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Pogo said it correctly:
“We have met the enemy and He is Us….”
Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) called for retaliatory strikes against Iran after Tehran launched drone and cruise missile attacks against Israel on Saturday. (The Hill).
She stated, “Iran has begun launching drone strikes on Israel,” Blackburn said Saturday on social media platform X. “@POTUS — we must move quickly and launch aggressive retaliatory strikes on Iran.”
War is peace. They want power and money. And they want us dead.
Prepare for jihad!!!!!! The rock of the dome will go down over this
Yes, they want us dead. Bad days ahead.
she’d do well to understand this fight, these drones are coming out of three countries, Iran, Iraq and Yemen via the Houthis. This is a cover for the invocation of HR559. The west is blowing smoke on supporting Israel, we don’t have the capability to fight half the Arab world.
I do not feel Iran would use a nuclear weapon. What country would be the first to use it in this escalating war? The dragon is eating its own tail. The Empire is thrashing out as it turns to mush. 35 trillion in debt and adding 1 trillion every 100 days.
And the armed services can’t figure out why they have a recruitment problem?
Second, I can only imagine the type of recruits are signing up.
I know a retired Army Lt Col, he said the Army is a socialist organization. How true his words have become.