Stop Our Destruction

The propaganda in the media makes mixed races marriages look normal. They’re not. The attempt is being made through such propaganda and the open borders to replace us in Europe, Canada, and here in America. Resist! Resist! Your ancestors didn’t work, suffer, and bleed for their descendants (us) to give everything away. We are ancestors in the making for our descendants. Let’s make them proud.

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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
1 year ago

Sorry, I’m Caucasian and have a Laotian girlfriend. She is traditional and loyal. Modern western women are ruined by feminist ideology, and ultra high body counts.

ell jay
ell jay
1 year ago

We all know what the author is talking about! IR marriages are destroying the foundations of our society. I do view the Green Hornet’s wife as being any danger to it [society].

1 year ago

Ther is no race in Christ Jesus, only believers and nonbelievers. It is the shuffling of refugees among all nations that will bring about a one world order. Every nation will look the same and the world will need its One World Leader (Antichrist).

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago
Reply to  Martha

Correct. That day is coming rather quickly.

Diva of Dance
Diva of Dance
1 year ago

One man married/committed to one woman. Judge the content of each person’s character and not the color of their skin or their bone structure.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago
Reply to  Diva of Dance

Yesterday I read on a reputable website that 70 percent of mixed race marriages fail and 15% of mixed race marriages are violent.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

How many ‘traditional’ marriages fail? How many buddies do we have that we watch step out on their wives etc.? How many times have we remained silent about such things and said nothing?

1 year ago

Man we have so many more dire concerns these days than mixed race marriages… It is the content of a person’s heart and character and most importantly their relationship with Jesus that is important more than race or skin color. The ship has sailed a long long time ago on you wanting to preserve white heritage in this country anyway. We are in the very end times and this country is taking it’s final dying gasps so what does it matter anyway? You honestly believe the US and this present world have some long generational future ahead of us? Not sure you really fit in to be posting on this site or where you slithered in from?

1 year ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

You belong here.

Tim Smith
Tim Smith
1 year ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Of course sir, you know that the “cucked” Christianity of today’s evangelical world has precious little to do with the faith that subdued nations and imbued crusaders with zeal. Also, I love my pagan friends and hope you stick around. I just met with an Odinist patient last evening at the hospital where I serve. We had a great talk about the “web of wyrd.”

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Tim Smith

This Nation does love the paganism, and we can not see the problem!

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

You rebuke me for being a believer and you do not see the problem? Yet when the rebuttals come your direction you want to pack up and go home.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Lets just say i took it wrong and move on. i am glad someone stepped up and intervened.
People will throw insults at all of us. we can overcome this.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Constantine is who i am referring to as far as Paganism mixing with Christianity. Most still do not recognize that the Traditions and True Holy days were changed and or disregarded. Thousands of years of wrongs have piled up. Christianity has been subverted since the very beginnings.
How long did the True followers and the message go before it was tweaked to man-kinds liking?

Tim Smith
Tim Smith
1 year ago

I officiated at my son’s wedding last week. I was aware of the tradition of “handfasting” with the priest’s stole wrapping round the bride and groom’s hands. I hadn’t planned on doing this, but in the moment, I said “Screw it, I’m going with tradition and I’m going to wrap their hands!” It was very cool. And I agree, marriages of Christian strength are needed and the foundation of all we hope to save of our culture.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tim Smith

My wife and I are in-line with Roth in terms of religion. We would have liked to do a hand fasting at our wedding, but fear of the reaction by her largely catholic step-family made it a non starter.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

i believe there is Truth in John 10:16
And God warned us about our Stiff necked fathers and ancestors, did He not?
Man’s traditions including much going on in what passes as churches these days do not reflect well upon Him nor His True church and Bride.
Many of you seem to think that being in the majority makes you the winner, this is not Biblical Truth!