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President Trump was NOT a racist, nor was he the cause of all our problems. It was the Democrats and RINOs who caused all the problems.And there cannot be, nor should there be any compromise or negotiation with leftists.
A revolution is necessary, Biden And Harris the whore must be ended !!!!!
The power mongers would not allow the wealth and resources of the south to secede 160 years ago. They chose to sacrifice almost a million American lives to maintain do tell over that wealth. Do you actually believe they will allow any states to secede now? The left WANTS IT ALL. And like the emotionally retarded immature adolescents they are they are willing to BURN IT ALL DOWN in they can’t have their way.
Decentralization / secession is the only way to limit the injustice of the hyper centralized collectivist federal government. You cannot keep together what is already fragmented and separating. The mass exodus of people from the communist blue cities and states is already in process and growing. The united States is breaking apart. There is no way to prevent it.
The deference in ideology separating the communist and the conservative Christian Patriots cannot ever be reconciled. The communist figured this out over a 100 years ago, unfortunately, Christian Patriots did not realize the danger until Obama was elected. The Christian Patriots still believed that America was a Christian country, however, the public collectivist school system in conjunction with the collectivist Supreme Court, government agencies, central bankers, global corporations, UN, Bilderburg group, Davos billionaires, and the giant global foundations were successful in changing America into a post Christian country decades ago.
Do you want to live in California or would you rather want to live in a free state such as Oklahoma. You choose, but do not expect me to fight to save a collectivist hyper centralized federal government that only considers me a tax slave with no property rights.
Yes, the centralized Kabbalist Rothschild collectivist bankers want it all, and yes they will sacrifice millions of souls to achieve their one world collectivist government. But keep in mind, they already own everything. Intuitively, you already know that. So, why keep warning us of that fact. All American Patriots already know that fact.
Secession will happen for many states, get over it. The free states that value personal property rights will have no choice other than secession. Once the dollar is destroyed states that secede will move to other forms of currency backed by something tangible commodities possibly gold, silver, oil or some other commodity.
People want freedom to live their lives as they choose. They do not want to be told how to live and what property they can own by some government communist employee soy boy or by some communist sexually confused girl with blue hair, tattoos and a nose ring with a degree in gender studies.
So, secession is a preferable option to other options that has been put forth by the Patriot groups. The founding fathers understood that their State was their country. The united States was a compact that each state could secede from should they choose to. There is no longer a united States because immigration from low IQ, low trust countries has destroyed the common identity that America had prior to the unlimited immigration since the Johnson administration. And yes, he was a traitor from Texas to the utter shame of all Texans.
No, there is a better way. I’ll write it up.
Looking forward to your thoughts.
It is a great idea to propose that the way to avoid much of the problems we face as a nation is to reduce the powers of the federal government. IF ollowedl it would solve many of the problems that big government causes.
It will never happen !! NEVER !!
Governments just do not give up power unless they succumb to a revolution or coup d’ etat…..
Libertarians…..God love them….. great ideas, but with little chance ever of being carried out because they fail to account for human nature in their proposals.
I used to be Libertarian, but after a few years saw the lack of utility in their proposals.
Nice folks, nothing against them. Their hearts are in the right place but their ideas, IMHO, just won’t hold water in the long run.
173dVietVet, respectfully, as a past Libertarian it appears that you never had the opportunity to read the books and writings of Bastiat, Jefferson, Acton, Hayek, Mises, Rothbard, Rockwell Jr., Woods Jr., Hoppe, DiLorenzo, and many more. All of these Libertarian authors wrote or currently write extensively about human nature and human interaction. They realized that a hyper centralized collectivist government with one approach applied to all will eventually fail. This is what we are experiencing right now in America. TEXIT!