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Tag Archives: Turkey
How Turkey shopped Mossad spies to Iran: A story leaked by Washington to caution Netanyahu
Early last year, the Erdogan government blew the cover of up to 10 Israel agents in Iran who had been meeting inside Turkey with their Mossad case officers. This story was published in The Washington Post, by David Ignatius, who has … Continue reading
Another Win for Putin and Assad in Syria
The Syrian helicopter flight over Turkey fabricated first Assad obstacle to chemical weapons handover Syrian Prime Minister Waal al-Khalqi knew what he was talking about when he said Monday, Sept. 16 that the Assad regime had plenty more assets up … Continue reading
Obama’s climb-down on Syria attack spells “military nightmare” for allies Israel, Turkey, Jordan
US President Barack Obama’s about-turn Saturday night, Aug. 31 on the planned US military operation against Syria’s chemical weapons has shaken up the volatile Middle East balance of strength, spelling for Israel, Jordan and Turkey what Western and Israeli military … Continue reading
Riyadh, Ankara Call on Al-Qaeda to Declare War on Syrian Kurds
Saudi Arabia and Turkey aligning with al Qaeda? Obama will like that. But then this is probably just Iranian propaganda. David DeGerolamo From Fars News: The al-Qaeda-linked terrorist groups, the al-Nusra Front and the Sham and Iraq Islamic Emirate, have … Continue reading
Israeli Strike on Syria Launched from Turkey
Anyone reading the report on this level of cooperation between the Turkish and Israel has to be thinking about their cooperation against Iran. Israel used a Turkish military base to launch one of its recent airstrikes against Syria from the … Continue reading
Idiot in Chief
Erdogan has closed down any arms supplies by the United States to al Qaeda rebels through Turkey. Ambassador Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty and Sean Smith died for nothing. At least we can remember the honor of Tyrone Woods and … Continue reading
Obama Betrayed: Turkey’s Erdogan Shuts Down Rebel Supply Lines
The US decision to upgrade Syrian rebel weaponry has run into a major setback:DEBKAfile reveals that Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan phoned President Barack Obama in Berlin Wednesday, June 19, to report his sudden decision to shut down the Turkish corridor … Continue reading
Turkey threatens to deploy army to end unrest
The Turkish deputy prime minister has said that the army could be deployed to halt protests that have swept the nation over the past two weeks. Bulent Arinc on Monday said the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) could be pressed into … Continue reading
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Tagged caliphate, Erdogan, Taksim Square, Turkey
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Turkish riot police clash with protesters in Taksim Square
Turkish riot police fired tear gas and water cannon at hundreds of protesters armed with rocks and fireworks on Tuesday as they tried to take back control of a central Istanbul square at the heart of fierce anti-government demonstrations. Hundreds … Continue reading
Posted in Civil Unrest, Editorial
Tagged Erdogan, Taksim Square, Turkey
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Flames, tear gas in streets as rioters defy Turkey PM
From YouTube: Published on Jun 9, 2013 Turkish rioters burned tires and hurled fireworks at police who fired back tear gas as unrelenting protests in defiance of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan erupted into fresh unrest early Sunday. From CNN Turkish … Continue reading
Posted in Civil Unrest, Editorial
Tagged Erdogan, Turkey
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‘Looks Like War’: Barricades & tear gas fill Turkish streets as clashes continue
Posted in Civil Unrest, Editorial
Tagged Turkey
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Blood in the Streets
Blood in the streets in Turkey? How else do you start a Caliphate? David D
Russia, Greece, Turkey, Other Central Banks Buy Gold; China’s PBOC Buying?
China’s reserves rose 721% from 2004 through 2012, while the combined total among Brazil, Russia and India rose about 400% to $1.1 trillion. Continuing diversification into gold from the huge foreign exchange reserves by the People’s Bank of China and … Continue reading
Russia staffs Mediterranean fleet. Turkey weighs payback for Syrian bombings
Russian Navy Admiral Viktor Chirkov said Sunday, May 12, that the process is underway for creating a permanent staff to run Russian fleet operations in the Mediterranean Sea. Speaking at Sevastopol, the Black Sea fleet’s home port, Adm. Chirkov said … Continue reading