The Dangerous Agenda Behind BIRD FLU – they’re going after our food supply

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tom finley
tom finley
2 days ago

They are just following the marxist agenda that has proven to work.

Bigus Macus
Bigus Macus
2 days ago

Worth your time to watch

2 days ago

They’re coming for it all! Food,Water,Jobs,Gas Autos,Housing,Cash,Bank Accounts,401K’s,Bodily Autonomy,etc.

Last edited 2 days ago by Steve
The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
2 days ago

Such a lovely lady and excellent information too!

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
2 days ago

Bird Floo is ONE MORE vector they are going to use to destroy the food supply. If you can’t grow, get chickens or better yet ducks. Use the bedding to compost for fertilizer. Get a ph meter and know your soil. Learn what grows best in your climate and in your soil. Grow what you will eat and grow what grows in your area. Learn how to can and preserve. Work with neighbors and help them along. Once they get growing, get cooperative…someone does herbs, someone does root veggies, someone does greens and cruciferous, someone does squashes and melons and someone does provender and someone does berries and someone does fruit trees and on and on for the purpose of exchange/barter. Duck eggs are richer, they’re very hardy, rarely supplemental heat, and they will eat grasses and clover more than chickens do. Plus eggs can be used to stretch kibble for your guard dogs.

Nolan Parker
Nolan Parker
2 days ago

Anyone who has failed to notice the number of Food Production Facilities that have quite befuddlingly burned down in the last few years is simply not paying attention. The Predicted Famine is Predicted BECAUSE it’s Intentional.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
2 days ago

Yet another BIG HOAX. Another scare tactic…. and many conservatives will fall for the fear propaganda. The ‘boogey-bug’ is coming. They will ply you will phony hospital stories as they did with the Covid Hoax. And using these tactics they will line up the bulk of the population like lemmings marching over a cliff.

1 day ago

She’s spot on!