Ep. 42 For more than 80 years, the US government has hidden the existence of UFOs. The question is why. The answer is ominous. pic.twitter.com/JMskiaBEmR
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) November 29, 2023
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I suspect that Tim Burchett is a fraud. I watched this interview. I also watched a very long, two part interview of him on the Shawn Ryan Show. He said absolutely nothing definitive about UFO’s. He implied that the Pentagon is engaged in corruption with regards to so called UFO research. That, I would agree with. One of the witnesses he brought before Congress testified that he was there to tell the facts, as they were told to him. What? As they were told to him? Those are not facts. Those are hearsay. I call BS. Burchett and Carlson both implied that there is evidence of actual alien technology in the hands of the US government. Where? Prove it or shut up. I smell a rat. The military has some very advanced technology that they created. Not aliens. They can put things on radar that are not there. They can obstruct radar so it doesn’t see anything. Electronic warfare. Let’s all try to stay in the real world. Just my two cents worth.
I posted hearings from the whistleblowers. Are you saying they lied to Congress? Did you see their credentials?
They saw something that they didn’t understand. It’s not impossible that there are projects that they are not privy to. Or, it probably wouldn’t be the first time that someone lied to congress. Or they could produce the alien material. My opinion, no aliens exist any where near us, and may not exist at all. I suspect it’s an organized distraction.
NASA has a rover on Mars. A friend of mine’s son has a PhD. in chemical engineering. He designed the battery that operates that rover. Some humans are pretty smart. Recently, a Russian jet faked a NATO F35 pilot out of his shorts, by turning all his radar and sensors off, several times, before appearing just off his wing tip. The F35 pilot didn’t even know he was there. I watched a video recently of a hologram that made it look like a whale came jumping out of the floor of a full school gym. It looked stunningly real.
right, we are the only life in the entire universe, how enlightened of you Nobody
Might want to change your name to No Brain
These aliens that you see, are they in the room with you right now?
Nobody was faster
What a great epitaph
Your daddy sure had some wise words.
And to call James Garner’s final year, choice.
I stay in the real world.
/This. More satanic distraction from the evil right in front of our faces. The theater of “congress” hearings and pressers and “leaked” this or that is all part of the deception. Look at the language they employ, the process they utilize to disseminate, the figures who emerge and then slip back into the fold…the gaslight glows.
The aliens of concern are among us. They run our institutions. They run our electoral theater. They are entrenched in the power nodes of our permanent bureaucracy. Their invading armies are pouring across the dotted line of a border, which only exists as a means to tax and control us.
The empire of lies is suddenly telling some truth and its about little green men? huh.
I agree, just where are these little green men? More lies and deception from the empire of lies.
Come on now--they/them are not going to come clean on this UFO stuff anytime soon. Why? Because it would turn over the apple cart on the world’s economy. How? Because the entire planet is based upon hydrocarbon technologies. The beloved stock markets (actually casinos) would implode if it was discovered that power could be had without the need for nuclear, gas, solar, or coal. Poof! Fortunes would be realigned. Paradigms would shift--especially religious paradigms. And the reason why they are keeping this under wraps--is about due to the effects of one radio broadcast in the 1930’s by Orson Wells… his radio version of “War Of The Worlds” which set practically the entire USA into a panic about a Martian invasion. Coming clean on contact with extraterrestrial entities would cause massive chaos--especially for the religions on this planet. Discovering that you are merely a walking meat-sack, on a spec of dust, rotating in a galaxy--among billions of other galaxies would be something that people would not be able to comprehend. And especially they would not comprehend that is some extraterrestrial species are so far advanced that they would view humans the way we human look upon cockroaches. Should they/them do come clean about UFO’s and the entities behind this--you will see thongs of people, sitting upon curbs, rocking forth and back, waiting for grief counselors to arrive. Such would be the magnitude of the paradigm shifts. As for the military having advanced technology--where to you think some of this stuff came from. UFO crash retrievals have been going on since the 1930’s (first with Germany). One such retrieval is said to come from an archeological dig (and think about the ramifications of that for a while).
Seems to me that If they wanted to crush us, it would have been over a long time ago. If they exist and are here, then, there is nothing we can do about that, is there? IDK what to believe,, I can’t prove they exist or not. It just doesn’t make sense to suddenly be afraid, be very afraid, of what the government has been telling us doesn’t exist. And Why Now do They want Us to be aware of their presence And be afraid? Not gonna be afraid of things that have never Tried to hurt me. Unlike the government.
Always an interesting topic. Wonder why God never mentioned such alien creatures. They would need their own plan of salvation. If God didn’t mention it, I have a hard time believing such life forms exist.
I have not read this book.
It’s easy to deny the existence of something you can’t comprehend. It takes critical thinking skills to consider the possibility of alien existence.
It also takes critical thinking skills to determine the politicians are still lying. Ever watch physicists explain the big bang theory? Ask them to explain what blew up. Matter existed prior to the big bang.
You may want to research the beginning of the universe. Another topic to explore would be string theory. Or you can believe that God created the universe in which case matter did not exist prior to His creation.
Nothing I said contradicts your reply… indeed, the Big Bang theory is just that, a theory of how the universe began 13.7 billion hears ago. Give me a break. I have never believed that. To suggest that nothing existed before this theoretical (and stupid) “starting point” is to suggest that God didn’t exist before that. God is eternal, as is His universe…. which, BTW, is full of life. I am absolutely certain that life is not only plentiful throughout the universe, it is the rule, not the exception. God doesn’t do small things, and every sapient, every sentient, indeed EVERY LIVING THING in the universe is made in His image. To think anything less is to marginalize God.
I cannot even comprehend that of all the trillions of planets in our own galaxy, and the other several hundred billion galaxies in the universe each with trillions (or more) of planets, that Earth is the only place life exists. I am also certain, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Earth has been visited, possibly many times, by other civilizations in our stellar neighborhood.
It’s been 120 years since man first took flight (at least in this cycle) and since then we have sent probes to every planet and many of the moons in our own solar system and landed men on the moon. 120 years. We’re just getting started. Many civilizations are way ahead of us.
As for denying something that not be comprehended… Imagine you are flying a Cessna 172 one day. And suddenly you flew into a time-distortion wormhole and came out on the other side in 3000 BC Egypt. When you land you’d be worshiped as a ‘god.’ Now fly through a time-distortion worm-hole and land in Medieval Europe--where you promptly be burned at the stake as a witch by the Catholic Church.