Pure evil.
Lil Nas X teams up with MSCHF to release a new athletic shoe (Air Max 97 custom) dedicated to Satan complete with a pentagram and a drop of human blood in each shoe.
The shoe also contains the numbers 666 and come in a limited edition of 666 pairs.
Wake up Christians! We are in a spiritual war.
Good to see others are making these connections!
This morning saw a story and picture of New Amazon building plans.
double helix?
What does the picture of the building remind one of?
Spiritual warfare indeed.
Amazon seeks to build 350-foot-tall building in Arlington -- The …http://www.washingtonpost.com › dc-md-va › 2021/02/02
Feb 2, 2021 — Amazon unveils Helix building as heart of campus in Arlington · Architects said their inspiration for the double helix comes from nature’s fondness …
Also reminded me of a show i used to watch called Helix. It is about a plauge that takes over the world.
Was hoping for more response or interest.
Those of you searching for reasons of why these days are upon us and why many will not inherit the Kingdom. We should look around. These are the big things that are out in the open, Think of the small violations that we do everyday with out recognizing our wrongs.
Pandemic is over and we have our masks, lets go to a “Love of Lesbians” concert ?
Still they would not Repent. One of the saddest verses in the Bible! i used to wonder why, why would these people not repent? Well i know now. The preachers and pastors told the people times would be terrible, the worst times on earth to be alive. Are they? Are they for these people? No. they do not recognize the wrong, the sin, they do not see His tears, His warnings, nor His Love.
Big concert in Barcelona Spain!
Love of Lesbian
The show by Spanish rock group Love of Lesbian had the special permission of Spanish health authorities.
Churches entertain, refuse to give real sermons exposing evil and solutions, they are 501 c3 gov. controlled and must only preach soft P.C. sermons, making churches social clubs and fitness centers, etc. The members will never wake up because they are reprobated (parables: blinded to truth) Apostate clergy are members of FEMA response teams, will lead their members into FEMA camps. Those w/ spiritual truth have already left these churches long ago and home church or meet w/ friends for study. Patriots are few today and most are elderly or over 55. Younger people are nihilists and self centered living in the now.
Nasten = Mastema
Many names all languages.
Any one see this at C-pac?
Tommy Zegan
“This is not an idol,” said Mr. Zegan, the son of missionaries and a former youth pastor and graduate of the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago who now works as an artist with a studio in Rosarito Beach, Mexico.
From what i can tell this is also true.
Heard of Jay Aeba? Happy science cultleader, speaks at C pac regularly.
10 virgins, 5 were foolish…. not enough oil (knowledge/ Holy Spirit). Spiritual warfare indeed.
This “hoof gear” would never hold up to my Justin steel toes blessed by the sweat of my brow.
covering up?