Voting is Futile!

David published this short but sweet article yesterday about Voting, and right out the gate the first comment stated that we needed to continue to vote. I just don’t understand anyone still preaching that we have to vote. Telling me that we need to keep using avenues available to us to fight TPTB even though it is futile is maddening. Listen to yourselves for a moment. Why would you continue to participate and give legitimacy to a corrupt system? All you are a doing by voting is making yourself feel good by saying “hey at least I tried.” It keeps you complacent. It keeps you saying “we’ll get them next time.”

I’m tired of being told that I must continue to vote for evil. If voting mattered do you really think these evil people who stole our Republic from us would allow us to vote? It still amazes me to see written and spoken word to the effects of voting, needing a third party and so forth. I for one have been done voting for lesser of two evils. I have no intentions of voting ever again. The only vote that matters now comes out the barrel of a gun.


I’ve tried working within the system. I’ve tried all your suggestions. You have no idea how corrupt this government is, right down to the local level. Sure there may be bright spots here and there, but they are few and far between. Evil is winning, and we are doing nothing but voting at it and hoping for the best.

So what if Republicans take back the House? So what if the Republicans take back the Senate? What difference will it make? It’s sad that the vast majority on our side are still putting faith in just one more “most important election of our lifetime.” Voting is being used to justify inaction plain and simple. Those who advocate for voting in a rigged system are delusional and afraid of the real action that is needed to restore Liberty!

Let’s quit trying to delay the inevitable by continuing to vote. We all know what needs to be done. It’s time to man up. TPTB have destroyed our Republic. Therefore there is no reason for us to continue to follow the “Law”, for it is dead. We are free to fight these tyrants. We just need the courage to act!


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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

Choosing the lesser of two evils is evil. How will you answer Jesus on judgement day for that sin?

Jas. Kermott
Jas. Kermott
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

In 2003, when we moved to our current state, I prayed before registering to vote. I was asking God whether to register in a political party or as an independent. God answered: “Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting FOR evil. Why would you do that?”

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Jas. Kermott

Yep that is the same thing God told me.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

I say a nationwide call to muster, we have been out of choices for a long time. There is only one way to restore our liberty and freedom, and it is the bullet box, I will not waste my time voting for this evil to continue. I will not be swayed by the tyrants’ threats, they have classified me a domestic terrorist in the country I was born. Well then, recently the uniparty called for a civil war if they lost in the upcoming elections, bring it scumbag.

2 years ago

“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.” -- A guy named Joe

2 years ago

Joe learned that from a guy named Frank.

Roth Harbard
2 years ago

How do nations slip from greatness to obscurity?

  • Fighting endless wars, they can’t or won’t win.
  • Accumulating massive debt far beyond their ability to repay
  • Refusing to guard their borders, allowing alien hordes to inundate their nation.
  • Surrendering control of their cities to mob rule
  • Allowing indoctrination of the young
  • Moving from a republican form of government to an oligarchy
  • Losing national identity
  • Indulging indolence
  • Abandoning faith and family – the bulwarks of social order.

So … done and done. We can fix this by voting? More? Harder? I think not.

Ron Stuart Kitchen
Ron Stuart Kitchen
2 years ago

It’s the same here in Canada only further along the road to tyranny. I’ve protested, stood in rain, snow whatever along with a few other dedicated ones…………………..and I now realise it’s ALL been for NOTHING!!!

Mike In Canada
Mike In Canada
2 years ago

It must be similarly understood, sir, that these circumstances are not new… It was ever thus, especially here in Canada where no person now living has ever known freedom, truly.
The situation here is so transparently dreadful, now that the government has decided that there is no longer a need to be surreptitious, that only the completely blind, utterly stupid, or those that benefit from the status quo would continue to advocate for something that is so routinely shown to be pointless.
‘They stood around, like voters the morning after an election…right back where they started without any idea of how they got there’.
I, for one, will now take my leave of this carousel of madness. Enough. Let us decide what must come next, and how best to comport ourselves to the work ahead.

2 years ago

I will respond to this post as I responded to the last one. Every tool in the toolbox needs to continue to be used. You seem not to have noticed the rise of conservative citizen activism, nor the increasing pace of their minor but important wins. My philosophy on this point has not lulled me into a state of complacency -- I am taking actions on many fronts for my farm and community. Nor would I hesitate to use other tools in that toolbox. For you to assert that you know what is in my mind or heart or what I am doing, is arrogant.
Let me turn a mirror in your direction, so perhaps you recognise this in yourselves. This entire post started out as a blast at me for my beliefs and some of the actions I am taking. This post was no less an example of ‘Cancel Culture’ than what the left routinely does to people they don’t agree with.
There are MANY new political candidates arising from the ranks of conservative citizen activists. They deserve our collective support -- and you never know when someone of that nature might take an action that makes a difference. You cannot know when or how God will use an individual to deliver his will.
The Constitution is still the law of this land. When you affirm that it is not, you are doing the work of the enemy. Certainly acknowledge that many people are acting against the law and against the Constitution -- but in my opinion, the correct response is to vow to change that situation by every action and using every tool in the toolbox.

mike p
mike p
2 years ago
Reply to  Mary

Voting is no longer a tool in the toolbox. It’s the foolish belief that simply putting the “right” people inside the system will “fix” the system. Voting also will not “fix” the corrupt parts of the government that are unaffected by who is voted in or out. Voting is a fools errand plain and simple.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Mary

I need you in this fight for freedom and against tyranny. If you want to vote, go ahead. We need each other.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Well said Stan! I agree. We need each and every patriot, using all tools necessary to take back our country. Unfortunately i think the only use for voting is to hope it exposes the cheating more…that’s a damn shame this is where we’ve ended up.
We better atart getting more aggressive and offensive as they did though. BLM and antifa freakin scared them more than millions of patriots making mean comments, keep that in mind.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mary

I cannot speak for Wes, but I can speak for my articles concerning voting. These articles have been written for years and were not predicated on your comment(s).
I remember being invited to meet with Thom Tillis when he was in charge of the North Carolina House. He wanted to meet with Tea Party “leaders” in the state. I was not allowed to record or film the meeting. I was allowed to listen to him regale the three of us with his accomplishments. When I left, another “leader” asked me what I thought. I responded that I liked him: he was the first politician who did not lie to us as he made sure that we understood the party and its power were his priority, not the people.
I saw Tillis’s vision come true when Dr. Brannon was kicked to the side of the road in favor of Tillis for the US Senate. The Republican leadership decided Tillis was more electable than an honorable candidate. And now Tillis is one of the Senate’s top RINOs and leading gun control legislation to restrict the 2nd Amendment.
I do not know you or seek to influence your life. I only want to ensure that our children are free. Voting in rigged elections is a narcotic and I do not gamble or use drugs. If you think the Constitution is still the law of the land and that we do not have a two-tiered justice system, I suggest you educate yourself on the J6 political prisoners.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

David -- I have all respect for what you are doing, and have followed you for years. But the tone of this article was wrong and destructive.
Quoting from the article itself “… and right out the gate the first comment stated that we needed to continue to vote. I just don’t understand anyone still preaching that we have to vote. Telling me that we need to keep using avenues available to us to fight TPTB even though it is futile is maddening. Listen to yourselves for a moment. Why would you continue to participate and give legitimacy to a corrupt system? All you are a doing by voting is making yourself feel good by saying “hey at least I tried.” It keeps you complacent. It keeps you saying “we’ll get them next time.” .. “
That paragraph was aimed directly at me, as the first commenter to that article. The enemy wants us divided and savaging each other. Picking up the cancel culture techniques of the left is not a good sign.
I haven’t said there is not a 2-tier justice system, that situation is self-evident, but I will say I’m not ready to give up on the Constitution, on the concept of The Republic or on the fight to re-establish what it stands for. I am well aware of what we need to fight ‘against’, I’m just apparently sitting at a different campfire from the rest of the commentors here, when it comes to the vision of what we should be fighting ‘for’.

JoCo Marine
JoCo Marine
2 years ago
Reply to  Mary

Mary, i have been following this site for almost a decade. I have learned and have seen evidence that the Constitution is dead. I am right there with you not wanting to give up on it. When I say evidence i mean physical evidence like historical document’s proving the NC State government was surrendered too the US Army during a time of peace. And the acts of Congress back then can not be justified by any enumerated power delgated to Congress. The Constitution is nothing more than words on a peace of paper. It takes Good men and women standing up and enforcing it. Also, the Constitution states how many Representatives there should be seated in Congress. They are no where close to that number. So, according to the Constitution we do not have adequate representation.
It seems like about 8 or 9 years ago i attended a town hall put on by the Moccasin Creek Minute Men. They hosted several of the local area Sherriffs. It was at that meeting I realized what the swamp looked like. I interacted with those Sherriffs to state that guns had already been confiscated by the government during Hurricane Katrina. And the Sherriffs acted like they knew nothing about it. They then proceeded to exert their authority and make the claim that “it doesn’t matter how fundamental a right we think we have , that no right is absolute.” Seems like i heard that stated again here recently. The point of that is that those in govt have a common understanding that mine and your rights do not matter. I realized at that meeting that the Republic has fallen and that i have been lied to all my life. And that is a sad fact of life that all us Americans are going to have to accept.

james grey
james grey
2 years ago
Reply to  JoCo Marine

“The point of that is that those in govt have a common understanding that mine and your rights do not matter. I realized at that meeting that the Republic has fallen and that i have been lied to all my life.”
I came to the same conclusion from my few attempts over the years of similar political engagement.

Michael Trudeau
Michael Trudeau
2 years ago
Reply to  Mary

You’re under the delusion that voting is meaningful and legitimate. It is a sham. You’re under the delusion that you live in a sovereign republic. It is a corporation since 1871. The only reason they continue to run the so-called elections every 2 years is to keep slaves believing that they are free so they will never rise from their couches and do something about it. I’m not encouraging you to take up the gun in your “tool box”, but I am saying (and have been saying it for 12 years now), it’s time to turn away from everything that calls itself government: to stop legitimizing it and giving it life; to stop interacting with it in every way; to shun it. Stop feeding the Apocalypse Beast and it will starve. It’s the only way to win.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

If you wont say it I will, we need to pick up our arms and take our country back, period.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Second that!!
It NEEDS to be said…enough is enough!
The illusion of voting is making too many people think “the republican are coming to save us” HAHA
since when have they cared??

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Hope we meet on our way to victory.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Victory or loss… we will meet one day brother.
We’ve already lost anyway, so what’s left to lose?

Michael Trudeau
Michael Trudeau
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

When the Conquistadors met the Aztecs, the natives looked upon them as gods, because the Conquistadors had second generation weapons and the Aztecs only had first generation weapons. The tyrants of modern day now have 5th generation weapons. You have second generation weapons. Do the math.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Where there is a will there is a way, If all I have is a club I will be victorious, the woke military can and will be defeated if they act against the people.

Michael Trudeau
Michael Trudeau
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

If anyone wants to win, they need to view the situation as it really is. Optimism is fine for raising morale, but it must be tempered by ration. I want to see the globalist technocracy come to ruin as much as you all, but fighting the way your enemy wants you to fight will guarantee your defeat. Strategy is needed, not bravado.

Mike In Canada
Mike In Canada
2 years ago

I recall in 1993, here in Canada…. there was a great move on the part of the Conservative opposition to institute what they called ‘The Right Of Recall’, wherein a sitting MP that screwed up could be fired by their constituents mid-term, triggering a snap by-election. The ruling Liberals, with Chretien at the helm, were determined to ensure this idea went nowhere, but fast.
At dockside in Newfoundland one rainy morning in that year, the Hibernia Project structure was launched, and Chretien was there for the ceremony. He was asked his opinion of the Right of Recall idea, and his response has stayed with me since:
“Well, you know, the Canadian people have the opportunity to express their will every four- or five years, and that should be enough’.
Voting is nothing but theatre.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike In Canada

He was asked his opinion of the Right of Recall idea, and his response has stayed with me since:
“Well, you know, the Canadian people have the opportunity to express their will every four- or five years, and that should be enough’.”

In other words, the right to express their opinion on what the oligarchy has already chosen for them to select from

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago
Reply to  Mary

Repeat… the repukes are the deliberate little respites on the road to hell.

james grey
james grey
2 years ago
Reply to  Mary

Mary, we need people like you. I have become cynical but don’t be discouraged ( I’m sure you’re not). So keep up the fight in your way. The situation has yet to be resolved and we don’t know what will happen.
I hope this doesn’t come across as patronizing, it isn’t meant that way in any shape or form.

2 years ago
Reply to  james grey

James, no fear, I will continue to do things in my own way, and continue to resolutely act out, and act on, what our Republic is supposed to be. I believe I have a part to play in this drama but that it is not yet my time.
I haven’t a clear view as to what or when my part will be. One clue at this point is the strong realisation that in the near future there will be many unvaxxed orphans from vaxxed parents that will grow up to become a generation mentally and intellectually prepared and determined to restore our world. That generation will need nurturing within our survival communities. We need to prep not just for ourselves, our families and communities as we know them today, but to also make ready to take in that generation of kids.

2 years ago

State Government elections are still important. Thank the Lord we elected Ron DeSantis for our FL Governor!
I agree that the federal elections are “selections.”

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Bubby

You must not know about Ron’s allegience to Israhell. If you don’t think that matters:
To know who rules over you, simply find out who you cannot criticize.” [or something close to that!]

2 years ago
Reply to  Bubby

Ron DeSantis is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Look up his record at Guantanamo Bay Prison. That is what awaits you who are foolish enough to believe he is on your side.

Michael Dolan
Michael Dolan
2 years ago

Vote yes vote don’t let people tell you not to vote. Give it our very try so it’s so overwhelming they can’t deny. If they still cheat we will deal with them like they never seen before

Camille Patterson
Camille Patterson
2 years ago

It’s great to hear someone else saying this finally. I’ve been saying this very same thing for a while. I refuse to participate in a corrupt system. “They” put the candidates in that will do their will, not ours. Henceforth, I will be abstaining from voting because I refuse to legitimize this rotten system.
This govt is illegitimate, and as such, we must realize that we are not beholden to it… or its illegal ‘laws’.

2 years ago

As Steve Quayle always says: There is no political solution to a spiritual problem!

David Galvin
David Galvin
2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa

Quayle is so, so RIGHT!!!!!!!!!

2 years ago

Totally agree. I’m done with voting. I hear those say we still need to vote it they will just walk away with a win. It will force them to cheat harder.😂 What difference does it make? Both parties are two different sides of the same coin

2 years ago

Voting is for children and fools.

Sgt. Schulz
Sgt. Schulz
2 years ago
Reply to  Ed

Repeal the 19th, but to Ed’s point I may be repeating myself….

2 years ago

Europe is an Empire UNDER God, but the oath breaking vassals usurped their imperial goods/fiefdoms (refusing to pay imperial tribute, stealing from the church, murdering bishops, raping nuns etc……) and became little warlords/tyrants like *before* Charlemagne. These are the guys people remember when they (falsely laying blame) despise the Feudal System…making it almost sound like a curse. The HRE was not much better. From this greed driven cesspool America was then conquered.
Normally, if an empire conquers territory, that territory becomes part of the Empire. But no, especially wanting freedom from the above mentioned cesspool Europe, the USA was formed in essence as a “democracy”. That political system is of course absurd and already failed long before Christ and His steward Charlemagne.
Here is why (Maund):
I have told you on numerous occasions that democracy is an absurd self-defeating concept.
The reason is simple – you cannot have a system where (also morally) ignorant stupid people have the same vote as intelligent discriminating people, who they vastly outnumber.
The result is mob (or psychopath….) rule and politicians getting voted into office not because they are conscientious individuals who will work for the betterment of the lives of their constituents, but because they kiss babies and promise the mob the Earth.
The result is the current unsavory collection of shameless gangsters and opportunists who now run Western societies and who milk their constituents on the one hand, while serving as compliant stooges for their NWO Masters on the other.

Alej Marcos
Alej Marcos
2 years ago
Reply to  Adrian

Agreed, up to a point. The average IQ of an American is 100. Double digit midgets are not very good guides for anything, much less a country.
What is needed are voter qualifications; high school education, which is free, payment of income tax, however little (means one is not a welfare parasite), honorable discharge from the military (means the same), or any other of several minimal achievements contributing to the country. Chose several, then cause several, not all, to be qualifiers.
Discrimination ? Hell yes -- against lazy, uncaring parasites who have dragged America into the ditch with their unqualified, unearned welfare sucking votes… the lifeblood of the Democrat Party.

Sgt. Schulz
Sgt. Schulz
2 years ago
Reply to  Alej Marcos

Paying income tax is foolish on the one hand and feeds the corrupt system on the other.
Repeal the 19th, first. Then have men, who own property be the ones who could possibly vote.
Disband most if not all “agencies” at the fed level and have what needed function they might provide done at county level.
Term limits, and proper number of reps alluded to in another comment.
Do that, and I might ballot vote again, otherwise I am out as I have been since Billy Jeff’s second go….

Bubba Dan
Bubba Dan
2 years ago

I will not be voting, it is an exercise in futility and insanity. NONE of the candidates are going to help us little people, we are too far gone for that, the globalist powers that control the world want he old ways back. They want less people on the planet to be their slaves and will control them via electronic surveillance, via your smart phone and by chipping you. The WEF/CFR goons are in control. I agree with most, the only way to get it back is to fight for it, the ballot box is going to do nothing for a spiritual problem.

2 years ago

Voting isn’t working because they CHEAT. I now believe they have been cheating for DECADES. It’s like MS said, they get 4 years, we get 4 years, as an agreement of sorts to share the power and SCREW the American people and NOBODY has been hanged for this is ASTONISHING!
No wonder they are not afraid of you anymore.

Jeff M
Jeff M
2 years ago

I agree absolutely. We only have the appearance of “fair” elections (but not really so much any more). Vote for you want in the front and have your vote ignored or changed in the back…It might make you feel good, but in the end it does nothing to change anything. I believe that is what people believe about voting -- like the gamblers at a slot machine -- this time they’ll hit the jackpot…

2 years ago

I agree with Mary. You fight with what you have. The sentiment that is expressed by the rest of these people who believe voting is futile is the same sentiment that sent the Jewish people into the concentration camps. Perhaps it will come to civil war, but in the meantime, I am going to participate the best way I can and that is to vote. As for the rest of you, what are you doing to change the system--just stockpiling guns and ammunition? Maybe you might have a greater impact if you actually participated by attending school board meetings and making your voice heard, since the corruption has infiltrated all of our institutions and is quickly corrupting the minds of the youth. Sometimes it only takes one person who is willing to lay his or her values on the line to change the destiny of a nation.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aurelie

You said: “The sentiment that is expressed by the rest of these people who believe voting is futile is the same sentiment that sent the Jewish people into the concentration camps.”

The Nazis sent the Jews and gypsies to their concentration camps. How can you say that not voting for the lesser of two evils means we are Nazis?

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

What I’m saying is that indifference sent the Jews to the camps. Did the public challenge the discriminatory laws against the Jews at the initial stages? No. Sometimes we have to fight against the ideas being proposed; we have to raise our voices. Voting is one way, but it is only a small part of it. Get out in your community, and actively engage with the policy-makers. We cannot hide until the apocalypse comes. Think about Rosa Parks. She challenged the segregated system with one small act. The schools are a place to start because a generation is being lost with all this woke propaganda. If you are silent, how will these children ever know the truth?

2 years ago
Reply to  Aurelie

I was going to keep my dog at home on this one but changed my mind. With few exceptions, every candidate is backed by financial interests in need of an advocate. Hence, though I voted for Trump twice because he spoke the words we often thought, he was in reality one of the chosen to play the role given to him for the express purpose of creating a brown shirt base that could ultimately bring about the situation we face today. He is still playing the role for which he was chosen by tagging the MAGA supporters for future indictments. Jan 6 was the beginning. DC continues the deception by constantly tagging Trump. He is and always has been one of theirs. We have many democrats who switch sides to get elected for the purpose of fooling the people into thinking they will have a savior. We have always been duped. The only way out is to clean house whether from the bottom up or the top down. Having said this, it should be noted that my approach does not always agree with that of some others here. But I do not necessarily disagree with them.

Sgt. Schulz
Sgt. Schulz
2 years ago
Reply to  Aurelie

That right there, ^^, Repeal the 19th already!

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Aurelie

Uh,oh, someone else that still believes in the holohoax? Don’t worry, so did I. Time to grow in the category of real history. Do you think anything taught in the public school system regarding history should not be investigated? Look at how much mileage the Joos have gotten out the alleged Holocaust.

Alej Marcos
Alej Marcos
2 years ago

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
-John Adams
“Political power comes out of the barrel of a rifle.”
-Mao Tse-Tung
I think America is now at the point where John has been left behind, in my Old America, and Mao’s thoughts are now more appropriate.

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago

Well… the repukes are the deliberate little respites on the road to hell.

2 years ago

I’m with Jesus and His Kingdom, while in the world, I am not of this world. Nevertheless, He chose to have me born in this country where we are tasked to be the governors over the servants we vote for. For my conscience, IF there is a worthy candidate--I must vote for them (it is not always the lesser of two evils and I’ve never done it except in my mind when God told me and confirmed that I was to vote for Trump). Thank God, many reforms are being made and good candidates are running and getting elected. I will continue to fight to implement voting reforms for no machines, one day tally, bipartisan hand counted, verified currency grade paper ballots hand marked by picture identified lawful citizens alive in the district, except for rare approved request for absentee ballot (like for away military) all this while residing in an occupied state since it is run by one awful liberal county with major election fraud. So, I say make them cheat harder!

2 years ago

Great article ! I agree. Here’s the problem as I see it as far as a remedy: how to we communicate and coordinate change? There’s go to be a united effort . How does that come together? ( I can’t just go out on a rogue effort- I’m just one guy living somewhere in the US. We need a unified plan and a leader who can communicate it)

2 years ago

I agree on the futility of voting. In NH the GOP sent out a request for Election Inspectors and then of course never replied to offers from people willing to help. End result; the GOP can claim they tried to stop the fraud but couldn’t get any help.
To end something one must change the environment in which the action is occurring. Pulling weeds is futile, they just grow back, but smothering them or poisoning their specific environment makes it impossible for them to grow. Want to stop cars speeding; putting up signs is useless but putting in speed bumps or allowing potholes to remain in the road slows cars down.
Change the environment to change the outcome. How to do that is an individual choice. No one is coming to save you. Prepare accordingly.

2 years ago

To Be or Not To Be , register your preference or write One in.