It’s actually like high blood pressure in your lungs because the blood can’t get through because so many of the vessels are blocked. And the terrifying thing of this is that people with Pulmonary Artery Hypertension usually die of right sided heart failure within three years.
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They want us all dead and they’ll not fail. The “foolish” will accept this “mark” just to continue living as before unbeknownst to them, and all the while, slowly dying.
Compliance to the “system” IS the “mark of the beast”.
This is a very important clip… surprised it hasn’t been taken down already. When it is, here’s an alternative link to view it:
Needs to be disseminated far and wide, in case there’s anyone out there still on the fence about getting the needle.
Seems to me that the delta variant (and the soon-to-be announced epsilon, zeta, eta, theta et al) is more powerful than the original Wuhan virus, because it is manufactured in the bodies of vaxxed sheeple. Our bodies can produce powerful antibodies; in this case those antibodies are laden with spike proteins produced in response to the vax. The sheeple spread these about their environment all the while singing the “I’m vaccinated” Happy Song. Whatever group designed this bioweapon did a fine job: It is a multi-stage device with each stage more dangerous than the preceding.
This is one of the better videos to date with a very detailed, easy to understand (if you follow it through to completion) video on what is happening to some folks with the vaccine. I’ve already forwarded it to a number of people, including my son’s wife who is being bombarded by her family, and the doctors in her profession, to take the vaccine.
So, if he is right, and.there’s going to be a 62% vax fatality rate on or about three years after being jabbed, and considering that in the Spring we were seeing a million people a day being injected, that would equate to over 600,,000 daily deaths by heart failure starting Spring 2024. I can’t even begin to imagine how horrible that would be.
Thhe country would descend into chaos.
CHAOS is the goal.
When history’s been destroyed, when society is in ruins, then the starving & desperate masses will be ripe to surrender all their freedoms in exchange for food.
The Death Rate of the Victims of the Bioweapon ‘vaccine’ is already becoming hard for the Ministry of Truth to conceal. If even the lowest predictions of numbers of Deaths in the next couple of Years are correct, it won’t merely be ‘chaos’, but Full-on Mad Max conditions.
Got fuel?
You need to download the pdf SPARS document. All this is scripted out
So is the political theatre, it’s a giant soap opera for the dumbmasses, who aren’t catching on to it.
None of this fakery is worth dying for.