Steve Bannon Barnburner

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James Ray Delcoure
James Ray Delcoure
9 days ago

Rousing speech Victory or Death!

9 days ago

I give Bannon credit for action-that’s me. I do, not whine which is what most people do now. ACTION!

tom finley
tom finley
8 days ago

The only way to end communism is to end communists.

8 days ago

A sound of force and fury signifying nothing! They are going to tear down CIA and FBI buildings? But..,but..,but didn’t Trump just said he is going to build the FBI a big, beautiful new building? I wonder how many in that screaming adoring crowd will get off their airconditioned butts and do the ugly dirty work it’s going to take to free America? I don’t know about the rest of you, but I can’t seem to find anybody that’s willing to get involved, train, get in shape. Pool parties, baseball in front of the tv is what America is all about. Sit back relax, Americas new god Trump, will save us all. Maybe there are real patriots out there willing to sacrifice their lives, fortunes and sacred honor, I just haven’t found any. Are any of you having the same problem or is it just me?

8 days ago
Reply to  RShooter

I will not even launch into my tirade about “training” meeting up offering to train !!! no one is interested…. they talk shit about being on the front line when the fight starts …but they are too afraid to have coffee with a stranger they “met” on GAB or WRSA or HERE ! it’s TOO RISKY !!!

8 days ago
Reply to  mrapp

I learned a lot from out last meeting. I hope we can share ideas again very soon. Take care and stay safe.

8 days ago
Reply to  DRenegade

anymore , to me that has become the “catchall excuse”……meeting for a cup of coffee gives away very little……when you go to max velocity training how do you know who is next to you, who is filming who is observing / drone / satellite / ground radar all manner of devices ??
…people say they can’t meet anyone local to start to team up with …..when you say OPERATIONAL security ??? go ahead tell me about all the great operations going on by team freedom…..I’ll wait……..

8 days ago

Today is Bunker Hill Breeds Hill Day
What a crock of BS talk. Nothing said is going to happen. End of story.
America at this time is incapable of putting together a Patriot band similar to the Bunker Hill Defenders. As a Son of the American Revolution, Paternal and Maternal and a 7 year army veteran I am grieved