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Hanging these neocon traiterous warhawks will not be enough. Take notes from the Chinese about Root and Branch. Liz Cheney is still walking around a free woman.
Or, is it her clone/doppelganger? Evil never admits defeat, so they use imitations, Satan’s Spirit..
I may just follow this flight. My bet, russia is having naval exercises w/cuba and others in the gulf. This sub is on its way to cuba and decide to fuck with the u.s. a bit. And it’s moving south very, very slowly.
Looks like there are two searching for it and following. In the link, select the “U” box to show military aircraft only…..
Does the submarine presence correspond with its promised presence near Cuba? is currently showing a P-8 circling just offshore from Kings Bay Submarine Base Georgia. Also a P-8 has been circling over the Atlantic a few miles from Miami. Another P-8 is presently circling over a small area of Mobile Bay. This aircraft is not over international waters, but over Mobile Bay.
Some of these aircraft disappear from the screen for several minutes at a time and then pop back up.