NCRenegade was down for about nine hours. It appears that a WordPress plugin malfunctioned which shut the site down.
However, I expect that this site will continue to be attacked. In the future, I will post on twitter under these conditions as well as Telegram.
David DeGerolamo
It now begins with the attacks on basically all alternative conservative sites because we are nearing the 2024 elections of Obiden an the wickedest democratic party in this nation’s history.
I believe after the commie nominee wins the 2024 election, martial law will be declared. And anyone who questions the election will be thrown in the gulag, TINVOWOOT.
I believe after Trump is elected the Commies will start burning the cities, and ???
And anyone thrown in the gulag deserves it. Live Free or Die.
An attack on your site means your message is powerful and getting through to the people, we’re 100% behind you David, keep up the good work.
Always good to have a plan b. And then some. I was surprised that WRSA got caught with their pants down.
>>>It appears that a WordPress plugin malfunctioned which shut the site down.<<<
That’s convenient. And not suspicious at all.
Quite “normal” these days, us military & us Feral comms as well.