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School boards are made-up of retired communist sociopathic teachers who despise all Christian values. Either homeschool your children or get elected to the school board and fire the majority of the teachers and administrators. Who is $ John Galt?
God gave them all over to a Reprobate mind.
People that oppose this that are in churches and community themo, majority are cowards and don’t speak out. They also don’t care what their kids are taught. They attend liberal churches that are really social centers.
And I will purge out among you the rebels, and them that transgress against Me: I will bring them forth out of the country where they sojourn, and they will not enter into the land of Israel: an ye shall know that I am the Lord. -Ezekiel 20:38
That entire demon possessed perverted Asheville school board is full of demon dogs, and if some who sit on that board are not in agreement with what is going in on the school system and say nothing are far worse because they didn’t stand up and speak for righteousness. May our Lord rain fire down from heaven on all who destroy the minds of the children and destroy all of them.
The entire count of Asheville parents -- where were they? Why didn’t they show up at this meeting?
Asheville is the blue poison that turns the state purple.
They didn’t show up because they are all in agreement with it thru their silence. Did you notice the pervert whites sitting there and not even giving the pastor the support for speaking out against the filth and perversion is all you need to know why parents didn’t attend.
Parents seem to condone this LGBTQ teachings in schools. It’s the only thing that seems to make sense otherwise they would oppose it.
Where were all the pastors and priests? What stopped them from showing up?
Cowards and condone most anything (reprobates).
Best to home church or meet with afew friends for fellowship, ditch the 501c3 gov. controlled churches.
God bless that brave man for standing up in righteous indignation.
Oooo, that’s gonna leave a mark…
Unchecked power is the foundation of tyranny.It is the JUROR “S duty to use the jury room as a vehicle to stem the tide of oppression & tyranny. To prevent bloodshed by peacefully removing power from those who have abused it. The JURY is the primary vehicle for the peaceable restoration of LIBERTY, POWER & HONOR TO ” WE THE PEOPLE.
It is sad that this short period of wonder and innocence is now being taken away from children. I read that WHO has issued guidelines for small children to masturbate. As parents we all know the curiosity of children, but as parents we also have to guide them and explain to them why they should not play with themselves in public. Without making them feel dirty, it is their body after all. The most enjoyable time I had with my children was from birth to puberty, this lovely time before they are worried about sex. A brief period of about 10 to 12 years in a life of about 80 years. I made the mistake with my last child because of a late baby, the rules at school had changed, sex education was started and the parents were now being excluded, it has gone downhill in the last 30 years and now they want to teach babies about sex, I wonder why, so that perverts will have easier access.
The schools are teaching the kids to be accepting of pediphiles as normal. Parents allowing their kids in public schools are low life perverts and want their kids to learn lgbtq trash.
Do what another parent did. Go to the DA of the State and show THEM. If there are porn laws (especially child porn) then the board members can have a choice. REMOVE the books or face jail time.
Too many cowards and perverts going to board mtgs. That’s why it hasn’t been done.
A pastor who is living by God’s Will and speaking out against immorality
Praise God for creating us in HIS image so that we can speak out against this immoral educational program!
The school board interrupted the pastor because they don’t want to hear the TRUTH
Praise God!
That gentleman was spot on, on all points. How do the demon infested board members sit still??
Please report what, if anything, was done about this! Thank you for exposing , and chopping at the root of our problems. Immorality in all it’s ugliness. Worthy of a book burning and further purging of what is on the list as children’s books! God bless this Dad who acts in the power of God and a sound mind in a spirit of love, not fear!
Walmart now selling trans clothing for kids. The product line is called:
“No Boundaries”. Orange butterflies on black sportswear shirts for trans boys. Check it out.
PRAY AGAINST THEM. They will destroy any ‘good’ person that joins the school boards. PRAY DILIGENTLY AND CONSTANTLY.
Decent people need to exit these gov. schools, kids and adults. No excuse not to.
School boards are out of control. Home schooling is the better choice instead of the gay education techniques employed by “educators.” Our nation pays, in tax dollars, one of highest costs in the world, and we rank 20th or so in how well our children can read, write, and do math. We are not getting what we pay for.
Why is it that the school board won’t listen to what this man is reading but it’s okay for children read…
No one listened to Noah , Jerimiah and later Moses either Many were destroyed in floods, other disasters. America is without hope. Is society really worth propetuating?
I love the end “that makes two of us” genius
Sickening What This Country Has Come To….