Propaganda for Idiots

The mainstream media pushes forth an endless stream of propaganda. Some of it seems plausible as a portion of truth is embedded in the story. Most propaganda is aimed at the masses who lack critical thinking skills due to our poor educational system. Some propaganda is so poorly written that the author’s credibility is negligible. Here is one of the worst pieces of what I would call “Propaganda for Idiots”.

David DeGerolamo


Will Trump chicken out of the presidential debate? Probably. He’s a Grade-A coward.

Rex Huppke, USA TODAY

The breathless advance coverage of the first debate between President Joe Biden and a well-known convicted felon has overlooked one key question: Will Donald Trump actually show up?

Until we see him set foot on the debate stage Thursday night in Atlanta, there’s a strong chance the former president chickens out and runs to the safety of a rally where he can comfortably air his myriad grievances and extract money from his gullible fans.

More trash at USA Today

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The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
2 days ago

The ONLY way President Trump wouldn’t show up to this or any debate is if Joe has him “Arkancided” by one of Bill-Hillery’s hit men.

2 days ago

This is the most ludicrous debate put on by that corrupted CNN fake news site in my lifetime. There are so many restrictions on Trump attached to this fraudulent debate it defies imagination. Tapper and the other idiot Bash are CIA assets, as well as many others on that fake news site. the entire debate is all staged for the idiot in the white house and i wouldn’t be one-bit surprised CNN has their people at pedophile Camp David for the last week instructing the fool on every question and answer. The only surprise which Biden will it be, there are two other Bidens who are crisis actors who fill in for him when he is not cognizant, and they are provided with CIA facial masks which look real. Trump is either an idiot for agreeing to this CNN garbage, or he has something else up his sleeve. this is all bread and circus the way I see it.

2 days ago

Rex Huppke. Google his name and read some of the crap he has put in newspapers. He ridiculed people who weren’t stupid enough to get “vaxxed”. He’s clearly anti-White. He’s a commie. No surprise.

Nolan Parker
Nolan Parker
2 days ago

Of all the words to choose from, coward is The Least applicable to Donald Trump.

2 days ago

Rex Huppke was a hack even back in the days when he wrote for the Chicago Tribune. Best thing I ever did was to unsubscribe from that rag when they cancelled John Kass and went libtard.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
2 days ago

Propaganda, counter-propaganda and disinformation is used… because it works. Sometimes a a mass of people--sometimes on a percentage just enough to sway something like an election for instance. Today’s propaganda is highly effective and refined from the day’s of Joseph Goebels--who could only wish he had the tools employed today. Look at Bush II and his meeting with pastors prior to his election--highly publisized in conservative media. The objective: sway the evangelical crowd who BTW are easily manipulated. And it worked. How about ‘babies being un-hooked from incubators?” --how many of you reacted like Pavlov’s dogs over that one. The leftists are masters at this artform.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
1 day ago

I surely don’t understand why Trump would subject himself to being in the same space as Poopy McSnifferson. The communist forces know that Biden is entirely unelectable. They also know that if MAGA’s gain control in FUSA, many of them will be held accountable for their crimes. When Lord Clinton Rothschild and his very ugly wife were facing the scrutiny of law enforcement for their Whitewater crimes, the OKC Fed building coincidentally blew up, destroying all the feds’ evidence. Without evidence the feds could not prosecute them and Timothy McVeigh took the heat for the crime. With both candidates erased in a false flag that would definitely be blamed on MAGA, or “the extreme far right, White Christian Nationalists” the communists could solve many of their current problems in one fell swoop and maintain the narrative. I’ll be lifting weights and working on a new coop tonight while the farcical debate is being televised.