawyers.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

I do not take any meds, big pharma has the world by the short hairs.

1 year ago

The solution is not in Congress. They are the problem. The solution will be in the streets.